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Developer Leads You Through Dead Island Riptide Gameplay

We know you've been waiting for it: The first gameplay footage for Dead Island Riptide .

The anticipated follow-up to the popular open-world zombie-slaying adventure is scheduled to drop on April 23 and the Zombie Bait Edition fallout notwithstanding, a great many followers are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Riptide .

And if you want to check out what the developers have done to make the sequel even better, if you're psyched to catch a glimpse of real footage, you gotta feast your eyes on this pre-alpha footage. It's a walkthrough with a running commentary that sheds some light on the improvements and adjustments the team has made this time around. And although we still say the original game had its fair share of issues, it remained a highly entertaining game throughout…and the sequel could be an elite production.

Thanks, BikerSaint!