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Loot Roll Call: Tell Everyone What Ya Got

Yep, it's that time of the year again: The presents have all been opened and by now, you're probably enjoying the fruits of another's labor.

So what didja get? Let all your PSXE buddies know what you opened up in the past 24 hours or so. New games? A new console maybe? Or maybe something even more expensive, like a new TV, computer, or…uh…car. Did anyone get a new car for Christmas? I always see those commercials for Lexus or something where the vehicles have that big red bow on 'em, and I've always gone- "…woah."

Me, I got a lot of stuff as usual, and that includes a bunch of clothes (some great t-shirts; one with the Mark Twain quote, "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect"), a few movies and games (got me Halo 4 ), and a Panini press, among other things. My favorite was a first edition of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged," which was a gift from my girlfriend…I was just blown away by that. No words, really. So unbelievably thoughtful.

I got more, too, but I don't want to list it all. 🙂 How's about you guys share?

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11 years ago

Dishonored for the PS3, and Portal 1/2 and Battlefield 3 for the PC. I also might be using my gift card to GameStop for the Mass Effect Trilogy 🙂

11 years ago

I finally got my copy of Little big Planet 2 special edition, Halo 4, and the PS Pulse headset. I'm at my sisters place for Christmas, so I can't play any games, but the headset is just plain awesome!

11 years ago

Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas everybody!

11 years ago

I also got a $50 PSN card, wich is by far the most money I've ever had in my PSN wallet. 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I didn't get anything. No, im not lieing.

11 years ago

We are in the same boat, me and you.

11 years ago


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

BTW, why not hide the poll results?

11 years ago

Same here, guess we're in the same Lonley Hearts Club, LOL

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I have an agreement with pretty much everyone I know that I don't buy gifts for them and they don't get anything for me. So yeah… I got nothing. (Y)

11 years ago

I have similar arrangements with some.

11 years ago

My girlfriend bought me max Payne 3, counterstrike go, and rayman legends. I bought her some Lego games because she's a big fan of that series.

11 years ago

Playstation allstars, lego lord of the rings, resident evil 6, a bunch of cash and gift cards, some clothes, a new wallet, and a set of collectible Hobbit glasses.

11 years ago

My mom bought me a car, but I got really angry at her and threw a tantrum because the color was dark blue when I had specifically asked for just normal blue.

11 years ago

Awesome, but for a car I would go for the darker blue.

11 years ago

Got nothing also.

11 years ago

Rage and Dungeon Siege III… and a nice sweater 🙂

11 years ago

I got Lego LOTR and The Amazing Spiderman plus gift cards from which I will purchase FarCry 3.
Happy Christmas everyone.

11 years ago

I finally got Uncharted 3, I played it upon release through my flatmates copy at Uni but now I have my own 🙂

I also managed to get Xenoblade Chronicles – Which still goes for it's original retail price here in the UK. I loved The Last Story (Still my GotY) and adored Pandora's Tower also – I can't wait to tuck into this now.

I have a voucher which I might get Playstation All-Stars with, if I see no films I want to get in town today.

11 years ago

Of gaming-related gifts I got Far Cry 3, just as I was hoping for! Yippee 🙂

Merry Christmas everyone!

11 years ago

I got a Samsung HD 3D TV and some weed. This was a good christmas after all 🙂

11 years ago

I got nothing yet. Sometime today I will be getting a nice comfy leather office chair for my PC gaming area which I can't wait. 🙂

I also need to get a new mouse for my PC, so that's on my list to get today as well.

Other than that, nothing much really. Just thankful for what I have and the people around me.

11 years ago

"Other than that, nothing much really. Just thankful for what I have and the people around me." Same here, it's been a while the last time I spoke with some of my family and friends, it felt really good to see them again.

11 years ago

Yeah I hear ya, I haven't seen some of my cousins, uncles and aunts yet in a couple of years I miss them though.

I think sometime I'll have to arrange something so i can see them.

11 years ago

Well I got wireless internet so I can stop stealing my neighbers internet xD I also got a Lenovo laptop. On the game side of things I got Assassins Creed 3, WWE 13 & Nascar The Game:Inside Line.

11 years ago

lol, stupid people with wireless internet still don't setup a security password to prevent others logging online.

