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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Features Mechanics Improvements

There's still no knowing if Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix will ever break Japanese borders, but at least we've got a bit more info.

Square Enix has released several new screenshots and fresh details for the anticipated title that's set to launch in Japan on March 14 for the PlayStation 3.

We know that both Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories will be included in this collection, along with remastered HD cut-scenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days . The latter game – i.e., the full adventure – was supposed to have been included in Remix but "time constraints" limited the developers to only include various story segments. As for improvements, the compilation will boast newer and "highly detailed character models" designed for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance , and previously unvoiced cut-scenes will now have voiced dialogue.

Lastly, you can expect better combat with familiar features such as the "Combo Master," and the camera is also getting an overhaul. So in general, you should be looking at the very best versions of the two games in question. Let's just hope Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix eventually finds its way stateside…there are fans here, too, ya know.

Related Game(s): Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

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11 years ago

FFX HD next.

11 years ago

…and bring both to the Vita, please.

Thanks for your cooperation.

11 years ago

I would be interested in this for Chain Of Memories if anything. We got the Gameboy-Adavanced version but never the PS2 re-release here in the UK. I actually really enjoyed the GBA game as it was very atmospheric, I hope the PS2 version retained that.

11 years ago

My brother played the CoM PS2 version and looked like it retained a similar feeling. The gameplay is exact, and they did a really good job of porting it into 3D.

11 years ago

Cmon Square, Bring it stateside pleaseee, I need my fix

11 years ago

Hmm….sounds like they're really trying with this collection, what with the the character models and camera getting an overhaul.

I really do hope they'll release it outside of Japan, especially considering that Chain of Memories never got released on the PS2 in the UK.

My fingers are crossed.

11 years ago

I'd give the Kingdom Hearts series another try if they were released over here in HD. I'm pretty desperate for great RPGs still. That said, Ni No Kuni in about 20 days!

11 years ago

If this comes to NA I will be super happy. The original KH is just so special to me and I would love to play it again with my girlfriend who just started getting into gaming. She loves disney and I think that this game would make her fall even more in love with gaming 🙂

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