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Capcom: What Should We Be Doing In The Digital Game Space?

The digital age is basically upon us, and it seems inevitable that in due time, digital will be the preferred delivery choice for video game manufacturers.

But what do you think about it now ? That's what Capcom wants to know. Although they've said they've got their "own ideas" about the future of digital gaming, they're also interested in hearing what the fans have to say.

As you'll see over at the Capcom Unity blog , the publisher wants to know your take on the digital vs. physical issue, and what you'd like to see. The survey also asks questions about Capcom's legendary franchises, like Mega Man , Street Fighter , and Bionic Commando ; they want to now if you'd like high-def remakes, sequels, or straight ports. We're sure the die-hard veteran gamers have something to say about that , so make your voices heard!

As for the digital age, I figure we have to take it, but we don't necessarily have to like it.

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11 years ago

Have digital versions available on day 1 and have it cost $10 less.

They can do whatever they want with those other franchises.

11 years ago

It needs to be one step better. The file needs to be available for pre-download 1 week to 3 days early. Then when the release date comes the player has instant access to the content. It sort of sucks for PSN players to have to wait late into the afternoon just to start the day one download. This sort of thing is already in place on PC, it just needs to be implemented now on PSN.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/21/2012 11:46:42 PM

11 years ago

Amen world. I agree, but honestly I would think 10-20 dollars off if they want the digital space to take off for them. People know that there isn't a middle man so if they want to show me that digital games are better/more convenient then drop the price by a good amount. If I can't trade my game in, lend it to friends and am stuck with it forever then it better be a deal.

Also I hate only being able to download things off the PSN like 2 or 3 times now. I'm boring my friends PS3 and I want to play some PSN games but I dont want to use up those downloads.

11 years ago

price…i dont mind it being $60 bucks…especially if i can have it day 1…or in playstation all star's midnight eastern time. $10 off would be tekken tag 2 is doing in the digital world. Would be nice to get pre order incentives if the games are available for pre-order (psn) im not all for it but certainly not against it. sadly had to go digital with psabr but no doubt a physical copy is getting shelf space. Digital games for me anyways will be for the games that are either only digital or not important enough to me to go on my shelf

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I want physical. Not digital.

11 years ago

I'm still on the fence about Journey, physical or digital. On one hand the digital file is only $15. One the other, the $30 disc has all of that added stuff, though, not sure I'll give much time to FLow or Flower, but who knows? Anyway, I would like Capcom to keep Street Fighter strong and do some more to liven up Megaman.

11 years ago

I've become quite used to digital distribution already, and it's happened faster than I'd expect. As long as the prices reflects the fact that this is a lot cheaper distribution method – and on networks like Steam they usually do – then I'm more or less fine with it.

I do still have my reservations but as long as there is competition in the distribution chain I think we will be fine.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/22/2012 1:15:38 AM

11 years ago

For me it's been pretty much all digital for the last few years now. It's very rare that I buy any physical copies of games or movies anymore unless there's a really good deal on them, but eventually I replace them with digital versions anyway.

And as for Capcom, they finally released a good game last week for digital only, Street Fighter X Mega Man. That game is damn fun, and has the difficulty, and gameplay, of the classic Mega Man titles. Hopefully it's a sign that more Mega Man is to come from them finally. Can only hope that they'll return to the Capcom of old as well.

11 years ago

id like to see digital be allot more transferable.
problem with it now is its not cheaper, in many cases its more expensive, and you dont have the conveniences you have with retail.
if they want people to warm to it then there going to need to break down those barriers.
let people download the game and burn it onto a disk that way if you change consoles or whatever you dont have to redownload it.
lock it to the PSN id that way you can take it to a friends house, you can still lend it and so on.
basically turn digital into retail but without the middle man creating expenses.
they need to let people pre load too, only good thing about steam you dont have to wait till release day to download a game.

11 years ago

I want a new high rez 2d megaman game built from the ground up to be played either online coop, or couch coop.

I wish the would make a sequel to lost planet 2 with the team who made it because I loved that game. I also want monster hunter on my PS3 please.

11 years ago

Just give me the ips we've been wanting. If you scared to do it physical, then give us a chance with digital. I pretty sure people will still pay 60$ for a mega man Legends 3 in digital format!!!

Last edited by Ydobon on 12/23/2012 1:12:41 AM

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