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CT Senator Chris Murphy: The Latest To Blame Violent Games

Okay, who's next? You, Murphy. Speak up. We haven't heard your BS yet.

The latest politician to speak out against violent video games in the wake of the Newtown school shooting is Democratic Connecticut senator Chris Murphy. Speaking at a recent press conference (as cited by GamePolitics ), Murphy said the tragedy might not have happened if games didn't glorify excessive violence:

"I think there's a question as to whether he would have driven in his mother's car in the first place if he didn't have access to a weapon that he saw in video games that gave him a false sense of courage about what he could do that day."

The string continues. President Obama has called for more studies involving the effects violent games can have on children, various politicians have called for a tax against violent games and making the ESRB ratings legally binding, and the NRA has issued a statement on the matter, too. One of these days, I figure a politician will actually have to do some real research before opening his or her mouth but evidently, that's not going to happen any time soon. So all I can do is refer them to my latest article .

It's the best I can do.

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11 years ago

"I think there's a question as to whether he would have driven in his mother's car in the first place if he didn't have access to a weapon" If he had stopped there he'd be getting closer to the real issue, and the real discussion that politicians should be having but I guess it's easier to blame video games.

11 years ago

With so many idiots blaming video games, I'm kinda used to it to the point I don't care anymore, at first I was kinda pissed at such statements.

Besides, the facts are in favour of video games.

11 years ago

Tha guys face says "I have something big stuck in a dark place. Take a guess where" These people need to kindly stfu

11 years ago

Yay another Democrat that doesn't know what he's talking about.

11 years ago

In fairness this really isn't a partisan thing, it seems all politicians are clueless about the effects of video games.

11 years ago

All I've noticed on this issue are idiots inhabit the right and the left.

11 years ago

Colleen Lachowicz plays videogames and enjoys them. She's a democrat. Both sides are idiotic when it comes to games.

11 years ago

This is so annoying.

11 years ago

Okay this sucks.

11 years ago

Mr Murphy, 1 question sir, you say "access to a weapon that he saw in video games". I was under the impression that he was taken to a shooting range by his mother, and learned to shoot the weapons there. Furthermore, engaging ins wild speculation as to why he got in a car and drove to kill, and linking it to video games is nothing more than a red herring, actually, it's actually an easy out on your part since you won't tackle the problem at the heart of the situation, but hey, whatever.

11 years ago

I admit I have no idea what the significance of the car mention is, is he trying to say it is linked to GTA?

11 years ago

Yeah because without video games nobody knows that guns exist and what they do.

Just focus on your current assault and magazine legislation Mr. Murphy.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

So, your freedom of gaming is more important than my freedom to carry a firearm to protect myself from the possibility of government tyranny?

11 years ago

No one has ever shot up a school with a game console and a copy of COD.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

Your game console and copy of COD also will never free you from government tyranny when it comes. I agree gaming isn't the culprit, but your argument is simple minded… nobody is saying someone went and shot up a school with a copy of COD. Think

11 years ago

I'm not saying you can't own a gun, I'm not going to argue with that, I'm just wondering why you're so obsessed with defending the right to carry around concealed weapons, own high power assault weapons with large magazines, that are readily available to anyone who wants them, no matter what their mental stability is..And yes, the same could probably be argued regarding video games, booze and cars.

I understand the concept that if someone wants to cause mayhem and destruction, they are going to do so, why not limit their availability of things to chose from..and you keep talking about being able to defend yourself against a corrupt government..Is the government that the country voted into office that bad that you have to sleep with a gun under your pillow? They don't need a military to control the people, they are doing it know with fear and scare tactics. As long as everyone is focused on what their neighbor might be doing, then no one is going to focus on the real issue, that the banks of the world have already enslaved you and own your ass and will be selling it to whoever has the money to pay for it..

Last edited by CH1N00K on 1/27/2013 11:18:03 PM

11 years ago

Do not infringe on our 2nd Amendment gun rights either!

Let's get focused now, all you political idiots, it's the "MEDS"!!!!!

