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DmC: Devil May Cry Japanese DLC: Dante’s Silver Hair Returns

Okay, so you're still pissed about Dante's new image. But don't worry, you can give him that bad-ass silver-hair look again if you want.

Capcom has revealed the first downloadable content for the recently released DmC: Devil May Cry , and as summarized at Destructoid , part of that DLC will give Dante his old hair back.

It's a costume pack set to hit Japanese PS3s and Xbox 360s on January 30, and one of the costumes features that red coat from DMC3 and the silver mane the fans really seemed to love. Unfortunately, there's no knowing if these same costume packs are destined for North America, but we assume it's a possibility. There are three total costumes in this first batch of DLC, and it seems likely that Capcom will continue to support the game over time.

By the way, you can unlock a silver-haired Dante by beating the game, if you're interested. There's still that part right at the beginning where a white wig accidentally falls on Dante's head; he looks at his reflection, pauses, and says- "Not in a million years." Not sure if that ticked off the long-time fans even more, but I found it darn funny.

Related Game(s): DmC: Devil May Cry

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11 years ago

That trailer also gave me a tickle because in my head I was like, "lets call it even, because not in a million years will I buy this game."

11 years ago

Uh cool I guess, I like both of the hairstyles. I've worn many styles taken from games but I never quite had the guts to try the white hair and now that I'm getting some gray there's no need 🙂

11 years ago

around like the side burns areas? like some strays gone grey?

11 years ago

It's coming in at the temples.

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure the hair is all way at the bottom for why the "fans" are pissed about the game.

11 years ago

I disagree, the Dante overhaul got them mad and now they are inventing BS reasons to be mad about the rest of it. I haven't seen a single substantive review that agrees with the naysayers on the content, pace, combat, etc.

11 years ago

I disagree. I read arguments on both sides and some of the haters actually made good arguments on why the game is bad. I saw pic of a user review making a good point on why the game is bad and not once did he mention the hair, while some of the critics that are giving it good scores always mention the hair. As for a review agreeing with the naysayers, watch Adam Sessler's review.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Except the game isn't bad. Hence, inaccurate review and likely due to bias.

11 years ago

Except that the game can be bad, isn't this solely up to matter of choice and opinion? Because critics like it doesn't mean fans have to accept it. Or maybe I'm missing something in this world of critique and gaming?!?

11 years ago

"isn't this solely up to matter of choice and opinion?"

Nope, some things exist as they are outside of opinions.

11 years ago

Isn't that your opinion? Folks can argue all day about it, but the matter is everyone has choice and well in this case the fans have spoken. What more can you do? The sales will be the final say so. If Capcom is happy with it then who cares who purchased it or not. Like I said, matter of choice and opinion, you nor I or anyone here can do anything about it.

Last edited by DIsmael85 on 1/19/2013 12:38:03 PM

11 years ago

I do think a lot of people were butt hurt with his image and attitude change, but I wouldnt say all of them are hating because of that element.

The only legitimate argument I have heard is that it isn't as hard, and the 30fps screws up the feel for these people who want the button input to be perfect.

DMC3 played with the responsiveness of a fighting game, DmC looks a bit slower.

In all honesty it is nit picking but they have every right to nit pick that element of it. For example if Dark Souls 2 strays far from the original 2 soul games but is still a good game, I would nit pick that, and say that it is an okay game but a terrible souls game etc. Which seems to be what I'm hearing a lot of, DmC is a good action game, but not a good Devil May Cry game.

I think game journalism as a whole needs a reboot though. It needs some standard because I have seen way to much BS with reviews, and some reviewers professional reviewers at that, just nit pick the hell out of a good game and defend it with "oh its just my opinion ever heard of one?" then when fans complain about a game that critics think is good, they are called whiners and self entitled cry babies.

Just seems like a lot of people have double standards.

For the record I'm indifferent about this game, I thought the demo was okay but I too don't think it felt like a real DMC game but it was still good, and fun.

11 years ago

No, the things which exist outside of human observations still exist.

11 years ago

The game is not bad but when compare to other DMC games, that's another story.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

No. No, reviews are not all opinion. And I'm tired of saying that over and over.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/19/2013 9:59:12 PM

11 years ago

I agree Ben reviews aren't all opinion. But somewhere along the line they become opinion. It is really hard to slap a number on something even if you are a professional game critic. Why? Because each person playing the game is going to have a subjective experience with the game.

For example I just don't like RTS games, so it would be hard for me to review one, and I'm sure it would get a lower score than most fans of the genre would give it. I would be sure in my review to say that I don't like RTS games and say that the features are great(providing they are) and what the game has to offer. But my enjoyment of the game would be low because I just don't enjoy those games that much. This type of review happens all the time, but it gets a number slapped on it and most people just skip to that instead of reading the review where the reviewer might state that "this isn't the genre for me but if you like RTS games I think your going to LOVE this."

