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Irked DMC Fans Petition White House To Pull Game From Shelves

It seems gamers can't just stop at being annoyed. They always have to cross that line separating disappointed fans and the unfortunate realm of the spoiled brat jackass.

We all know that many long-time Devil May Cry fans are none too happy with Ninja Theory's recent reboot. Those fans have been quite vocal and despite widespread critical acclaim, the game remains embroiled in controversy.

And you know, if you don't like it, fine. You have a right to be disappointed and even a little upset. That is indeed your right. Just don't go give the game a 3 on Metacritic because you're bitter and incapable of being objective and above all else, don't petition the freakin' White House with the following (as spotted by Gameranx ):

"Dear Mr. Obama: As a consumer to the Video Game Industry there is one Video Game that has caused a lot of controversy over the past few month's.

The name of the game is DmC: Devil May Cry made by Ninja Theory and Capcom. A majority of gamer's are aggravated that this game has changed so much from it's past predecessors and the game actually insults the consumers in-game.

We, as consumers did not want nor need this reboot and we believe it violates our rights to have a choice between the original's or the reboot. This game is violating our rights as a consumer and we believe it should be pulled off shelves from game stores due to it's insulting nature and the fact that it violates our rights.

Please Mr. Obama, look into your heart and make the decision that will please us Gamers."

It's times like these that make me realize I could never be a politician. My response to such childish drivel wouldn't be very diplomatic. In fact, I think it would be summed up in one sentence- "Sorry, I'm trying to run a country right now so please, do us all a favor and go in search of a life ."

Related Game(s): DmC: Devil May Cry

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11 years ago

lol, well they've just gone a bit too far now haven't they? Obama has much more important matters to deal with like Final Fantasy games nobody wants. But that's a foreign policy issue and we gotta deal with Afghanistan first.

11 years ago

Are we sure that said petition wasn't actually posted by DmC fans who wanted to make the haters of the game look as silly as possible.

Either that or the petitioners are just trolling.

11 years ago

Hahaha, ok I don't really care for the game, but wow that's taking matters into a whole new realm. *sigh* Gotta love America for it's freedom to do these kinds of things.

11 years ago

White hair and a blood red jacket is that important? I've been playing the game since Wednesday and it's a very good game.

11 years ago

This is just people with too much time on their hands or something.. This is pretty stupid.. though i actually like the game, so i'd like it to stick around.. hair color doesn't change it's fun factor.. their was less outcry when RE4 came out years ago…

11 years ago

I hear the petitioners are regulars at NeoGAF, where they hang out with other no-life video gamers creating dumb ideas like this.

Last edited by n/a on 1/21/2013 10:22:24 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Oh, THERE'S a surprise.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I had to come back to make sure i read the article properly. I just don't… How is gaming ever going to be taken seriously when a game. A very fun game i might add, is demanded to be taken off store shelves? Good god man… Its times like this that i feel ashamed to be a gamer…

11 years ago

I'm not ashamed at being a gamer at all(yes, even at 60).

But I am ashamed that there's whiny crybaby idiots that "claim" to be gamers, but are always way too busy bashing games to even take any time out to play them.

11 years ago

This is just embarrassing, not only for DMC fans but gamers in general. The game is not all that different, same familiar DMC gameplay, and is actually really good.

11 years ago

Oh no. You were able to purchase a brand-new game. And because of this burden of having expendable cash, you feel you were robbed and are being mocked by the developers for purchasing their game. I bet you feel so envious of those people lucky enough to be struggling to put food on their tables. They don't have to deal with the risk of something like this happening.

Seriously, gamers like this should just shut the **** up. They're giving the rest of us a bad name.

11 years ago

Maybe Obama fan of old Dante too…

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

This has got to be……damn mere words can't describe this petty, spoiled, jackass of a move. They are going as high as Obama to point out their idiotic point of view. Makes you wanna bash your head on a wall for humanity has failed once again.

11 years ago

HA, maybe they're just PO'ed Occupy Wall Street Libtards who didn't get their way over there either.

11 years ago

It would do the world a service to bash the heads of the petitioners responsible for this nonsense against a wall, preferably a brick one, lol.

11 years ago

I especially liked the White House's response to the petition to build a Death Star, in paraphrase: "Besides the multiple quadrillion dollar cost we don't believe it would be a good idea to build such a costly device with a single fatal flaw which allows it to be destroyed by a single man in a single starship."

I hope this reaches his desk, he'd be like "Hmmm, alright I got this."

11 years ago

I loved that professional response lol.

11 years ago

Typical whiney bunch of morons that make the game community look like a bunch of no life nerds. I am so sick of these people. And they're a big reason why the game industry is becoming junk. I'm not a huge fan of Capcom but I just hope they flip these fools the bird. There is not one single legit complaint against the game anyway. You miss your precious white hair and he has a little too much 'attitude' now. Grow the hell up.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 1/21/2013 11:32:15 PM

11 years ago

Wow thats sad…its things like this that give us gamers a bad name and its part of the reason why some people dont take us or the industry as serious as they should. For the record I bought and beat DMC and I loved it…I also loved the original DMC games. I wish some "fans" would just drink a large helping of reality check.

