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75% Of Parents Believe Game Violence Leads To Real Violence

The results aren't exactly surprising, are they?

According to a new study by Common Sense Media , 89% of parents in the US believe that video game violence is a problem, and 75% of parents found it too difficult to stop their children from being exposed to violence in the media.

Parents were shown an ad for last year's Hitman: Absolution and 84% said it was inappropriate to show on TV during a time when kids could see it. Furthermore, 75% of parents thought violence in gaming could lead to the child committing acts of violence in the real world, and 60% of parents say they "very closely" monitor the movies, games, and music their children experience on a frequent basis. And lastly, 93% of parents said a lack of supervision for kids does contribute to violence. …no way, really?

Personally, I also don't agree ads like Hitman should be showed at times when children would normally be watching. I also agree that the mainstream media is far too intent on bombarding children with things they shouldn't see, and it's extremely difficult as a parent to shield their kids from that relentless assault. As for 75% of game violence contributing to real violence…? That one I'm not going with.

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11 years ago

Of course kids shouldn't play super violent video games. But people seem to take the fact that little kids playing M rated games to mean the adults that do bad things must have been imitating COD.

I agree that some commercials are clearly on a channel for a child to see and maybe some laws need to be created to address these and similar issues. However I don't thing laws should be created that parent for the parents.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago


Wouldn't be a problem if you'd actually pay attention to what the f— your kid is playing. Hell, their kids probably got the game from them and suddenly, the game is the problem. F— these ignorant "parents", and I use that term loosely.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

I bet the same amount of parents think it's a good idea to pump their kids full of deadly toxins through vaccination. A good "rule of wrist" is whatever the masses agree with, is likely the wrong answer. Democracy: allowing 51% of the masses to take away the freedoms of the other 49%. The pharmaceutical industry wants us to be brainwashed and not look at the real problem of psycosis from Zantac, Prilosec and all the other chemically imbalanced crap that is being fed to the violent.

11 years ago

Damn right !!! If GOD didnt want us to have heartburn he wouldnt not have invented it !

Last edited by wackazoa on 1/11/2013 1:29:27 PM

11 years ago

What a strange thing to say.

11 years ago

Me ? Zantac and Prilosec are heartburn drugs….

I believe he meant to say Zoloft and Prozac.

11 years ago

PSN French has a couple of legitimate points. I wouldn't say what the masses believe is always wrong but there is a trend definitely. It seems that the majority of the world is actually less educated on a lot of things, or just doesn't care to know the truth of things.

11 years ago

lol @ vaccinations being bad. I'm pretty happy my son and I won't be getting polio in his lifetime.

Or hepatitis B… or tetnus… or diptheria… or whooping cough… measles… or mumps… or rubella… or meningitis…

you know… all the diseases that can be caught in North America that can kill but won't because of vaccinations.


Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/11/2013 2:57:10 PM

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

Heartburn is actually one of many side-effects of poor diet, not God. The pharm industry just recently pushed congress to allow low-income wellfare recipients to use their government income on whatever they desire. Reason? Low-income families are less educated in health and fitness and will buy foods and products that increase their chance of diabetes and other major health issues… so the industry can turn around and pump them full of drugs. The result is an unstable society. You can mock God-fearing people all you want, but it won't fix any problems.
@Underdog, you have obviously done your research which has led you to buy into scare tactics. Trust me, vaccines are more harmful than good, and are usually the cause of failed immunity to cold viruses in your later years.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

Also, Dr. Jonas Salk, the doctor who made the polio vaccination has stated that said vaccination is the number one cause of polio. Vaccines have profitted the pharm industry BILLIONS of dollars, and who do you think has pushed for vaccines to be mandatory?? Laugh all you want, my mind is free.

11 years ago

I'll trade a painful death for a bad cold any day.

11 years ago


hoo boy.

You do know polio is nearly extinct because of that vaccine, right? If you were correct, it should be worse……….


Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/11/2013 3:30:00 PM

11 years ago

Look at French spreading his false propaganda bs again!! Sorry pal, my cousin is a nurse and he can tell the bs you spout out of your "free" mind. Boy I'm an american and I am not paranoid or idiotic like yourself. You are giving us a bad name with your nonsense.

11 years ago

Wasnt mocking god fearing people… was making a joke using your pick of drugs. Zoloft and Prozac… absoulutely, they are used to control children who otherwise just need a direction to point thier energy. But Zantac and Prilosec ? Zantac has been used to help treat acne as well. So I just think you got your drugs mixed. Thats where the joke was intended. Sorry to offend your sensibilities.

