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Dead Space 3 Dev: “Fans Don’t Want Change, But They Do”

For developers, it has sort of become a Catch-22.

There are times when fans of a franchise want change but when game makers offer them that change, the avid followers aren't happy with the result.

During our roundtable discussion yesterday with Dead Space 3 executive producer Steve Papoutsis, he was asked if he was aware of the fan outcry concerning the series. He said he knew some wanted changes after DS2, and that some weren't happy with the changes they saw in DS3. So in some ways, it's- They want change but not really. Said Papoutsis:

"Gamers are very vocal and it's true, sometimes they want change but they don't want change. The classic thing I see a lot if when there's one bunch of guys who are all macho and say the first game wasn't scary at all, and another group that says it was the most terrifying game ever. There's always going to be two sides to every argument, but we ultimately need to remain true to our game and franchise."

He further mentioned co-op and explained how they implemented this new feature without robbing the series of its core appeal:

"You look at something like co-op. We saw that a lot of people wanted it, but others thought it would impact the game in a negative way. So we had to figure out, 'how do we make this co-op idea fit in with our game?' We had to use the idea without it impacting what the players have come to enjoy, which is that feeling of isolation and tension in the single-player. So we really had to think about how to combine the two."

Papoutsis admitted that he felt extra pressure because of the fans, and he maintained that the team's goal was to always remain true to the Dead Space name without alienating their acquired fans. I imagine it's a difficult tightrope to walk… And don't forget to read the producer's comments on the game's genre and single-player appeal.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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11 years ago

Reassurances make me nervous.

It isn't that fans want change but don't want change, it's that we want a franchise to develop it's strong points further as sequels come instead of abandoning those strong points in favor of the strong points of other genres.

11 years ago

EA is notorious for pushing their developement studios to do this. I know some people hold Mass effect 2 and 3 as the greatest games of the generation but they abandoned all of the strong points from ME1, and streamlined what they had. Then it happened with Dragon age 2…EA seems to like to break everything they touch.

Dead space one was amazing, one of my favourite survival horror games ever. DS2 was alright but still felt too action to me.

The first Deadspace had pretty much NO music, save for a couple violin strings here and there but it was super rare. It built tension, so when you kicked a barrel and made a noise you would be like OMFGMFGM.

From watching people play the DS3 demo it looks to be scary in different ways. More like frantic scary then tension scary. It seems cheap to me, and while the coop is fine to have in the game because its not needed I think the direction the series went after the first game was away from Survival horror and towards action horror.

Last edited by xenris on 1/18/2013 5:15:13 PM

11 years ago

I felt the same way about DS2, so I sold it after I beat it. Technically there's plenty of good horror there, it just isn't the kind I'm looking for, much like Resident Evil 5-6

11 years ago

Amnesia for the PC is one of the worst horror games I have ever played. Look into it if you have a decent PC it runs on pretty low end stuff.

Seriously the game is like an anti-game so terrifying.

Its funny I played through DS1 like 3 times I think, but didn't even finish DS2. I was also upset that they wasted time on the multiplayer in that game, it felt so broken.

11 years ago

I did enjoy Dead Space 2 and never felt betrayed by them. I have faith that they have done a good job and up the tricks in Dead Space 3. I still remember those Stalkers, the Crawlers, the room where you can hear a baby crying (it did make me want to break that door), and of course that f*cking sun. I'm looking forward to this game.

As for the fans, I want change for the better not for the worse while still retaining it's soul. I mean I will freak out if Slipknot will go sounding like Justin Bieber and go dancing like him in their concert.

11 years ago

Having a buddy by your side in the game can be fun, but most definitely removes most of the tension, atmosphere, isolation and fear.
I think the developer, like most others, are looking to tap into a mainstream shooter loving demographic of game player to try and maximise popularity of the franchise and make more profit. Business is business after all

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

The worst thing is that the vocal minority are the ones most clamouring for change. Developers bow to them and it schisms the larger fanbase. There are ways to stick to your roots, however, and offer changes without fundamentally altering the experience. Unfortunately, from what I've seen and heard of Dead Space 3, this does not necessarily hold true. Universal ammo, human enemies, a semi-open world environment. It's evolving in a way that removes it from its horror roots.

11 years ago

I want change from the second one. I tried playing it to get scared, but instead felt like i was playing a 3rd person shotter.

11 years ago

i like the idea of a full coop story in dead space and i don't see what certain fans are crying about . the grafix is still some of the best out there the sound is amazing and the camera angle that they have and i mean the over the shoulder view is close to perfect, the story is strong i don.t see much difference in the game play as far as adding coop in the game and that is not a bad thing am excited for this game

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