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What Anticipated 2013 Title Is Most Likely To Disappoint Gamers?

Hype has its pluses and negatives. One of the negative side-effects is the constant rising of expectations, thereby creating hopes that can't possibly be fully realized.

So which of the hyped titles of 2013 do you think will fall short in delivering the goods? Do you think it'll be Grand Theft Auto V , just because a whole lot of franchise followers are still hoping for a game closer to the old-school PS2 iterations? Maybe GTAV will in fact be more like GTAIV, thereby disappointing that crowd. Yeah, you know who you are.

Or maybe you don't have the same faith in Naughty Dog as others do; maybe you're a little leery about their attempt at an action/adventure with survival elements. Then again, there's Bioshock Infinite , which has been delayed a few times and reports of internal dissent at Irrational Games has been relatively well justified (due to the numerous employees who left last year). So perhaps that has you nervous. Or there's Beyond: Two Souls , which is likely to invoke the ire of Heavy Rain haters everywhere.

I don't have a pick 'cuz I don't like to be too pessimistic these days. 😉 But I thought it'd be worth discussing, especially because we've spoken about the detriments of huge hype at PSXE before.

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11 years ago

Dead Space 3. Watch'em make the game super easy (RE6) and take out all of the customization (RE6) and then to top it off, advertise only the 360 version (RE6) just to have the game suck. I did like re6, but its aged a decade already.

11 years ago

I hate to say this as an avid Devil May Cry fan, but I'm really worried about DMC. I hope it turns out well, and I'm keeping an open mind, but I don't expect it to be as in depth gameplay wise as its predecessors, nor story wise. Don't get me wrong, I still want this game to succeed! I have this weird inkling that it's gonna disappoint though. Please prove me wrong Ninja Theory!

11 years ago

NT has a solid history with great stories and since they worked hand in hand with Capcom on the fighting mechanic there's no reason to worry about that either. I'm just worried about the sales, the old fans don't seem pleased with the alternative universe Dante.

11 years ago

I'll get back to this post later on tonight when I get home. I think I'll give the demo a whirl and let you know my thoughts so far. I know it's just a demo, but I'll be able to accurately gauge it so far having beaten all the other games in the series on the hardest difficulties. I'll also be really lenient, as I was with the backtracking nonsense in DMC4 ;P

11 years ago

Personally i think it s one of those game that will surprise people by how good it is . I don t think there is much people hyped for that game so they can only be impressed by it or simply enjoy for what it is.

11 years ago

Any title that gets delayed until 2014. If that doesn't count, then I'm in agreement with ZenChichiri. Devil May Cry may not live up to the expectation of fans and I don't mean that as an insult to Ninja Theory. I believe they are a very competent developer and I look forward to being wrong about the game.

11 years ago

Well this is going to make me the 3rd person to say this, but I definitely feel like it is going to be dmc devil may cry. It just took the franchise into a different direction instead of improving on what was already there.

11 years ago

I highly doubt GTAV will be ill received by those who like the series. Rockstar really seems to operate under the "it's ready when it's ready" pretense.

Beyond will no doubt be attacked. It already has actually, even by critics. Gametrailers had a hands-on impressions feature from E3. The guy made comments that very well suggested the common arguments against HR, " …and once again, it wasn't long before having to do one QTE sequence after another." stated with a tired and mocking tone.
I personally understand the lack of interest gamers have with games that lack interactivity and are too linear in design, but it's the ambivalence towards a different form of entertainment that bothers me. I think hardcore game players will ALWAYS be the worst enemy of games that are not clearly games. Where games like Journey and HR are not just disliked but hated even.

11 years ago

I agree but disagree as well >.< I consider myself a hardcore gamer, I played games competitively and still play some of the twitchiest shooters around.

That being said, Journey is my game of the year of 2012. I also loved HR, and I'm looking forward to Beyond 2 Souls.

I think I'm hardcore in the sense that I love almost all Genres except most RTS and SJRGs. But I really love games like Journey and Dear Esther that aren't about gameplay but about mood and atmosphere.

However I am a rare and special snowflake 😛 and I know that a lot of people stick to one genre and even more people who are "gamers" only play CoD and GTA. So less interactive games might be in a pickle sometime in the future unless all of those gamers start craving something new and completely different.

I think think that 2012 actually helped those types of games though. The walking dead getting game of the year was pretty huge and I think might be the start of something awesome in the industry. But only time will tell that tale.

