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Plus Peeps Can Grab Darksiders For Free

It's good to be a PlayStation Plus member, isn't it?

They get free stuff, significant discounts, early access to important beta tests, cloud data storage, and other perks. But let's face it, that "free" feature is perhaps the biggest draw.

So far in 2013, Plus subscribers already got games like NBA Jam: On Fire Edition for free, and now another solid title can be had free of charge. As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , it's the original Darksiders . Although it didn't necessarily haul down the highest praise from us , this Vigil Games product was mighty entertaining and well worth your time. And besides, you'll want to play it because it acts as a lead-in for the much better Darksiders II , which was definitely one of the top games of 2012. Play as War in one, as Death in the other…how much more appealing can two protagonists get?

And keep checking the PSN for future Plus deals and steals.

Related Game(s): Darksiders

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karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

You forgot the God of War beta

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

No, I didn't. The dates for that were announced a while ago, and we covered it then.

11 years ago


karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago


11 years ago

Strange, very strange thing happened to me today. I was at Gamestop and I had Darksiders in my hand. I then saw God of War Saga for sale and put Darksiders back and bought the Saga. I never have good luck happen to me like this! So happy right now. I mean, I could have returned Darksiders if I had bought it. But this saves me the hassle! Very happy right now! 🙂

11 years ago

I bought Darksiders on Day 1. However, I never finished it because I saved my game at a point where I was left high and dry vs. a boss. I then bought the Steam version but it's horribly optimized. I'm happy I'll have a 3rd chance to try to beat this game tomorrow via PS+.

11 years ago

I already downloaded it the last time it was free. I'm totally stuck on this part where you switch around train cars on some track.

I went to play the Ascension beta but it wanted to download like 500 more megabytes after the original install and I'm like eff that.

11 years ago

"the last time it was free?" it was NEVER free in the US…. it was free back in June for Europe… but this is the first time its free for the US

11 years ago

Well I got it somehow, don't remember paying for it.

11 years ago

Maybe your thinking of the humble indie bundle?

Thats how I got it but I've been considering getting the ps3 version.

11 years ago

I won't be renewing PS+ after my free month ends. Free old games like Darksiders does not make me change my mind any either. Darksiders is a game found on used shelves for under $10 and given free to PC gamer's who gave to childrens' charities.

I was pretty put off when I saw that some game's save files don't back-up to the PSN cloud, like NGS2. That is just lame. I really don't care to have my game's "system settings" backed up. If I'm wrong about this, please someone tell me. And really, MANDATORY system updates should already be offered as an automatic download anyway. It make's no difference to SOny when you download your update so why lock the feature behind a paid service?
But no, we're Sony. Yes, we make you pay to toggle that switch on your system to update the firmware automatically at night, and if you don't pay now you get to wait 30 minutes to download and install the update before you can play your brand new game. We like delaying the joy.

Anyway, I suppose if I was a new VITA owner having access to all of them "free"Vita games would be nice, just to try them out and figure out what to actually buy.

Anyway, I do dig the discounts. I grabbed some cheap Sega stuff.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/14/2013 11:39:32 PM

11 years ago

It refuses to upload that game to the cloud? I've only ever run into that stupid 24 hour embargo on downloading your upload.

And I'm pissed about having our games limited to 2 consoles.

11 years ago

Well I told the service to do online back ups of my NGS2 game. I go into the online storage area and I see NGS2. But then I look at it closer and see it's not the saved game but the saved system settings for that game. I really don't care to have it save whether or not I have something like subtitles turned on or off.

11 years ago

ok, i see. I have to go to my older save files and manually copy those to the online storage. I assumed when the console asked me if I wanted the game to be set for online back-ups that would just sort of happen for all of it automatically. I suppose now when turning that feature on for an already in progress game it will start saving from that point forward and nothing from beforehand.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/15/2013 1:13:51 AM

11 years ago

PS+ is more about helping Sony and their network infrastructure and security. To help with it's ascension and to keep it free for none PS+ members. To keep the PSN competitive with Microsoft and Nintendo. It's a way to say thank you to Sony for past, present and future amazing generations and at the same time assist in this great companies future. To receive free games and discounts is a bonus I feel truly thankful for. Just after a few months it pays for itself. To each his own I guess.

