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Assassin’s Creed III Battle Hardened DLC Available Now

If you're still having fun with Assassin's Creed III , you might want to grab another piece of downloadable content.

The second piece of DLC is now up on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live service; it's called the Battle Hardened Pack and it's free if you've purchased the $30 DLC Season Pass. If not, it'll cost you $10.

The new pack offers three new multiplayer maps: Charlestown, Fort St-Mathieu, and Saint Pierre. Also featured are three new characters with which to experiment; try your hand at using the Governor, the Highlander, and the Coyote Man. This fresh piece of DLC follows hot on the heels of last month's Hidden Secrets expansion, which brought us three new missions and some unlockable weapons. Also set for the future is that episodic Tyranny of King George expansion, the conclusion of which ought to be awfully interesting.

Although the epic single-player adventure is certainly the primary draw for ACIII, the multiplayer isn't bad at all. In fact, it works quite well and gives us something a little different…this ain't no shooter, after all.

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11 years ago

when is ubisoft going to release some SP DLC!?
tyranny of washington was suppose to be out in december!
this is exactly why people get so pissed off when SP games get MP!
not only does it waste the developers time creating and supporting the MP, not only does it eat into the games budget, but it also eats into the DLC budget and SP DLC is always treated the bastard child!
cough ME3………

11 years ago

Just started this game myself. It's amazing to see how Uncharted 3 has effected other games. But why did Desmond get a whole new face? He looks strange.

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