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Analyst: Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Fell Short Of Expectations

EA obviously had high expectations for Medal of Honor: Warfighter , as the first Medal of Honor (well, the first of this generation) sold over 5 million copies back in 2010.

Unfortunately, after a lukewarm reception by critics and gamers alike, Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia has estimated that Warfighter isn't even close to eclipsing its predecessor .

The current shipping estimate for Warfighter is 3 million, which isn't bad but it falls well short of original expectations. To date, EA hasn't announced any official figures for the game, but EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau did confirm that the title had underperformed. Sterne Agee downgraded EA shares from "Buy" to "Neutral" as the trending belief is that EA has been overly optimistic in their full-year goals. This is also due to lowered expectations for upcoming titles like Dead Space 3 , Crysis 3 , Fuse , and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel .

Well, Warfighter disappointed me, too. So the lower sales talk isn't exactly surprising…this game wasn't ready to come out.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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11 years ago

I was in major disagreement with you when you reviewed the game, but the more I thought about it, you were more right then I gave you credit for.

Did the game deserve such low scores? Not in my book it didn't, but it shouldn't have been released in that shape either.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean when you say it wasn't ready to come out. I came across some minor flaws (and one major one) in my playthroughs but it wasn't broken. The biggest problem was just that it was underdesigned, which would have been an issue no matter when it came out. It needed a complete rethink and overhaul, not more time.

Either way, I'm not surprised that it underperformed what with the flak that it copped. A little surprising to hear of lowered expectations for the other games. Maybe EA has realised that they're investing too heavily in shooters. Then, I think the fan reaction to Dead Space 3 and Fuse will result in lower sales. I'm not sure too many people even care about a third Army of Two, though Crysis 3 could do quite well. I haven't seen too much that's negative about it.

11 years ago

Army of Two was a cool concept. Unfortunately a lack luster performance, hindered any success of later installments.

Crysis I agree with you on. It probably will do very well on PC. I figure now that the original is available on console and the sucess Crysis 2 had the 3rd entry shoukd satisfy many old and new fans.

11 years ago

Every one of them has higher expectations, they're all the same game…

11 years ago

I still really want to play Warfighter despite the low scores, it's on sale (limited edition) at eb games for 29.99, is it worth it?

11 years ago

Never played Warfighter, but I picked up the 2010 Medal of Honor less than half that price.

11 years ago

For that price you should get it just based on the fact you said you wanted to play it.

My opinion of the game is a positive one.

11 years ago

I wouldn't rely on reviews and others opinions about this game. I had a great experience with this game and never had one graphical or effects hiccup. It is well worth the 29.99 price tag. Play it and form your own opinion. I honestly think that everyone was having menstrual cramping when this game came out. LOL

11 years ago

Ya that's the weird thing about this game, all the reviews were crap but everyone I've talked to has enjoyed the game.

My decision is made, thanks for the help!

11 years ago

I still play the game when I need a change from BLOPS 2 and still enjoy it a lot. I do have to say though – like the Battlefield franchise – this game is a lot better on the PC compared to the more console geared COD games.

My concern is that like the previous MOH game EA will pull the plug supporting the game with new map packs – the 10 current maps (that's including the 2 Zero Dark Thirty maps) will only keep me playing for so long …

If you can pick up the game for $29.99 then hell yeah go for it.

11 years ago

Lesson: finishing your games is more important than hitting deadlines.

Freedom Or Fire
Freedom Or Fire
11 years ago

Yeah,I think Ken Levine "Bioshock Infinite" shares your sentiment.

11 years ago

For me the game ran as it was expected. I know for others it didnt. So in that regard, it is what it is. The problem I see is that so many games now days release with issues and only some get picked on. Ive ran into more bugs in AC3 than I did ever MoH. ME2 also had some terrible bugs and glitches that no one ever mentioned, and im talking about levels never rendering, not just a sound hiccup once in awhile.

So be it as it may, I look at it as if MoH just came out at the wrong time. Nothing more than that. We can make it about its lack of technical perfection, if you will, but that just isnt fair given the type of generation we are in.

11 years ago

I admit ME2 had some minor bugs but it wasn't some nasty port. That's why I think some of the bugs were overlooked…the game looked and ran just as good as it's 360 counterpart unlike say a nasty Bethesda PS3 game. PS3 owners got a solid version of ME2 from a developer who had little experience wiith the PS3. I encountered very few bugs in ME2 that affected the gameplay. The bugs seemed to be isolated to the cutscens. The game never froze on me(looking at you Bethesda) and framerates seemed solid. Can't comment on Warfighter. The consensus seems o be the game shpped before t was ready.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/7/2013 9:31:49 PM

11 years ago

Im not saying ME2 was unplayable. I was just pointing out the fact that we sre in a generation where it seems the developers *almost* seem to rely on patches and such. Dont take my comment out of context because I loved ME2, as well as MoH.

11 years ago

Lowered expectations for Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3? Why? Those two seem to be awesome titles well on their way?
Ok so coop in DS3 is not everyones cup of tea, but still? And Crysis? Why lower the expectations for that title? What were the expectations to begin with?

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/7/2013 4:16:31 PM

11 years ago

Is DICE really all EA can rely upon?
The thought of stealing market shares from CoD was dead serious with BF3 and then comes MoH:WF, what the heck?
I thought Danger Close would put in more effort after MoH 2010 wasn't that well-received by critics.

11 years ago

Oh boy. Here we go again. I thought we were past this topic. Can't help but bring it back up, heh Ben?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

He's just telling you the news. EA brought it up.

Freedom Or Fire
Freedom Or Fire
11 years ago

Lowered expectations for Crysis 3? Those who have them, knock your self out because I plan to enjoy this just like Crysis 2.

11 years ago

I think lessened expectations for their other triple A titles is more to do with the general malaise among gamers at the end of this current generation – even COD numbers are down – I have no doubt Crisis 3 will be as amazing as the previous 3 games. They could sweeten the deal and give us Warhead on consoles for free though ….

11 years ago

nah, you dont say!?
lets just file this under biggest understatement of the history of the world!
see EA, this is what happens when you try turn your game into COD!
really thought you would of learnt your lesson with BFBC2, than BF3, than this.
guess i thought wrong.
maybe if you kept it the original unique tactical squad based shooter the 2010 reboot was, this would of sold allot better!
no, not maybe, defiantly would of!
but hey, i told you so.

funny how the only worthwhile games now are all games only published by EA, not in house.
crysis 3 looks awesome!
published by EA, not developed.
fuse looks awesome, and a real unique much needed breath of fresh air!
published by EA, not developed.
the games both done by EA though…….
dead space 3, battlefield 4, AoT devils cartel, ect, ect…………
all mindless action shooters!
EA has become WORSE than antivision!
there changing every one of their franchises into a f*cking COD wannabee!
i wish THQ and EA could switch spots, there the ones who should be going bankrupt!
theres a reason why EA was voted worlds worst company!!!!

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