11 years ago

They didn't position PS+ as a charity service for people to help them out so I don't agree that's what PS+ is "more about." If you're donating your money to them in the form of PS+ because you like Sony and feel chummy with them and their product line, great. The relationship is one sided though… don't expect them to send any money your way when you're feeling strapped for cash and decide to launch your own CrusaderForever+ fund raiser program 😉

11 years ago

Sony is sending money my way monthly. At least that's how I choose to look at it. For $50 I get tons of games. I know I pay for those games but it all comes out to something very cheap per game. At the same time I get to help a company I am very "Chummy" about.

So ridiculous your statement about how Sony isn't going to give me any money when I am strapped for cash! LOL! That doesn't make any sense. Of course they wouldn't. That has nothing to do with PS+. They aren't forcing me to buy a service like Microsoft is.

Oh well, you don't like PS+ and I can respect that. It's just your reason for not liking it that didn't make sense. Maybe Darksiders is cheap and old, but it's still $10 to buy and $17.99 used at Gamestop. So you get Darksiders free that makes the amount you have to make back only $40 or $32 depending on where you bought the used game. I can guarantee you'll make up that $32/40 real quick. The Instant Game Collection was amazing as well. Anyway, I have wasted enough time on this topic. L8r

11 years ago

exactly why i stopped my sub.
this has been offered so many times now its ridiculous!
99% of the time the games are really old, and games everyones already played.
RDR for instance, who hasent played RDR by now!?
or there games which are available elsewhere for free or really cheap, especially in this case since THQs going down the sh*tter their prices have plummeted!
steam was offering 1, 2, and ALL the DLC with the season pass for 16 bucks in one of their chrissy sales!
not to mention most of the sales are hardly sales!
if i had a nickel for every time i saw a game on PSN, on "sale", than saw it on steam, or at a retailer such as EB, for significantly less not on "sale", id be rich enough to buy out the big 3 10 times over by now!

11 years ago

What happens if you want to play those games on the PS3? You are always spouting off about Steam, Steam, PC and PC! What if my PC sucks and all I can do with it is surf the net. Then PS+ deals look pretty good to me. With my Platinum level I would rather play any multiplatform game on the PS3 anyways. I am almost at level 16. It's a lot of fun leveling up and going for Platinums. I mean seriously, I am not ripping you on these posts. I just think you forget that some people like playing on the PS3 more than the PC.

Also, let's be honest here, ok? If you were to go back over the last year of PS+ free games and discounts, can you honestly tell me it doesn't pay for itself? I mean, come on, even you can see the worth while greatness in this subscription.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 1/15/2013 8:36:25 AM

11 years ago

so, the subs worth it just so you can build your electronic hoohoo?
point was 99% of +s sales are NOT sales at all!
instance went on there tonight to redeem my DMC codes and saw they have BF3 for a + discounted price of ONE HUNDRED BUCKS!
go to ebgames website, type the game in in the search bar, and tell me how much the ps3 version is.
over the years no its not worth the subscription, as ive been saying all the time, hows it worth the subscription when you can get better deals just by walking into a shop?
and mind you i NEVER buy games online because im fussy with who i give my CC details too, especially after someone hacked into my PSN account and bought a few games on my card.
$onys way of saying sorry for that was banning my account, and refusing to restore it even after taking them to court!
so id probably find even cheaper deals than what im finding now, especially since EB is considered to be one of the most expensive places to buy games!
if + gave you games for allot cheaper than what you could get at retail, absolutely yea id be worth it!
but it doesent, most of the time its not even the same price at retail, most of the time, as the case for BF3, almost DOUBLE the price of retail!

11 years ago

So that is where all this Sony animosity comes from. I knew it had to be something like that to make you hate Sony so much. It all makes sense now. Your comments are now on ignore for me. Let the poisonous spray continue unabated.

Anyway, I can get a better deal with PS+ than the walk in stores. For example, I just got Darksiders for free and it's $17.99 used at Gamestop. PS+ is more than the discounts.

11 years ago

One of the most under rated games this generation. Easily up there with some of my favourites. I even got the platinum trophy for this guy.

But I can't help but think that this has been free before hasn't it?

11 years ago

One of the most under rated games this generation. Easily up there with some of my favourites. I even got the platinum trophy for this guy.

But I can't help but think that this has been free before hasn't it?

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

Plus just needs some time. Look at how the UK subscribers are treated like kings.

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