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Report: Console Gaming To Remain Solid “For Years To Come”

Some may be concerned at the state of the console industry, but the four-year forecast actually shows a strengthening of the market.

According to the International Data Corporation , which published their Worldwide Video Game and Entertainment Console Hardware and Packaged Software 2012-2016 Forecast, the console world isn't failing. In fact, they expect the Wii U to hit 50 million units by the end of 2016, and digital sales will keep rising 3% annually.

Plus, you've got Sony and Microsoft that will launch their new systems soon. Said IDC research manager Lewis Ward:

"The console ecosystem is in a state of flux since these platforms need to support an ever-growing array of non-gaming features and services at the same time that game distribution and monetization is moving in a digital direction. At the same time, it doesn't appear that alternative platforms – set-top boxes from cable companies, Web-connected smart TVs, and so on – are positioned to materially disrupt the trajectory of the 'big 3' console OEMs in 2013 or 2014. Discs will remain the console game revenue mainstay for years to come."

Ward did admit that the last couple of years were tough for developers and publishers, but "historical norms" tell us that the bleeding will stop in 2013 and "rise substantively in 2014." Well, here's hoping all this is accurate, 'cuz I'm not ready to give up the traditional game console just yet.

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

You guys have you seen the new Xi3 PISTON? I guess it's a small console like computer that uses steam. Check it out.

11 years ago

not with a bloody dual core its not!
made me piss myself laughing when they said the 7A, their "gamer" model runs on a dual core AND it can play the latest PC games.
right, so were going to be playing crysis 3 on a dual core are we?
sigh, what happened to the good old days where false advertisement was illegal?
the Xi3 is as much a gaming system as my freaking microwave is!

11 years ago

Any regular computer can use Steam. But the piston is NOT the "Steambox" – Gabe himself has gone out putting those rumours to rest.
The Steambox will be designed and put into production by Valve themselves. So this is just a mini-PC that can run regular PC operating systems.

11 years ago

and that will only increase when new consoles come out and reinvigorate the market.
and hopefully set to bed this obsession of shooters, war games, and sequels!
i REALLY hope next gen consoles open up allot more so we can have a indie section like steam so consoles will start seeing titles like SCP containment field, slender, games that dont go pew pew!

11 years ago

With all of the console gaming I have done in my time, I am still a PC gamer at heart (which is breaking with every bit of PC gaming that disappears), but I agree that console gaming is healthy and not losing steam. I don't care what they say about the Ipod/phone casual gaming BS. I really don't see that type as having any real legs down the road years from now.

11 years ago

Hehe – guys like you said the same about the Internet when that was new. 🙂

Smarphone gaming is the latest gaming platform, and in effect it's still in the building stage. All we can say for sure about this arena of gaming is that a few years from now it will not be like it is today.
It has come to stay, but the platform and hardware will evolve and mature.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/11/2013 4:52:42 AM

11 years ago

"That will never last…"

11 years ago

Nobody exactly like me said that, Beanboom. I love the net. It opens up possibilities. I saw that a tablet that was around 20" was shown at CES. This is typical of why "phone" gaming will never take over completely. We all want bigger, as well as better. Somehow I can't see a 20+" phone for gaming and movie watching. It's limited, in my view, by it's own disadvantages.

11 years ago

Oops! Sorry, Beamboom. My old eyes and fingers don't always type correctly.

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