Last edited by wackazoa on 1/11/2013 3:32:57 PM

11 years ago

Yeah… not just his cousin… my best man is a nurse. My dad is a doctor, my grandfather was a doctor, my uncle is a cardiologist, my aunt is a neonatalogist, another aunt is also a nurse….

and yeah… I'm pretty sure they would all agree you're crazy. Unfortunately for you, chemistry is actually very mathematical, and not all that subjective.

Besides… I'm in Canada, so they're all free vaccinations! woot woot!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/11/2013 3:34:38 PM

11 years ago

If only some people were smarter. Wish the states had that. Lucky dog…underdog :p.

11 years ago

Underdog not to go all political on you, but just because you dont pay when you get them doesnt mean they are free.

11 years ago

That isn't political. It's common freaking sense. lol. Obviously our government health care pays for it. I pay for it via income tax or sales tax or whatever. It's my right as a Canadian citizen to access publicly funded health care. I'm not an idiot. It's free in the sense that I don't have to pay out of pocket or pay an insurance company to have it covered. All I need is my health card, budda bing budda boom.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/11/2013 5:11:59 PM

11 years ago

Obama has been trying to introduce something similar but well he is being stopped left and right. I think the Canadian health care system is awesome! We need it as well.

11 years ago

I guess French couldn't tell that Wackazoa was being facetious. A little slow on the uptake, are we, French? As the great Peanut so eloquently put it,"Neeoow!"

A vaccine is weakened or killed form of disease-causing microorganisms that stimulate the immune system to recognize, kill, then "remember" it as a means to better fight that disease in the future. There is a risk of getting the full-blown disease with the live vaccine, but I don't see it being the #1 cause.
Salk isn't the only polio vaccine guy. There was also Dr. Albert Sabin, who created the live virus vaccine.

I would like to know the source of your claim of Salk saying the vaccine is the #1 cause of polio. Does it say why?

11 years ago

Yeah, but how much of those parents play violent videogames?

11 years ago

I also agree that ads for games like Hitman shouldn't be played during cartoons or other children-centric entertainment. That's just common sense.
I think though this violent gaming and media thing is just sort of chopping at the branches of a more complicated underlying problem.
I would imagine a problem exists when certain psychological disorders exist in a person and then also they're exposed to media or an environment that influences terrible behavior.

11 years ago

And yet I bet most these parents still buy their kids games with an "M" rating, because they ignore its their, "because its a video game, its supposed to be for kids". Gimme a break the rating is their for a reason! Pay attention to that and this shouldnt even be an issue. Because most major retailers wont even sell an "M" rated game to anyone under 17 unless a parent is present. The parent buys the violent game or allows it then places blame on the industry.

The stats are what they are some seem outrageous, but like I said the rating is on games for a reason. If a youngin' has access to a violent game, whos respinsibility is that? Lets get real.

11 years ago

and in that 75%, how many of them really pay attention to what their children are playing or doing or if they are even spending quality time with their chidren? And in that 75%, how many parents talked to their kids saying like "Hey! stop playing that f*cking video game, you piece of sh*t".

11 years ago

I don't know about cursing, it certainly isn't a big help.

11 years ago

Also, this just in 75% of adults have no clue about games or commercials. They do know, guess not, that they have parental controls. Guess they should learn how to use them huh?

11 years ago

Parents may believe or not that violent video games can lead violence in real life but if that parents treat their children like crap or abuse them and don't respect them, there's a great chance that those children will grow up being violent.

For Ex:

Parent 1:
"Hey! stop playing COD you piece of sh*t, and stop listening to Metal music, it's the music of the devil".

Parent 2
Hey son! Wanna play COD, God Of War Etc.? It's cool. Just remember it's only a game. And maybe someday when you're in the right age, you can take up shooting sports or kendo or taekwondo. We will support you.

Whose kid will be more responsible and whose kid has a great chance to more violent?

11 years ago

Well that's a surprise isn't it?

11 years ago

And according to the statistics the people most likely to partake in these surveys are the elderly, the same group that thought listing to rock led to violence

11 years ago

So in retrospect….. we all are or will be mass murderers. Salute.

11 years ago

I urge all of my fellow gamers to follow me and take action via the Entertainment Consumer's Association in notifying their representatives concerning the truth about about video games in these trying times.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/11/2013 1:27:34 PM

11 years ago

Sorry dude. Until "gamers" outnumber the un-informed we will always draw the short straw.

11 years ago

That is the assured result of good people doing nothing.

11 years ago

If you're outnumbered, why try?

No Underdog could ever agree to that!

11 years ago

My point is that the only way to educate people on games is to make them "gamers". Otherwise they just wont get the point. And as they become educated about games then the gamers will start to even up in numbers. The way to rule is to control the mob. And the only way to control the mob in the case of video games is to convert the mob.