11 years ago

Expecations for GTA V seem sky high so it's possible it could be this year's Mass Effect 3, a great game but one that ultimately doesn't live up to the massive hype.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 1/2/2013 11:41:35 PM

11 years ago

GTA V has the most potential to cause problems, it will be good and sell well but IV stripped a lot away from the gamer and if that continues it could disappoint people.

PSN French
PSN French
11 years ago

There is always risk in trying to reinvent a franchise that is almost 20 years old. IV wasn't horrible, it just innovated in a different way than we are used to with Rockstar. Trust me, I would put $$$ on V being as innovative as San Andreas for the new generation. It may not BE San Andreas, but you have to remember that casual gamers have a larger voice than core gamers these days. I would agree with the consensus that DmC will be the biggest upset.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Tomb Raider. I just have a feeling that Crystal Dynamics aren't going to be able to pull off everything that they're going for, and the seemingly confused identity of it doesn't help. Also, Bungie's Destiny. I have a feeling it'll prove that Halo was lightning in a bottle for the studio.

11 years ago

I'm mildly worried about it since CD hasn't had a full this-gen production. The last Tomb Raider they did was a suped-up PS2 game. It was still pretty good though in other ways.

11 years ago

I am not really worried about any the games in the article. I do agree with Temjin… it is highly unlikely GTA5 will be ill received. Maybe some gamers will whine about the direction the series takes but it will still sell.

I see some of my comrades mention Devil May Cry. Yes, it's got the the potential to dissapoint,

Dead Space 3 also has the potential to dissapoint. It seems like they are trying to action up the series. I love online co-op but is that the best direction for this series to take? How much of an impact will that have on the horror elements?

Hmm…What about the often delayed Aliens: Colonial Marines? It has been stuck in development hell for an eternity. Games that have a history of being stuck in development hell don't have the best track record. Duke Nukem Forever anyone? Gearbox handled that game as well. Well they were one the many developers who took a shot at it and they published it. Aliens is different because Gearbox developed the game in house from the ground up. It took forever but as far as I know Gearbox is the only developer to touch it. Maybe it will be decent but I don't expect anything spectacular.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/3/2013 2:34:20 AM

11 years ago

Yeah that one is going to have to pass the review test, I'm skeptical of any commercial franchise like that getting a good game. But Gearbox is good, DNF seemed to be someone elses work entirely.

11 years ago

The Lara Croft reboot. I got a feeling it's not as amazing as it looks.

11 years ago

Thats kind if how I feel about. It looks great, but I feel as if we may have already seen the best the game has to offer.

Doesn't mean I want to be right though, I would enjoy a great Lara Croft game again.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/3/2013 10:04:23 AM

11 years ago

I don t get why so many people say DMC will be the one to disappoint since i don t recall seeing much hype for it , most people expect it to be subpar so it can pretty much just impress .

Me i think it s gonna be Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch .Got the feeling that if you expect too much from it you ll be disappointed for sure .

11 years ago

Play the demo. From of all of the people i know who've played it, love it. They almost cried when the timer reached 1 minute. The open world is gorgeous. Gameplay feels really neat and fresh. Plus, ghibly animation.

11 years ago

GTAV, and not GTAV.
GTAV will be disappointment of the year because of the reasons above, people want it to be like the
ps2 iterations, the way 99% of the series has been.
but it wont be that, and i think allot of people already understand and expect that so in a sense they wont be disappointed.
its like RE6 or DS3, people know what they want, but they also know it wont be like that so they wont be disappointed.
same with DMC, people want it to be like the ps2 iterations again, funny how we keep going back to ps2 games i wonder why…….
but people know it wont be, thus kinda deleting the disappointment.

game that has the biggest disappointment factor is tomb raider.
everyones expecting it to be a true lara croft game, the early demos showed it off as such a dark survivalist game.
yes they have shown off allot of action footage lately, but im hoping and telling myself thats just because fans were crying when they showed off the dark original trailers.
im telling myself it will very much be the game i want it to be.
so that would be the biggest disappointment for me, especially because i am very worried about it but at the same time arguing against and ignoring my instinct.

as for bioshock infinite, its the ME3 of this year.
i was saying to myself there is no way in hell ME3 will be disappointing!
its going to be one of the best games ever made!
and i was wrong, it was very much disappointing.
still a fantastic game, but its defiantly one of the biggest disappointments of the generation simply because it did not have half the story its predecessors did!
and i stand by that, yes there has been many worrying signs with its development, but come on its ken for crying out loud when was the last time he let us down?
if bioshock infinite becomes 2013s biggest disappointment ill be extremely shocked!
id be shock, and disappointment of the century!

