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Writers Guild Of America Nominates Six Games For Writing Award

It's nice to see video games nominated for writing awards. Hopefully, more games will be deserving of such honors in the very near future.

The Writers Guild of America has nominated six games for their 2013 Outstanding Achievement in Writing Awards, so pay some respect to the nominees, which are:

The Assassin's Creed games have always had relatively impressive writing, as have the Uncharted installments. However, I say 007 Legends is disqualified just 'cuz it sucked…although I know that really isn't fair to the writers. Anyway, this is the sixth year that a video game writing award has been handed out by the Guild and we hope it continues. Maybe next year's nominees can be games like The Last Of Us and – dare I say it – Grand Theft Auto V . Come on, it's possible.

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11 years ago

I'm sure I'll get some flak for this, but I was pretty disappointed with the story in AC III. Other aspects of the game were great, albeit a few minor glitches here and there, but Connor just wasn't as great a character as Ezio. The fact that I enjoyed Haytham as a character more so than Connor is somewhat sad.

Additionally, portions of the story felt like Connor was only there to show off that part of the historical era rather than for the actual story. After playing all the games up to this point, the ending disappointed me and didn't feel like it was a decent conclusion. And no, I'm not going to ask Ubisoft to change the ending.

Last edited by TGSA on 1/17/2013 11:58:56 AM

11 years ago

Was going to say the same thing. I don't know why AC3 is on this list. The gameplay was fun, graphics good but the story really fell apart about half way through and the ending felt incredibly rushed.

I think the series has had some good writing but AC3 no, not compared to AC2, which is my favourite of the bunch.

11 years ago

I can't agree more.

11 years ago

join the club.
after all the mystery, conspiracy theroes, glyphs from AC2 linking to adam and eve, the epic apocalypse ending of revelations, AC3 was THE biggest let down in the history of letdowns!

11 years ago

Not a bad list, but I really would've liked to have seen Deus Ex:Human Revolution included in that list instead of Epic Mickey 2.

But that's just me…..

11 years ago

would've been last year.

11 years ago

Oh yeah, you're right.

I've been playing it over the last week or so(out of my backlog), so I forgot it wasn't as recent as I thought.

11 years ago

Beyond: Two Souls up next.

11 years ago

havent played it yet, but i honestly cant see the writing in it being any good.
id have to vote for golden abyss, by far THE best game, and THE biggest surprise of last year!
ive always said $ony bend are freaking rockstars, but this just proved it even more.
if $ony does not have them working on a ps4 game, there f*cking bat sh*t insane!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

I enjoyed the stories of both Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Halo 4 quite a bit so glad to see both on there.

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