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Ninja Theory: Gamers, Be On The Lookout For Fake DMC Reviews

And this is why you may not want to trust early reviews, especially if they come from questionable sources.

Apparently, some so-called "critics" are not above faking entire reviews for highly anticipated games, presumably to significantly increase traffic.

EGM Now cites the Twitter feed of developer Ninja Theory, where one Tweet prompted questions:

"Happy that no genuine review has been under 89% so far."

Obviously, that implies that there are some fake reviews floating around out there, and the developer is aware of them. These "reviews" come from people who haven't received any review code or copy of the game to actually play, so it's kinda tough to take their word as gospel in an analysis. A later Tweet reads:

"Genuine review = one where the reviewer has actually played the game. Sometimes people make up reviews without actually playing the game."

Well, isn't that fun. Guess you're going to have to be even more selective about which reviews you read and subsequently trust. For our part, no, we don't have DMC yet and yes, we'll probably play it before writing the review. In fact, we'll probably play it quite a bit. …I thought that's how this whole "reviewing" thing was done.

Related Game(s): DMC

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11 years ago

I couldn't imagine you doing that Ben. I think you would have to be held at gunpoint to give out a fake review.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Yeah, not a chance. I mean, it's impossible finish a game before writing a review, but I won't write one until I'm pretty sure it's as accurate as I can make it in the time allotted.

That's the best I can do. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/9/2013 1:24:25 AM

11 years ago

Ninja Theory should "out" every single one those POS faked reviewers.

Then those fraudsters could have a few moments to think deeply about their prior consequences, all the while doing something completely useful at their next job scrubbing out the public restroom urinals & toilets

11 years ago

Maybe ben is just posting this to keep us here?! MAYBE just maybe he is the one posting fake review!

Just joking of course. That is a terrible thing to do. Its about as bad as playing the game and posting a super low score to get traffic.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

That is how the review game is played. Sure, you can have preconceived notions, but that doesn't make them right. With that %, it's looking good.

11 years ago

This hate is going too far, at this point, isn't it about time we move on?
The old Dante is never coming back, this new Dante is here to stay and he will.
This hate can't go on forever.

And personally, I don't care about the fake reviews, I got my man, Ben Dutka, for my dose of reviews.

11 years ago

Funny that they probably don't realize how well it's actually doing with the real critics. And just maybe they'd enjoy playing it.

11 years ago

lies Ben!!! we all know 80% of your reviews are non genuine/fake!! Your review of Wonderbook PROVES it!!!

lol i couldnt help it I just HAD to say that.

(and before anyone gets their panties in a bunch that was OBVIOUSLY a joke)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

What, don't like Wonderbook? 🙂

11 years ago

if i was 9 sure.. but at 29? no definitely not lol

11 years ago

Whenever a hated game does well there will be pushback from the other side, I can't wait to read some of the legitimate ones.

Stick it to em NT!

11 years ago

Sounds like spin desperation to me.

11 years ago

we still hate the damn game and it's character you bastard!

11 years ago

How does Ninja Theory determine a "genuine review" from a "fake review"? Is a genuine review only one that paints their product in a favorable light? This is a valid point to consider. I haven't played it, so I have no opinion on the game myself, just considering the possibility. It wouldn't be the first time someone didn't like negative critiques on their product and tried to spin the story in their favor.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 1/12/2013 3:27:38 AM

11 years ago

In regards to my comment above.

Obviously I haven't played it, it hasn't even been released yet,:P. Still, I will let it simmer on the market a while before I try it.

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