11 years ago

Happy new year to all the fellas and ladies on psxextreme!

Every game on that list I'm looking forward to playing. But what would be most disappointing to me would be if god of war ascension don't live up to what I expect. Since they're introducing multiplayer for the first time, I hope they go full force on the single player. I'm getting it regardless and gtaV. If you're a fan of a series you are going to play the next game in development regardless of whether it's overhyped or not I think.

Psn: Death_Row88

Last edited by Silent_J on 1/3/2013 9:13:15 AM

11 years ago

I'm going to go with God of War: Ascension. The addition of multiplayer just doesn't sit well with me.

11 years ago

It won't be the kind of game changer GOW III was, that's for sure. I'm going in expecting a nice God of War game that clearly won't have any of the narrative fun of the earlier console entries because *SPOILERS* Kratos kills all the gods and titans later. I rarely care about any multiplayer one way or the other and I doubt this game is going to hold my attention for more than an hour, though I love the series enough that I'll give it atry.

11 years ago

Happy New Year all! I think the most likely game to disappoint is Aliens: Colonial Marines. I think it's going to be a solid, perhaps even very good, sci-fi alien shooter set in a universe that is one of my absolute favorites in all of fiction. But this is a game I've dreamt of playing since I was literally about six years old, when a friend who was allowed to watch Rated R movies popped a VHS copy into the TV one glorious afternoon and the film proceeded to blow. my. mind. There's just no way the game is going to make good on my DECADES-long fantasy of combining my two favorite things — Aliens and video games — in to the ultimate experience. I'll have to make due with a game I think is "only" going to be good-to-great, not life-changing.

11 years ago

I would say this new Tomb Raider reboot has got me a bit worried. Lara isn't the only raider on the block anymore. Ms Croft had better bring her "A" game to the table. Because Nathan Drake and the Uncharted franchise has been setting the standard as far as tomb raiding is concerned for the past few years.

I don't think that Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is going to do well here. I don't know if there is a market for JRPGs outside of a handheld system.

11 years ago

I'm gonna say MGR Rising. I totally look forward to the game and i think it's going to be awesome. I just don't think people are going to dig the actioned up Raiden. I think no matter how good the game is, people are going to say it's not a a true metal gear and brush it off as trash. Unfortunate i know. I also think that Last of Us may disappoint a little bit. Not because the game is bad by any means but because it's ND and they have set the bar so high that it may be really hard to reach that bar. Hopefully i'm wrong on both accounts. Oh yeah anybody still looking forward to Watch Dogs??? Haven't heard anything about it lately. Game looks epic!!!

11 years ago

I hope it's Crysis 3. Honestly, it's just another pretty shooter. Sure, the graphics are spectacular but I just think it's going to be nothing more than the same game the previous 2 titles were. What innovation can you bring to a war shooter anyway? Seems like the only people excited about Crysis 3 are people with monster PC rigs who are getting hard just thinking about cranking this game's graphics up to 11 on their over-clocked, $4000 desktops.

11 years ago

I'm scared about hype ruining Bioshock infinite, and The last of Us oh and GoW:A.

Otherwise I dunno, I don't think any of these games are going to be huge letdowns. Maybe crysis 3 because it seems like more of the same even with the addition of the bow?

Hopefully they are all stellar and give the fans of those games exactly what they want.

I'm so excited for this year of games, we start off with Ni No Kuni and just keep getting more and more awesome looking stuff:D

I think the PS3 has a super strong year of exclusives ahead of it.

Last edited by xenris on 1/3/2013 12:28:02 PM

11 years ago

Crysis 1 and 2 were great and very not the same as every other shooter. Not really sure where y'all are getting that from. Crysis 3 is going to be epic. No letdown at all. Guaranteed…

11 years ago

Bioshock Infinite. Expectations are built up beyond what can be delivered by a point-and-shoot game with a back story. Other point-and-shoot games may or may not be any better, but I think Bioshock tops expectations.

11 years ago

The PS4. After hearing what they might be implementing to stop second hand games, I am very concerned.

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