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Black Ops II Actors Start On USO Tour, Will Play With Our Troops

Yes, it's always good to give a little something back.

Activision has made billions on a game that features the military, so it's only right that they pay homage to our real soldiers who are currently on active duty.

According to a Forbes report , the publisher is donating copies of last year's smash hit, Call of Duty: Black Ops II , to military bases and hospitals and as an added bonus, the actors who voiced Menendez, Woods, and Mason will go on tour to meet with the soldiers. The latter will be part of a USO/Armed Forces Entertainment tour that will bring Kamar de los Reyes (Raul Menendez), James Burns (Sgt. Frank Woods), and Rich McDonald (Commander David Mason) to the troops who also happen to be fans of the blockbuster franchise. Soldiers will even be able to play against the actors.

This endeavor runs through February 4; said de los Reyes:

"We play at war on the safety of our sound stages, with imaginary weapons and pretend enemies. These men and women face the real thing every day. We want to honor that fact and give the real heroes the attention they deserve. I've always been humbled by the sacrifice our military and their families make every day to ensure our freedoms. I can't wait to look these men and women in the eye and express to them in person how much we appreciate their service. It's an honor that leaves me speechless."

Also, don't forget that Activision runs the Call of Duty Endowment, a nonprofit company that launched back in 2009 that helps soldiers make the sometimes difficult transition from their military contribution to civilian careers. Say what you want about the publisher, but at least our troops are getting something out of all those billions the company generated.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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11 years ago

Man if I was a soldier in a real war I don't think I'd play war video games, I think I'd play Ni No Kuni with even more reverence. Simple, colorful, fun fables > war.

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