11 years ago

my new laptop, clothes and cash.
which most is gone already, thanks steam!
god i hate it when the sales are on, you see that % off sign and for some reason you just cant help yourself!
oh and a future present, researching for a new gaming PC.
decisions decisions, quad 3770K or hex 3930K.
dont think the hex are really worth their price increase, double the cost 600 instead of 300, not to mention the motherboard for the quad is another 200 cheaper.
and there wont be many games that utilize hex for a few years still.
on the other hand though ill be keeping this for a while, so the hex would extend its life value.

on a side note though, i cant believe how much technology is being wasted these days!
on my alienware M18X with dual 680s i was running hitman, FC3, maxed everything out and was getting a average of 30FPS.
now with my single 670, significantly less powerful, and HALF the price of the M18X, im getting a average of 25.
2000 dollars less, HALF the price, yet your only loosing average 5FPS.
2K for 5FPS, christ the tech industry have been taking too many lessons from car dealers!

just goes to show how much current consoles are holding the PC back!
its funny actually, im getting better performance in FC3 now.
well the FPS are lower, but its allot more steady before it was constantly dropping causing the game to split second freeze.
but now its smooth as butter, starting to think it was the SLI profiles causing the frame rate instability.
not to mention im running 3 month old drivers, f*cking ASUS forces you to download them off their site and the 3 month old ones are the only ones they have.
so if i was able to run the latest drivers, like i was my M18X, id probably end up getting better performance than what it was offering.
hows that possible?
a 4000 680 SLI laptop is SLOWER than a 2000 single 670 laptop?
what the?

11 years ago

I got the essentials. Clothes and QT gift card I'll use for gas. Oh, but I did get a blue DS3 controller.

11 years ago

That's also something I need to get. A new PS3 controller mine is all beat up. lol

11 years ago

If u have a lot of DS3 controllers with one analog stick that doesn't work properly and the other controller works with no problems, so u can think about buying a soldering kit and diy, save some cash that way.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 12/26/2012 2:34:04 PM

11 years ago

Indeed, I wish I had a soldering kit though. :/

11 years ago

Ya, I got a new Urban Camouflage DS3 controller.

So sweet.

11 years ago

I got the R&C collection DS3, because my original Sixaxis is pretty much shot.
Also, the ME trilogy and a PS Vita, which I am using right now.

That's pretty much it for game-related stuff.

11 years ago

Just money and some chocolates. However, I used the money to buy a new PS3 and the 3D PS3 monitor. The PC gaming sabbatical is over for me and I'm looking forward to the big name games releasing on PS3 in 2013. One game I'm excited about releases on February 5.

11 years ago

Nothing game related this year (but my birthday was last week and I did get AC3). For Christmas I got a theater style popcorn popper to complement my home theater. It's awesome!

11 years ago

assassin's creed III. that should do me till tomb raider hits in march.

11 years ago

No games or consoles or anything gadget wise. Although you could count the Kindle Paperwhite my mum and dad gave me the money for that as I bought it back in November.

New wallet, slippers, 5 t-shirts, 4 shirts, 4 sleeping shorts and t-shirt pyjama set, pen with my name on it, 4 pairs tracksuit bottoms, usual socks and underwear, sweets (candy for you guys across the pond), 4 annuals (been getting them since I was a kid, Dr Who, Beano, Dandy and The Viz), a hooded top, £20 off my aunty which will go towards a new dvd or 2 or towards a game and a money clip, plus about 4 boxes of deodorant, shower gel etc. Think that's about it.

sinister nero
sinister nero
11 years ago

i got for christmas well let me see farcry3, hitman absolution, cellphone holder, a collection of axe body spray.

11 years ago

My gf got me the Fallout new vegas GOTY edition. I love this game so much, it scares me. There's just something about first person and giant insects trying to kill me… I also got my hitman game back. Far cry 3 is extremely good, but hitman is my personal GOTY.

I got a incredibly soft blanket, a giant box of ferraro rochers (the only chocolate i eat), candy canes that i stole from my gf's moms house (im a terrible person but i love candy canes :/), this cooking thing some kind of strainer frier thing, and finally a teddy bear from my gf's little sister.

Glad to read that everyone had a good holiday. I hope that mr.thumbsdown had a good holiday too. And i hope all of you have a good new year as well! I think i know what my new years resolution is going to be, come up with better excuses so i don't have to visit 30 people for Christmas. and once again Merry Christmas everyone

11 years ago

Some gift cards for the movie theather, itunes, starbucks, and clothes. I bought all the games I wanted throughout the year, so I had none to ask for. All in all, it was a GREAT Christmas.

11 years ago

I got assassins creed 3 , borderlands 2 and some cash for christmas

11 years ago

I got the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, Casino Royale, L4yer Cake, and The Watchmen Ultimate Collectors edition on bluray. I also got the HC vol. 3 of The Walking Dead graphic novel. Some shirts and a new bowling bag. Plus the many games I bought on my PC for dirt cheap.

My birthday is on the 31st so I'll be getting some more stuff then.

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