Just look right here at these hundreds of cases for proof, all of them involving serious violence, and all while taking these mind & life altering medications right here…..

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/26/2013 12:50:04 AM

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

at least there is ONE person here that thinks for themselves.

I've been saying this for a while now… the pharm industry owns far too many politicians so that discussion will never be taken seriously by the idiot masses.

Most people on this site who call for gun control live in the UK, so they should be ignored anyway, they are the idiots that have glorified monarchy. They are still content with being taxed to give a lavish lifestyle to someone who was "born into royalty"… idiots!!

Last edited by PSN French on 1/27/2013 11:42:01 AM

11 years ago

Well what can you expect from the beautiful minds of the hypocrites. They will defend their video games because that's their hobbies but disrespect the gun enthusiast, some who loves sports involving guns which of course included in the Olympics. And when a person hit and run a person by his car they will blame the person if he is drunk or stupid but then if a person shoot another person of course blame the gun and the quantity of guns. And then they will show statistics how the gun control change other countries, it's not about the gangs, the meds (which has an actual studies that Biker shared), the bad parenting, etc… It's how many guns.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

Most statistics in gun control are skewed. Look at the UK since gun control… Yes, GUN violence has gone down (but it has not vanished), however violent crime has skyrocketed. Despite all the sensationalizing done in American media, the UKs violent crime is 2.034% on a per capita bases, while the US is only 0.466%.

Politicians focus only on GUNS as a weapon so it's easier to demonize America.

Last edited by PSN French on 1/27/2013 9:59:55 PM

11 years ago

most statistics for gun control are skewed..wouldn't it be fair to also say that most statistics against gun control are also twisted to meet the needs of the person using them? It's like watching a Michael Moore film..interesting, entertaining, but you have to look at both sides of the coin before you decide where you stand…and even then you're basing your decisions on a statistic that someone else told you you needed to hear..

You could go crazy trying to figure it all out…

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

I don't base my decisions from what others say… I'm just stating that the masses are brainwashed by factoids instead of facts. My decisions are based on my freedom to keep and bare ALL forms of firearms to form a militia (military of the people, NOT the government)… these freedoms are NOT open for debate, and politicians know it.

11 years ago

This is getting embarrassing. Don't these guys realize they represent an entire population if people?

11 years ago

So what if someone do a mass shooting again, and he lives, and his defense is that he did it because he was influenced by violent video games and guns. It's like he's saying the devil made me do it. Will the prosecutor not look on the mental stability of the suspect and just believe the crap reason that hell yeah! Video games creates mass murderers and owning a gun makes you want to kill, so let's not blame the suspect and his mentality, arrest the developers and ban the guns. And of course we should get Satan too cause it's all his fault. Stupid politicians.

11 years ago

Yeah, the prosecutor won't want to look at the mental side if possible so he can get a slam dunk max sentence.

The defense would tell him to shut the hell up about the games because insane is easier to prove.

11 years ago

"if he didn't have access to a weapon" …

Should have stopped right there pal, you had it.

11 years ago

I remember this guy named Hitler I think? I don't know if you guys have heard of him but man if only he hadn't played those violent video games when he was younger. Maybe the Holocaust wouldn't have happened and you know all of WW2….oh wait….

Last edited by xenris on 1/26/2013 9:50:10 AM

11 years ago

He was a painter so maybe he saw some evil paintings.

11 years ago

Probably the mona lisa. He couldnt understand why people liked it so much and why it was held with such revere. So he decided that humans were collectively stupid and that he would kill as much of the population as he could.

World I think we're on to something here. QUICK TO THE DETECTIVE CAVE!!!

11 years ago

Xenris, you Godwin'd yourself…

11 years ago

I guess more politiciabs should be like Colleen Lachowicz. She plays videogames on her spare time and enjoys them. They have tried to run a smear campaign on her because of her outside habits. She won. So maybe others should follow her example and you know maybe, just maybe, try videogames and see what the fuss is about. Crazy huh?

