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Far Cry 3 High Tides DLC Hits Tuesday, Exclusive To PS3

Far Cry 3 is undoubtedly one of the best games of 2012 and if you want the experience to continue, we've got good news.

Well, it's good news if you're a PlayStation 3 owner. During the latest Blogcast , Sony announced that the first piece of downloadable content for Ubisoft's popular shooter will launch exclusively on the PS3 on January 15. That's Tuesday, folks, so get ready for more fun!

It's called High Tides and it'll be free . The expansion adds two new co-op chapters (Jailbreak and Redemption), which pick up where the first six left off. You can also expect tougher encounters and "explosive moments unlike anything you've seen before. There's no knowing when or if High Tides will be made available for Xbox 360 and PC players although we assume it'll show up at some point. Just be happy that PS3 owners get exclusive DLC for once. Ubisoft is actually pretty good about that, as Assassin's Creed fans well know by now, right?

Far Cry 3 is well worth the investment, if you missed out in December.

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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11 years ago

I'm going to get this eventually. Probably when their is a dry spell of games this year(if that is even possible)

The fact that this DLC is free is awesome. I think more devs should give out one piece of free DLC as a thank you to the people who bought the game but thats just me 😛

11 years ago

Glad its free. As a rule I don't purchase DLC anymore.

Its really great to see developers support successful games like this! I might have to move this game to the top of my purchase list.

11 years ago

Borderlands2 DLC coming out this tuesday as well! Yaaaaay!

End of Line.

11 years ago

Free? I don't have the game but I do feel entitled to free DLC.

11 years ago

co-op – ugh

11 years ago

I need to get Far Cry 3. 🙁

11 years ago

free is great, but the balance of the main game is a lil off, its needs to be addressed with DLC for the single player game.
I'm now just kicking around a finished map ..I have a few hunts to do, got a few relics to find, but is there any point to finding any of them after you got your weapon after getting 20 of them? (I think it was 20) ..yet there's 100 to get, it seems silly to not reward the gamer for getting ALL the relics and all the loot.

Anyway, love the game.. but REALLY cant wait for SP DLC, because I don't really want to start the game again, its not like I can take a different path or anything as I have unlocked all the skills going. if there's ever a need for NG+ its this, I would of loved to of taken out the first few missions with the AMR 🙂

11 years ago

why do devs just support mp and or co-op?

theres lots of us out here that just play the sp campaigns.

11 years ago

Because it's easier to add a small, separate coop mission (like here) than it is to embed something into the large single player game.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/13/2013 5:18:35 AM

11 years ago

wish they would give us a expansion pack!
add in a new island, new weapons, new crafting tools, new animals, new missions and most importantly new outposts to take over!
miss the good old days where expansions were pretty much standard practice.

11 years ago

I agree, a new island with a new threat would be awesome. it would go down in gaming history as one of the great DLCs of this generation… but I don't see it happening, which is a shame.

11 years ago

Free DLC? Awesome!

I'll be the first to admit that FPS's aren't my thing, I usually steer clear from them.

But I can say, without a doubt, that anyone even remotely interested in Far Cry 3 should pick it up. Easily one of the best games of 2012 🙂

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