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PSXE Poll Update: Far Cry 3 Is Definitely One Of 2012’s Best

It's undoubtedly a great game and our readers believe it's easily one of the year's best.

Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 is an elite title due to its fantastically immersive environment, top-notch gameplay, and awesome co-op fun. It will likely be nominated for a few awards at various sources (if it hasn't been already) and it's absolutely worth every penny of admission. The campaign is a good 35 hours in length if you really want to take advantage of everything the game has to offer, and the villains and foes are just plain twisted . You also gotta love this GTA approach to a first-person shooter and in my opinion, FC3 simply has more going for it than its predecessor.

Now it's time for the PSXE community to select their Game of the Year. This will be featured in our upcoming end-of-year awards; whichever title lands the most votes in this poll is the winner, and it will run until the New Year is upon us. So which is it? Did Assassin's Creed III wow you enough? Are you still mesmerized by Journey ? Or are you more of an RPG lover and Mass Effect 3 is your pick?

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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11 years ago

Funny I haven't seen anyone extolling the virtues of Far Cry 3. It's like it never released.

I pick the nail-biter, Dishonored. It's like really cool n'stuff.

11 years ago

I haven't had the pleasure to play Far Cry 3 yet (will be a Christmas present from my girlfriend from what I hear), so up to this point, my vote is easily Dishonored. I love so many things about the game including the many tense ways to solve each mission.

11 years ago

The Walking Dead. no question probably my favorite game since Heavy Rain.

11 years ago

I voted Gravity Rush. I love that game.

But you can't go wrong with any of these choices (of the ones I've played already, at least)…

11 years ago

Walking Dead for me easily.

11 years ago

I really wish I have played Far Cry 3 yet, but I haven't, I expect it to either be under the tree this year or drop in price shortly after – either way is win.
So I can't with any kind of honour left vote for a game that I've not even played, although I got a feeling that FC3 might be my real GOTY.

But it doesn't matter too much, cause I am currently enjoying every nook and cranny of Dishonoured, and I just so intensively loves it. Love the artistic feeling to it, the story, the setting… This is such a great work. It actually gives me the same kind of vibes I got from BioShock.

So, yeah I am very happy to say that this years GOTY for me is a new IP: Dishonoured.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/24/2012 6:06:47 AM

11 years ago

35 hours!?
took me little over 12 hours to finish!
yea theres side quests but 1 there not part of the "campaign".
theres a reason there called SIDE quests!
2 there boring as hell, search 20 square feet indicated by this blue circle on your map, looking for 3 artifacts.
oh joy how much fun, wander around looking for artifacts!
id rather watch a whole season of oprah!
when are developers going to understand fetch quests ARE NOT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and 3 once you finish the game most of them get locked out anyway even though the game says you will have a chance to finish them once you finish the campaign.

FC3 is allot like GT5 actually.
brilliant at its core, but it feels like its been spoiled, hurt because of the million additions it has.
cant help but feel that the game could of been so much better if they did not waste their time with the co-op, MP, and side missions and just stuck to the main campaign.
one thing that really disappointed me with the game was the story and the mission layout.
the way they were marketing the game it made it look like you had your normal story missions during the day, than you were working for the crazy doctor during the night suffering from those trippy drugs.
you dont though, it does not take the insanity of the island thing as far as i thought it would of.
the story is no where near as good as FC2 either.
vas is a brilliant villain, but he just does not have the character and ambition the jackel had in 2.
basically FC3 is ME3, a really fun game, greatly improved gameplay, but everything else its predecessor did better!

id have to go with ME3 for GOTY, simply because it really was a MASSIVE improvement over 2!
ok the story and characters were sh*t, but strictly speaking gameplay wise it was such a improvement!
the scale of the game, the epic space battles my god star wars ear your heart out!

as for what the community will choose, my bets on AC3.
only award that should be getting is disappointment of the century!
or maybe biggest backstabber of the century.
im sorry that game betrayed EVERYTHING that made the series so famous and beloved!

11 years ago

None of them, I have to say The Last Story is my GotY by far. It gave me that sense of adventure I have been craving for in a J-RPG for a long time – something the PS3 has yet to deliver (Fingers crossed Ni No Kuni!). It offered a great cast of character with terrific voice acting and a compelling enough story to match. The battle system is new and really engaging, I really hope we see another game with The Last Story's battle system. It's just a shame it was released on the Wii as you can see the power limitations.

11 years ago

goty would have been a toss up between ME3 & Hitman.
than along comes far cry 3 and after several play throughs and
hours of playing FC3,

my goty pick is, Far Cry 3

11 years ago

Toss up between Borderlands 2 and Journey for me, but I'll give the edge to Journey.

11 years ago

I haven't been able to play a lot of video games this year, mainly because work has been a tad too busy for my liking and the fact that Mass Effect 3 took a great chunk of my time. Yes, including its multiplayer.

However, my personal GOTY would not go the ME3. That honor would go to Journey instead. It's a game that completely blew me away. As a matter of fact, I played it thrice yesterday. I know it's short so that's easy to do, but it's a game that somehow manages to "feel different" every time I play it. I don't always play the same game again as soon as I finish it. But I do with Journey.

I know you've read it countless of times. But Journey is all about the experience. The music is beautifully haunting (no wonder it got a Grammy nomination), the gameplay is simple yet very fluid and is actually fun, and online play is one of the best ones out there. The fact that you have no clue as to who you are playing with and have no way of communicating with them other than the "pings" make it seem like just found yourself in a place you've never been to before and is only accompanied by a total stranger that speaks a different language. How's that for genius? This game has creativity in spades. And that alone makes it stand out from the rest of the games that I played this year.

I love Mass Effect 3 (despite its controversial ending), I love The Walking Dead, I still love Okami HD, and I love the old games that I only got to play this year (Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Revelations, Read Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire), I love the Vita games that I have (Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush) yet it's Journey that always comes to my mind whenever "Game of the Year" is mentioned. The game obviously left a lasting impression on this gamer.

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