Last edited by wackazoa on 1/11/2013 3:36:31 PM

11 years ago

I signed that yesterday.

11 years ago

Sure there's an issue if it's being advertised during a television show specifically geared to young children, but they are concerned about it being shown "on TV during a time when kids could see it." As it's a Mature game, they should only advertise when a 14 or 16 year-old wont see it? Good luck!

But yeah, parents need to take responsibility for the games THEY are buying their children.

11 years ago

@wackazoa… I guess The "everyone who plays the violent games will become mass murderers" theory is a good thing, then. The more of them there are, the less of them there will be. lol

11 years ago

Was just intended to point out the flaw in the logic. I try not to generalize, so being said I dont look at a muslim man and think terrorist. Nor do I look at a black male and think criminal. Nor do I look at a white man in a suit and think rich.

The survey generalized violence in video games and said that would make players more inclined to violence. I myself am not a mass murderer. I dont believe anyone on this forumn is a mass murderer. So by the results of the survey, their logic is flawed in my opinion.

But yeah, you make a good point. "If my enemies want to kill each other why should I stop them."

Last edited by wackazoa on 1/11/2013 3:42:32 PM

11 years ago

whats the total number of parents that took the poll?

11 years ago

What's the number of parents that actually weren't lying through their teeth?

11 years ago

Realistically, where was the poll taken? Was in taken in a Fox News followers convention consisting of parents over an age to appreciate any videogame of any kind?

11 years ago

To be honest, I can see their perspective. Look at the games of this gen as a whole. Try name 10 successful games this gen which do not involve guns or violence… It is really challenging. While back in the days of the PS1 there were far more platforming games which appealed to people under the age of 18. Now that there aren't many games like that appeal to children all the kids follow the hype up to successful 18+ rated titles. Even games like Tekken or Final Fantasy are rated 16+ here in the UK, personally I don't see FFXIII having any more challenging content that any of the previous FF's to get that rating.

I do feel violence within gaming has become a serious problem this generation. I know we have had games with strong violence for a few decades now, but as I touched up on before it seems to be the only focus this gen. It seems developers aren't confident in releasing titles which do not satisfy this need. I would love for platformers and fantasy RPG's to make a return but I am sure I am not the only one worried about the appeal of them games nowadays. Just look at No Ni Kuni or Xenoblade which we had to make an appeal just to get it released beyond Japan. I think the industry really needs to re-evaluate their target audience and start making good games kids can enjoy. The only stand out title I can think of this gen is Little Big Planet.

I think part of the problem is that gaming wants to reach out to adults. Which is why gaming is apparently a more respectable form of media nowadays than it was when I was a kid. Now people who have been brought up on gaming since they were young are now older and demand more adult themes and action within their games. It is no longer a toy to keep the kids quite, infact it has completely abandoned and in a sense grown out of them.

Obviously this gen is the rise of the FPS's which has become so mainstream that other developers have in fear followed the crowd. It seems Fallout 3 is pretty much the blueprint for a game this generation and if you fall out of line it will get criticized.

Regarding the matter of influence gaming has on acts of violence… well you do have to wonder about the affects CoD can have on someone who has prestiged 10 times.

11 years ago

That's not entirely true, it just seems that there is a bigger split on what certain consoles carry. In the last to generations, you could find games of all types for any console, now the PS3 and 360 are more focused on big budget hardcore games. Non-violent games this gen seem easier to find on the wii, as evidenced by my little sister's rather huge library, despite our mom being rather strict about what kind of games she can have. Hell, she has more games for her wii than I do for my PS3 (makes me kinda miss the days I could just ask my parents for them).

11 years ago

Last edited by Corvo on 1/11/2013 2:16:09 PM

11 years ago

Yet parents buy their kids every CoD entry so they have a free babysitter. Hypocrites… I went to a CoD midnight release once (well i went to get something from the grocery store which is next door and i wanted to see the turn out) and my god, half the line was parents with their kids. Literally, 7-12 year olds on a school night, waiting to get CoD. I can't stand it when parents pretend to give a crap when their the ones letting their kids play these games because its a free babysitter. Literally what it is.

11 years ago

It double posted my comment. Sorry i don't know what happened.

11 years ago

Were you laughing in your mind? I would of done the same thing.

11 years ago

I would've been crying on the inside, because those same parents are the ones who scream the loudest about the games they just bought…

Last edited by LividFiction on 1/12/2013 10:59:38 AM

11 years ago

The video game industry is huge and growing at an incredible rate every year; violent crime has been decreasing in all actuality. I hope that is made clear in today's meeting with Vice President Biden.

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