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PSXE Poll: What Will Win GotY 2013?

What, think it's too early to ask?

Oh come on, where's the fun in that? Our latest poll results are in and if you want to see what happened, check out our freshly posted Game of the Year Awards 2012 . You selected the PSXE community pick for GotY 2012…is it what you expected?

So now that we have that out of the way, what do you think will take home top honors next year? Will it be the hotly anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive The Last Of Us ? Or another PS3 exclusive like Beyond: Two Souls ? Maybe you think Irrational's Bioshock Infinite or Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V have better shots at the overall crown in 2013. Then again, maybe the game you think will win isn't on the list we provided; if not, feel free to select "Something else." Personally, I think it'll be between GTAV, The Last Of Us and Bioshock Infinite , but I could be wrong. I was certainly wrong about what I thought would win GotY this year…

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11 years ago

I went with The Last Of Us but GTA is gonna give it a run for it's money this year. I'm surprised no one has chosen Bioshock as of this post…

11 years ago

Mine will probably be Ni No Kuni, but I went with The Last of Us because it could make a huge splash while the rest of those I see falling into the early year forgetfulness. Beyond will be top quality but it's unlikely to get many GOTY awards because some will argue it isn't a game per se.

11 years ago

Can't decide. I want ni no kuni and south park: the stick of truth most bust GTA V and the last of us are likely to drip wth quality and get only 9s and 10s. If dark souls II or mgs ground zeros(or phantom pain) come out this year it makes it even harder to decide.

I know its cliche but the winner is me and all gamers. The loser is all our wallets.


Last edited by Wrote on 1/2/2013 12:20:45 AM

11 years ago

It's going to be a tough one, all I can say is our wallets is going to spray out some big cash.

11 years ago

Wow. Well, as of right now, I plan to buy at least half of those titles as soon as they're released. But I think I'll have to go with 'Beyond: Two Souls' for now.
'Grand Theft Auto V' will probably get the most hours out of me, but I personally still love 'IV', yet haven't played in a while, and the last time I did play, I realized I had experienced everything the title has to offer. The last time I played 'Heavy Rain', I actually stumbled upon a few things I hadn't before, and 'Guns of the Patriots' is the only game I've replayed more this generation.

11 years ago

Also voted for The Last of Us, but only because it's my most anticipated game for 2013. That said, I'm just as excited for Beyond: Two Souls, Ni No Kuni, GOW: Ascension, GTA V, and even Bioshock Infinite.

I did say "even" there because it's a game I am intrigued about even if I haven't played the previous games. I just struggle with any game in first-person game due to motion sickness. So for me to be excited for a game I might not even be able to play is actually saying something.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

That list is, frankly, insane. Every single one of those games is almost guaranteed to be top notch quality and that's not even half of what's looking promising this year. The way that critics have taken to lauding more intellectual games of late, my pick settles to Bioshock Infinite and Beyond: Two Souls.

As of right now, the only new game that I'm guaranteed to be playing is DmC, so I guess it wins my pick by default 😀

11 years ago

My bet goes to Bioshock Infinite or The Last Of US. And for the something else, I'm keeping my eye on Remember Me.

11 years ago

remember me does look like a interesting concept, but we really havent seen anything of it so its far too early to tell how good it will be.
plus it being from crapcom, well yea that hasent exactly instilled me with confidence!
plus it seems like its such a niche unique unpopular genre.
well, all ill say was so was RE and what happened to that?
and lost planet?
im worried crapcoms going for a concept that will interest allot of people, say hey were doing something different arent we so good!
than you play the game and realize wait a minute, this is nothing like they said it would be!
hopefully im wrong, but if history has shown us anything this gen its crapcom and unique niche risky ideas dont exist in the same sentence.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Except Remember Me was in development for about three years before Capcom stepped in to publish it.

11 years ago

So far the game looks amazing, and the combat mechanic (the combo lab) is awesome, and the concept is very very interesting. Based on that, just like BikerSaint said "it will also have a good chance as a GOTY contender". By the way Resident Evil 6 and Dragon's Dogma did sell well, it's not just critically praised though.

11 years ago

exactly my point, it has a fantastic concept.
im just worried crapcoms going to take that fantastic concept and turn it into RE6.
bionic commando had a brilliant concept, so did lost planet 2, how did they turn out?
if i had a nickel for every time crapcom published a game with a brilliant concept, and destroyed it, id never have to work another day in my life!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

In both of those cases, they contracted external developers to handle the games, which is the exact opposite of Remember Me. It lived as Adrift for YEARS getting attention from anyone that saw it. It is really too late in the dev cycle for Capcom to influence it too much.

11 years ago

If "Remember Me" comes out this year, I think it will also have a good chance as a GOTY contender too.

homura, Ha, you beat my thought by only 15 seconds, LOL.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/2/2013 3:26:24 AM

11 years ago

Hehehe, in the nick of time.

11 years ago

what i WANT to win GOTY would be beyond two souls, just because its something so different and we really do need to promote the importance of character development and story telling!
and emotions, by far, never ever has a game made me feel like the character would!
when your racing down the highway the wrong way i was ducking and weaving, well that was after i cleaned the sheets of course……
then later on when he has to cut his finger off, well yea lets just say thanks to you david i cant even watch violent movies anymore it makes me cringe!
i want, no NEED beyond two souls to be the same and win GOTY, hopefully that way it will stop being a niche very rare genre and start being quite popular.

as for what i think will win GOTY i have to go for GTAV.
not because i think it will be worthy of that, in fact it probably wont im expecting another GTAIV.
in other words disappointment of the CENTURY!
but look at that, such a crap different betrayal game of the series and yet it still got almost only 10s and GOTY left right and center!
in fact R* could make a game of 2 people sh*tting on each others faces and the media would throw the golden stickers, and GOTY awards at it!

what probably will win GOTY because its such a great game is bioshock infinite, come on ken is a f*cking GOD!
if not bioshock infinite, than i would like to think tomb raider.
im just a bit worried and skeptical about it.
allot of recent previews have been commenting on my greatest fear, its apparently got a bit of a identity crisis.

it wants to be a dark scary survival adventure game, indicated by the reveal trailers and such.
dark caves, you running from people, skeletons on the walls, dark rituals and a almost cult vibe.
than you switch to the current E3 demo where it looks like just another michael bay film!
really, really, REALLY hope it has allot more of the former, and much less of the latter………

11 years ago

I think beyond two souls will ooze qaulity, but i went for the last us of us, grand theft auto V will probably have a shot at game of the year, the grand theft auto's are great games but they are not my cup of tea anymore.

11 years ago

The Last of Us or Beyond Two Souls are my predictions. Both of those games could change the way games are played.

11 years ago

We know all those games will be awesome, so I am hoping "something else" will win, cause that means we got a huge surprise ahead. And what can be better? 🙂

11 years ago

I like that logic…

11 years ago

And indeed. 2012 had Dishonored win.

I'm definitely hoping that something else amazing pleasantly surprises us, but also secretly hoping that The Last of Us cleans it out

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