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Registered Batman Domains: “Arkham Universe,” “Arkham Origins”

If you were worried that Batman: Arkham City might be the last Batman game you'll see for a while, we've got good news. Well, potentially.

Warner Bros. doesn't appear ready to leave the Caped Crusader behind, as according to Fusible , the publisher has registered no less than 15 new domains apparently pertaining to the video game world of Arkham.

Domains include,,, and batmanarkhamorigins. There's no knowing what these domains are for just yet, but we have to assume that more Batman games are coming; perhaps the next will be called "Batman: Arkham Universe" or "Batman: Arkham Origins" or something. The latter title certainly makes one think of a prequel, doesn't it? Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were multi-million sellers and multiple award winners, so it would be no surprise to see a new project from developer Rocksteady. However, there were rumors of them working on a new Superman game…although that could've just been wishful thinking from a few die-hard fans.

At any rate, we definitely want to see Batman return.

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11 years ago

Maybe a MMO and a prequel? Idk, but the other two games were fun and these should be too.

11 years ago

I doubt they do an MMO. DC just released one a couple years back. A prequel could be interesting, give it a Year One vibe or incorporate elements from The Man Who Laughs or Long Halloween or Dark Victory. But I'm really hoping its just another sequel and they keep the trend of making it bigger. The end of Arkham City does present the opportunity to focus more on R'as al Ghul and the League of Shadows and let the game move past Gotham. Or the could broaden it by using some of the themes of Dark Knight Strikes Again and move Lex Luthor into a major role and have Batman operate on a larger scale.

11 years ago

As long as it's from Rocksteady, I'm game.

11 years ago

I feel a bit bad about all this. I love Batman and I thought Arkham City was well made but I got bored with it after awhile and never finished it. It's so hard to get a good superhero game and when the cream of the crop didn't jive I was like eh, I doubt Arkham City would be enough of what I want. I wish I could make games, my vision for a superhero game would be the kind of thing that would blow everyone away.

The best I could ever do with my skill set is write it as a novel.

11 years ago

What do you think AC was missing?

11 years ago

Hard to say really, the gameplay didn't advance much even with all the unlocked moves and the plot didn't tighten up along a traditional bell curve, it just sort of dragged along. That's why I got bored with it.

11 years ago

Boring??, really??, I could spend hours and hours trying to get the best score in every challenge.
You should try that, mix all the moves, try not getting hit, kill every enemy in a single combo… man I just loved that game.

11 years ago

regretting the ending of arkham city are we?
kinda have to do a prequel now.
whatever they do i just hope they fix the really frustrating AI!
i absolutely loved asylum because it allowed you to play cat and mouse with your enemies.
you deliberately drop down, or leave a dead body in the open, or whatever just to scare the sh*t at them and watch them run frantically across the room.
or throw a batrang at their feet and giggle.
city would not let you do that though because of the magical AI like what crysis 2 had.
every single god dam time you did something thats it enemies instantly knew exactly where you are, even if there not facing you, even if your behind a solid wall, no matter what they can see you.
REALLY pissed me off!
dident let you have ANY fun!

change that, turn the AI back to how it was in asylum, and add in more cool weapons to tease your enemies with and it will be awesome!
story wise id like to see someone else but the joker and harley take center stage.
i really liked citys story, how it was about the joker, but at the same time the bigger picture was about the corruption of the mayor and the planed destruction of arkham.
need way more boss battles too, they were the best part of asylum i was sad to see them go.
seeing villain returns and facing off with them makes it a batman game, bring more villains back!
we need to see the batmobile too.
yea the devs keep saying its too overpowered, it does not suit what we want to do, but come on its the freaking batmobile surely theres SOME way you can incorporate it!

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