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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Dev Handling Tomb Raider Multiplayer

Yesterday, we heard that next year's highly anticipated Tomb Raider reboot would include online multiplayer .

And although we haven't seen an official press release on the matter, the confirmation can be found at the game's official Facebook page : Multiplayer will be a part of the experience, and Eidos Montreal will be handling that development aspect.

That's significant because Eidos Montreal is the team that brought us Deus Ex: Human Revolution . Now, they're obviously a capable team but don't forget that Deus Ex didn't have a multiplayer component, so maybe this is new territory for the studio in question. However, we kinda like the idea of using another developer to handle the multiplayer, because this means Crystal Dynamics can focus all their efforts on delivering a top-notch campaign. And really, isn't this why we all play Tomb Raider ? Not every gamer on earth only cares about multiplayer, contrary to what some industry bigwigs believe.

Anyway, more info on the Tomb Raider multiplayer will emerge soon, so stay tuned for that.

Related Game(s): Tomb Raider

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11 years ago

Oh I feel bad for them, all that hard work and I won't even be bothering with the MP.

11 years ago

Considering some of the first hand gameplay accounts that have begun to pop up, seems like my hopes for this reboot aren't going to be met. Lots of scripted and QTE segments and less of what made the originals great. Just have to wait and see, but it's sad if it turns out to be that way in the final version.

And as for MP, I won't be using that part of the game.

11 years ago

"Lots of scripted and QTE segments" – this is exactly what I've been worried about all along. There's been something about what we've seen so far that has smelled like that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/29/2012 4:36:46 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

-_- You'd think that Eidos Montreal would flat out refuse to be involved in any sort of outsourcing after GripHeavy stuffed up their boss battles in Human Revolution… Anyway, all this means to me is that S-E wanted multiplayer in Tomb Raider and because of that we're going to have to wait longer for Thief 4 and Deus Ex 4. Okay.

11 years ago

WHAT THE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
so a studio that has NO multiplayer experience, and worst off NO tomb raider or similar experience, is doing this?
what the hell, come on guys why the hell are you wasting your time on this!
sigh, looks like bioshock infinite will be the only SP only game next year.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Ni No Kuni, DmC, Sly 4, Metal Gear Rising, Beyond, Lightning Returns, Tales of Xillia, Metro: Last Light and Remember Me would all like a word with you…

11 years ago

You just got schooled son.

11 years ago

Well i'm gonna drop this from my most wanted list for 2013 I will maybe get this used and under thirty dollars

11 years ago

I'm sorry, but I didn't get the memo where a separate MP component radically reduced the quality of the single player story mode.

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