I find that the best way to know if you can trust a critic for yourself is to look at their past reviews and see what games they liked that might not have been well received. This will let you say okay I relate with this reviewer and you can generally take his 9/10 as the "truth"

The problem I am seeing with game reviews is what I stated earlier, you have critics praise CoD every year for being essentially the same game. Yet I see games come out that "don't do anything new" and they get panned for it. Likewise I see games try something new and it is fine but not executed perfectly and it gets burned again. Yet last years CoD game had that terribly implemented spec ops mode which was poorly executed and borderline broken and harder difficulties.

I just see a lot of double standards with game reviews and it really is hard to know who to trust.

I started coming here because you Ben like JRPGs and I was able to get a good idea of them from you without having to doubt your review. I ended up falling in love with the community but thats another story 😛

Either way I think its best for gamers to pick several reviewers they think they can trust, or one if that works for them.

I sort of wish reviewers didn't give a score out of ten. It would be nice if there was a recommendation system, and it would be nice if games were peer reviewed too, or something like that.

11 years ago

Played the demo this evening and I can say this game is a winner. The control is fluid and I loved the L2 and R2 Scythe and Axe respectively. You can really do some awesome combos. I had zero problems chaining together some cool air and juggling combos.

Traversing the landscape with Dash and the Chain is masterfully programmed. There are some timed bonus levels that require Dante to Jump, dash and use the Chain and I found it very easy to do. I will buy this game later on, just don't have the funds with Ni No Kuni and Dead Space 3 set to arrive. If you are on the fence go out and support Ninja Theory!! I can see myself replaying the demo a few more times.

11 years ago

I agree! The demo was entertaining and I`m not even a fan of the series. I played DMC3 and thats about it!

11 years ago

cool, well, I just went ape crap on DMC. I ordered the PS3 collection from Amazon for $18 and got DMC4 $5 for Steam (Green Man Gaming)

11 years ago

Impressive, do you also have the new DMC? After playing last night I am thinking about picking up the HD Trilogy too. Very fun game play!

11 years ago

I may try to rent the new DMC. if not then ill pick it up when it's cheap…. Probably.
I keep getting the feeling this game won't cut it sales wise to cover its long production cycle. There appears to be a very divided consensus between gamer and critic which I think will dampen its higher end success. On the bright side I suspect Capcom may realize their DMC base is better to appease than displease and go ahead and restore the attitude, feel, and play of the series to its former self. I know and expect the new DMC to be a good game but I think this was a reboot no one asked for or wanted other than Capcom. And well, Capcom seems pretty clueless.

11 years ago

Watched the entire game today. Here's 3 words to sum it up. Wub, wub, wub. Cool game. Terrible story, dialogue but the combat looked like it was satisfying and a fun for combo-ing fans. My friend was playing on Nephilim (which is the hardest difficulty starting) and he died once, from falling off a cliff. He never beat a DMC before either which made it even more suspiciously easier. So much handholding in todays games…

As for the hair, !!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!

his hair turns white/silver at the end anyway. Seems like a waste of DLC but maybe it will put to rest some of the complainers. It really did look like a fun button masher. Nothing i would ever buy mind you, not a fan of platforming (i have never beaten a mario game.. not even a crash bandicoot game. im cursed :{ )

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

May I ask why you feel the story is terrible?
Also, Nephilim is not the highest difficulty setting. There are four more granted by subsequent completions. Though the default difficulties are soft.

11 years ago

Cool but only complete idiots are complaining about this great game.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 1/19/2013 3:18:15 AM

11 years ago

Ohhhh no! You cna't go making a reboot and then pretending everything is how it was with a skin of the old Dante. I'm not sold so easily. The new Dante is still a completely different character and this does not entice and old fan to get the better of him. It may be a decent game, but I am just not interested.

11 years ago

not in a million… wait what?

11 years ago

"Not in a million years."
Time to face it DMC fans, the old Dante ain't coming back.

11 years ago

If I were boss of Capcom I would continue to release DMC games in both universes, sort of like CoD you could trade off and have those games compete and feed off eachother with differing ultra hardcore fanbases. But they are stupid and just say "Well, this is the change and you must deal with it."

11 years ago

Just want to point out that the Adam Sessler review was a 3/5 star review. He had really good points about the game while praising the gameplay. He just didn't think the writing or story was good at all. Not that the previous DMC games had spectacular stories, which he points out, he was saying that NT tried to make sense of the story and ended up making it cheesier than the previous ones. Giving my two cents with his.

