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Real-Life Assassin’s Creed Leap Of Faith: Is Hay That Soft?

If you're at all familiar with the Assassin's Creed franchise, you know all about the Leap of Faith.

It's when the main character – be it Altair, Ezio, or Connor – leaps from a ridiculous height, swan-diving into a pile of hay. That hay could be lying on the ground in a heap, or it might be stacked in the back of a cart. Either way…it's hay. And he's sometimes falling from like a hundred feet or more.

Obviously, there's some supernatural sh** going on there. But in a YouTube spoof of the daring act in question, two guys try to test the softness of hay. Can it really be that soft? Well, the answer comes when you're wearing several casts and being fed applesauce while your buddy plays the game you were trying to emulate. This one is definitely worth watching. Have a post-Christmas laugh!

11 years ago

Video is irrelevant. They're playing on xbox. Hehehehe

11 years ago

video games, unrealistic?
no way!
who would of ever thought of that………
ive always wondered how long it would take for someone to mimic this, after all scenes from games are always "reenacted".

11 years ago

I just wish the government would show us from which mainstream game is the kindergarten killing spree mission

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