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Senator Yee Clarifies Statements, Says Gaming Hurts Children

At first, gamers everywhere thought California senator Leland Yee was entirely on their side. But he has made a few clarifying comments that show he has some reservations about the video game industry.

First, he informed gamers they should "quiet down" in regards to the recent violent game debate and second, he admitted he didn't "use the best words" during a San Francisco Chronicle interview where he spoke about violence in games. As he just stated on Twitter (via GamePolitics ), he meant to say that the game industry "has inherent conflict of interest in the gun violence debate." Although he knows a few gamers, he says the industry is still responsible for negatively affecting the health of our children:

"I have a lot of respect for many gamers. Many are on my staff and in my family–but the industry has profited at the expense of children."

Yee has also said that gamers "have no credibility" in the discussion surrounding violent video games, because apparently, we're all about our "lust for violence and the industry's lust for money." …well, that won't earn him any new fans.

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11 years ago

If i had a nickel for every senator avoiding the real issues in this country, i'd make more money than CoD.

11 years ago

Senators and any other politician talking about games are just attention whores.

I couldn't even care less about their opinions.

11 years ago

From one Asian to another this chicken dinner eating moron needs to stfu.

Last edited by pillz81 on 1/29/2013 12:19:15 PM

11 years ago

Last year handguns killed 48 in Japan, 34 in Switzerland, 52 in Canada, 21 in Sweden, and 8 in Great Britian. How many died in the United States from handguns last year? 10,728!!

It's embarassing where we place on that list. Clearly it's a systemic problem here in the United States and gun control is a big part of it. Great Britian and Canada have the same violent videogame and media influences we have but they have a lot less guns on the street. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on here.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/29/2013 12:33:41 PM

11 years ago

I'm sorry Excelsior, but these stats mean nothing.

The amount of illegally owned handguns in the U.S. is a factor that nobody wants to discuss, and is a number that nobody can be sure of.

The amount of those murders that were committed that can also be attributed to a lawfully owned firearm being discharged by the rightful owner is almost guaranteed to be a miniscule percentage of the total murders, with most murders almost assuredly being the result of gang/cartel violence with illegally obtained firearms.

How many of those gang/cartel members do you suppose have the proper papers in order to own/carry a firearm? Likely none, or very few.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 1/29/2013 3:11:26 PM

11 years ago

Jrod, not true. Of the last 25 mass murders in the us, only 2 used illegally owned guns. Let me know when you find the stats of your miniscule findings you claim exist. Don't make stuff up out of thin air like others do. There are real and well thought out arguments to defend the rights to own weapons. But it's annoying when people make stuff up.

11 years ago

I'm sure the victims of those 2 mass murders would rather still be alive.

11 years ago

Likely, world. Yes.

11 years ago

You're so full of it Underdog.

11 years ago

Good one, Jawk. you support your point of view so well…. /sarc/

But no. I'm all facts, all the time. Not my fault I'm so well educated… or is it?

PLEASE please please pay attention to the legitimate citations this time…

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/31/2013 11:20:52 AM

11 years ago

You know, in total, I've now provided you with links that collectively now total 134 professional citations, mostly non partisan, and you continue to concede nothing and have in response provided zero citations to back your claim. All you've done is make stats up about canadas violence and pretended that the us has more diversity than everywhere else. And you are pretending you have more drug issues than everyone else, yet you still have more gun violence than even Colombia. Drug capital of the world.

None of your claims have been substantiated. Who's the one full of it, here, really?

I'm not sure you have any grounds at all, and the more I talk to you, the more I'm convinced I'm right.

In fact, just because I don't agree on one issue, you suddenly throw accusations that I hate everything the us stands for… Wut?

Every country in the world that has taken a strong stance on gun laws has had immediate results. There is absolutely nothing anywhere to show gun laws would hurt. Only theory based on made up fact.

I'm sorry bro, but I gotta take the double u on this one.

11 years ago

I thought respect entailed credibility, whatever.

11 years ago

This guy is a senator in Calfornia, If I where him, I would be more focus on taking down gangbangers.

11 years ago

Games…… Have…… RATINGS!!!!!

These ratings are the most reliable ratings out there. Overly violent games already shouldn't be getting into the hands of children!! Figure it out, Mr politicians!

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Interesting. So gamers, the people who are very familiar with games and play them, have no credibility. Yet someone who knows very little about video games has credibility when speaking on a subject matter they know little about.

Yee, are you an idiot?

11 years ago

All profit is at expense.

11 years ago

I had to come out the wood works for this one…..

I find it amazing that a politician (this jackass included) thinks he or she has any credibility at all period, but to jump out there and say we don't have a say because we are not credible is ignorant and irresponsible.

People wake up! Speak up! Defend your hobby responsibly and with great maturity. It's time to show politicians it's not kids playing violent games, but grown ass adults. Somebody needs to spell out the obvious, YES violent games are bad for kids, THAT IS WHY THEY ARE RATED MATURE!!! Unless that child has parents who allow the game to fall into their hands, it is not the problem.

I could go in to a whole rant about my position but it is irrelevant. I just wish politicians would stop stating the obvious and start debating the hard questions…..

11 years ago

Hard questions are too easy to make a stance in sensitive topics

11 years ago

of course game companies are benefiting off the expense of children, but thats the parents and ratings boards fault not the game industries!
if parents are more relaxed than they should be, and you dont have saftey nets to fall back on, ie making it illegal for kids to buy these types of games, than hey the bloods on your hands not ours.
as the saying goes prevention is better than cure!
maybe if it was harder for kids to get their hands on these things we wouldent have this problem?
typical yanks, you have to be 21 to access a harmless beverage but they wont even make it illegal for a 12 year old to buy inappropriate material!
begs logic, but then that explains it all…….

11 years ago

I never liked politicians. I honestly don't think I ever will.

11 years ago

Politic: comes from the root words, poli – greek word meaning many: and tics – which are blood sucking parasites.

11 years ago

Agreed. Haha. 😛

11 years ago

I suppose we should get rid of guns. Then maybe cars because people are getting killed in car crashes at a higher rate now than ever. Then maybe we should get rid of fast food because people are fat and dieing of poor health. Then next TV because people arent getting enough exercise and again dieing of poor health. So where does it end ?

By the by…. dont own guns. Dont care for guns. And hopefully will never kill anything in my lifetime.

11 years ago

Holy stretchy mc stretcherson!

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