11 years ago

So sad, this is one you cannot come back from. It just goes to show you how sick some gamers/people are. The type of things they deem important and obsess over is scary. What this tells the Government is that there is a person connected to other sick people at this return address that need to be locked up or closely monitored. Granted it was probably sent anonymous. It's kind of like watching Pulp Fiction. At the end of that movie you just look at yourself in the mirror and realize just how good your life is compared to the sick/demented criminals in the movie. That's exactly the type of emotion I am feeling right now after reading this article.

11 years ago

It could have been worse, after I read the headline I instantly thought the petition would try to exploit the "violent video game" angle to complete its end.

11 years ago

*Reads article*
I thought I was awake.
*Wash my face*
*Stuff wasabi into my nose*
*Read again*

I was awake after all……… have read such nonsense from some corpses, yes, corpses, cause they have no life.

11 years ago

When they say "we", they need to clarify just them because I don't support this at all. Instead of doing this, they should have just not bought the game and not give it extra intention like this. But sometimes I wonder if this is a scandal because it is hard to believe people can be this stupid?

Anyways, sales aren't doing as good as capcom wanted (which shouldn't be a surprise) and you could have used all that energy to buy dmc hd collection (brand new on sale for 16.99 with 10$ voucher code for tshirt) or anything before dmcdmc from capcom's website if you haven't already.

11 years ago

It seems were getting on a Mass Effect scale here… very petty indeed. I'm not so sure on the reboot either, but I would never go as far as to petition against the game, if anything I have heard it is meant to be pretty good and I'm sure I'll pick it up at a right price.

This is one again a case of the internet giving a voice to people to people who simply do on deserve it and abuse it. I will always feel the same way against any fan backlash, if they wanted to have a say they should join the development team, which is no easy feat, which I why I think the people who are in that position deserve some credit.

11 years ago

" the unfortunate realm of the spoiled brat jackass. "

enough said

11 years ago

Obama: *facepalm* "I really need to focus more on quality education."

I myself don't like Ninja Theory and their game Enslaved and I do understand the Hardcore fans of Devil May Cry. But seriously they're taking it too far. It's getting ridiculous.

11 years ago

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe this is real. lol
Too…much…silliness. Sounds like something out of a britcom.

The saddest thing is that this was probably written by adults (which may not be true considering the clear lack of knowledge on how to use an apostrophe). How can people be so childish?
Violating consumer's rights? A majority of gamers are aggravated? Seriously? Grow the fu** up. Bah.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/22/2013 10:11:44 AM

11 years ago

These videogame fannerds are getting on my nerves. Heres a idea for the fannerds you don't like DONT BUY IT and leave it for the rest of who enjoy videogames and don't btch about every little thing *cough Mass Effect 3 cough cough*

11 years ago

…so many rants going through my head right now, I just can't pick one…

11 years ago

I just have to laugh. Really? This is what it's come to? A petition to the freakin' White House?!

Now, I'm not a fan of insulting others….but my god ._. It just makes the rest of us rationale gamers (fans of DmC or not) just look bad.

Nobody's forced to buy the damn game :/

11 years ago

"we believe it violates our rights to have a choice between the original's or the reboot"

Ya know, it's actually kind of ironic… This does exactly the opposite. If anything it demonstrates our right to have the choice, because before this game there was no choice… There was only the originals. Now you have the choice of the originals, or the reboot. So, thank you Ninja Theory for standing up for our rights to have a choice between the original's or the reboot.

I bet whoever wrote this wears Velcro shoes…

Makes me want to go out and buy the game, on principle. Heh, maybe I should. Before it gets taken off store shelves…

11 years ago

I was going to comment that nobody had talked about this angle. To me, the poor grammar and the failed logic indicate this was written by some 12 year old who doesn't know better.

11 years ago

Wow… Did a 3 year old write that? LOL. What an idiot. "Violates our rights???" That is the most insane and ignorant statement I've read in a long while. This is the type of stuff that really gives gamers a bad name. Wow… Just wow…

11 years ago

Velcro shoes… Awesome!!!

11 years ago

Once these kids move out of their parents' home, they'll realize there are much more important issues facing us. This is just a mockery of our system here.

11 years ago

This is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

11 years ago


While the petition had no realistic chance to reach 100,000 signatures anyway, it was removed after a short time due to violation of the site's Terms of Participation.

Regardless of intent, the request was probably better directed to the Better Business Bureau if it somehow didn't meet industry standards – simply existing as a retail product, however, is not violating anyone's rights.

And at the time of the petition's removal, it only had a total of 8 signatures, LOL

11 years ago

Aw, come on. This has got to be a troll.
Honestly, i didn't want to see the game change, and though i think it came out playable(and better than i'd expected it to), i don't think any of the changes made were for the better. Thus, i will vote with my wallet, and not buy it until it's in the $20 bin. But this is just embarassing, not only for the imbeciles who wrote(and signed) it, but on behalf of all gamers.

11 years ago

These Gamers want to be taken seriously, but act like pathetic jokes? Just as bad as Beliebers demanding respect while going out of their way to be disrespectful. That's right, Cry Baby Gamers. I just compared you to Beliebers.

11 years ago

Best part is: Your consumer right is to not buy it, anyone who does and doesnt like it… your own issue, not the company, didnt see all the socom fans call the queen of england / the president for socom 4 to be removed did you? grow the fk up

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