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

The feds are using games to keep the focus off the REAL issues. And since they are now organizing another mass shooting at an airport, I'm sure all you sheeple will continue to be distracted and call for gun control while governments around the world use weapons to kill their own people.

11 years ago

Between the anti gun control side and the defend my 200 year old law side, it's getting a little hard to see who the sheep really are don't you think? You keep preaching the same sermon, based on an ideal that someone else convinced you to believe in. I agree with you that people need to ask more questions, and not believe everything they are told, but that works for both sides…You might want to look a little deeper into where your information comes from…

A divided populace is much easier to control if they are fighting amongst themselves, as opposed to a united country with a common goal in mind..

Last edited by CH1N00K on 1/27/2013 5:25:03 PM

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

The constitution is not open for debate. If you don't like guns… move to the UK.

Also, the majority rule has always been the downfall of republics. Your "democratic" view of ONE goal means that 51% of the populace can vote away the rights of the other 49%. How about you decide what is good for your family and I will decide what is good for mine. The world is full of evil and you cannot enact laws to get rid of it.

Last edited by PSN French on 1/27/2013 9:43:22 PM

11 years ago

Like I said, no matter what side of the fence you're on, there's sheep on both sides…I could show you stats about how bad guns are, but I'm sure you can come up with stats that argue the other way. But I do know this, there is no point discussing it with you..You have made it very clear that you feel your way is the only way and not open for discussion….and as long as a single firearm and the human condition still exists on the planet, there will never be an end to this. I guess we will have to agree to disagree and hope the day never comes where either one of us is proven wrong, because that would be bad for one or all of us..

One thing had become clear, there's people on either side who are making arguments against cases that they know very little about..if you're in favor of gun control, chances are you don't own one and are probably a little scared of them..If you're against video games, I'm guessing you don't play them…it's a case of the blind leading the blind down a dark tunnel of ignorance…

Last edited by CH1N00K on 1/27/2013 11:04:34 PM

11 years ago

If he didn't have access to weapons he saw in video games… opposed to the weapons that were in the house and that his mother was training him to use?

Or forget about the decades of violent movies, or even the nightly news, while we're at it..lets take some books off the shelves because they describe in detail, violent events.. But let's not focus on the fact that parents need to take SOME responsibility for raising their children…

11 years ago

The one thing that we don't know & that we'll never know due to our liberal lame-stream media jumping on the "ban guns" run-away wagontrain is whether or not the Sandy Hook shooter actually had free access to his mother's guns or if he killed his mother to gain access to the key or locker they were locked away in.

I just can't see his mother leaving those guns lying around, especially since she had just recently told a friend that she was thinking of having him institutionalized due to his worsening behavior.

Also….. all the a-hole cockroaches that have come out of the woodwork to "assault" our gun rights & freedoms were the 1st to biatch about so-called assault weapons used to kill that day.

But guess what, after he killed himself inside the school, the LEO only found 4 "HAND-GUNS" on or with him.

And there's a proven YouTube video taken by news choppers that showed the cops actually taking that so called "assault rifle", which is actually only a semi-automatic rifle taken out of his mother's car trunk by LEO, but only after he was already dead.
And it also clearly showed the cop ejecting the rounds from that AR15.

BTW, there is no such thing as an assault rifle being sold. The so-called AR 15 is actually a semi-automatic, which means 1 pull of the trigger for each individual shot taken(5 pulls to take 5 shots, got it????)

Federal laws way back in the gangster days outlawed any real assault weapons(one pull of the trigger sprays numerous bullets until either the magazine is empty or the finger is taken of the trigger).

FYI, automatic weapons are machine guns, & the feds had abolished them under a law called "The Dick Act" in the early 1900's.

11 years ago

Even a semi is to much saint. Easy access to guns is a bane on us civilization. Why is the us, one of the best countries in the world, in the top 10 for homicides per capita? And why are 96% of your homicides caused by gun related deaths? Both those stats so unnatural? Literally only countries at war are worse, and some that have regular skirmishes are actually better per capita. That's really weird, man!

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