11 years ago

Sessler isn't exactly a respected source, I used to try watching his show and it was basically the same stuff you find in a user review that says their personal views are right and facts are wrong.

11 years ago

Right because that's why he had his own TV show and has his own review youtube channel and whatever else he does. This is the common rationale of folks, if he doesn't feel the same way I do about a game I like he is automatically a non respected source. I'm sure if he was on the bandwagon of giving high 9's to DmC everyone would be singing a different tune. I'm quite sure of it since it's happened time and time again this gaming generation.

Last edited by DIsmael85 on 1/19/2013 12:40:58 PM

11 years ago

But you do agree with him, so you're saying that because some agree and some don't that those who don't are making a false equivalency?

11 years ago

Sessler himself is a good reviewer. Xplay had sketchy reviews but his reviews were consistent.

I usually agree with you world but I'm curious what do you think he is saying about the facts are wrong.

He listed out the things in the game that are there, which are facts, and he said why it wasn't enjoyable for him. Surely he wont be the only person in the world who feels this way and thus his review could be helpful for someone who would have felt they wasted their money. It doesn't mean that 6/10 is the "right" score and that 9 out of 10 is too high or "wrong" it just means thats how he felt about it.

We could do the same thing with other games, FF13….pretty much critically high scores, but was honestly a terrible game with a terrible story, IMO that is how I felt about it. Some people loved that game, that is cool I'm not saying they are wrong because they aren't, it works for them and thats cool.

For something like entertainment there is NO such thing as universal truth, especially in video games, outside of the game working or not. Even if a game is as buggy as heck it can still manage to do well….pretty much all the Bethesda open world games are a testament to that. But objectively it should get terrible scores because it is for some people broken and unplayable. I say this because some people get game breaking bugs others don't

Now if this is a case where the reviewer reviews the game for what it will be when the bugs are fixed or for what they think it could have been then the review could be considered flawed.

It's for all these reasons that gaming reviews are hard to trust. I hate a lot of games that get great reviews, and love a lot of games that get terrible reviews.

It is ultimately up to how much the person enjoyed it, you can try to make game reviews as objective as you want but it still comes down to the users subjective experience.

It's almost as though you can't have an opinion against anything that gets critical acclaim, and if you do most certainly your just doing it because you want to argue or your a whiny self entitled cry baby hipster *rolls eyes*

11 years ago

It is interesting how we arrive at high scores in gaming. I think there's a few factors at play. One, quality of execution is an important one but has seemingly become far less of a problem today for high end productions. It's rare I play a modern game that just feels functionally really bad. Perhaps that's due to the critical response games have been scrutinized for all these years for mechanics, like a character that responds right.
Two, I think critic's rate games for gamers. Meaning, gamers play a lot of games and there's certain trends or things we just see too much of and would rather not engage more of the same. So the critic sees, "oh, this is functionally really good, as expected, but its doing a few things we haven't seen a million times over. It's like there's this unwavering search for new and different. This leads me to believe that games like Journey and The Walking Dead received so many honors this last year because they felt so unique, unexpected, rarely if ever experienced.
I think the rift I'm feeling these days is that some gamers don't necessarily want new or unique. They want the subject matter that appeals to them, be it ninja, military, sports, etc. and just don't want to be bothered with too much innovation because they've found what they like a lot and just don't believe there could be better outside of the boundaries they've created for themselves. Meaning when a certain game is less like how their ideals are, they dislike it, or unfairly condemn it, even critics can do this. This is where clear subjectivity I think can really skew perception. Games like Rage and AC3 come to mind, including this DMC game, where there's a mixed reception of the product.

Anyway, I've come to mostly like playing what I know I like and then occasionally venture out to try that something new.

11 years ago

I barely watch any of sessler's review but I would trust him more than random internet guy #2359 .

11 years ago

"Not in a million years."

Was that line really necessary? It's like NT's giving a big middle finger to the old Dante.

Yeah, this new character design is here to stay, but that doesn't mean you have to insult fans of the old one :/

Anyway, the silver hair isn't going to change the attitude of this new Dante…what's the point? It just looks weird now :/

11 years ago

With swearing and cursing cool :/

11 years ago

I'll definitely be renting the game and if I find it thoroughly more enjoyable than the demo which the button configuration was deplorable then I may just end up purchasing the game though I don't understand why the reboot when there can be an infinite number of stories with the original Dante seeing as how he was a demon hunter and the likes.

11 years ago

i fell off the lounge laughing when i saw that.
wonder if theres going to be constant lines in the DLC of dante commenting on how much he hates it…….

11 years ago

Pay extra just to make the new, stupid Dante a cosplay outfit of the real Dante? I'll pass..

11 years ago

They should've kept the white hair from the start.
Bad call by Capcom.

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