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What Game Do You Think Non-Gamers Would Just Love?

Not everyone likes the same thing. That's a given. But among avid gamers, we don't often think about the experiences that might cater to someone who has never really played…

So if you think about it, what game(s) might be great for non-gamers? You know, those entry-level titles that are both fun and absorbing, and might act as gateways to more complex and intricate adventures.

Personally, I'm going to go with Journey . It takes little practice even for those who aren't used to holding a controller, and they don't have to focus too hard on the actual control and mechanics. This allows them to experience the surreal, calming experience of Thatgamecompany's beautiful masterpiece. It might take the uninitiated a little while to get used to moving a virtual character around on a screen; we take that kind of thing for granted, but not everyone knows you move with the left analog stick and shift the camera about with the right. See, that's not second nature, despite what we might think.

I think other games, such as LittleBigPlanet , could also really grab non-gamers. But what are your picks for "gateway" titles?

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11 years ago

Uncharted 2 got some of my non gamer friends in to gaming. They said it was like playing a movie and would like more experiences like it, but games like Flow,Flower,Journey, really any game you can pick up not die often and just enjoy it

11 years ago

Heavy Rain would be great so that new gamers could see that there ARE other games that aren't just about shooting people. Then there's LBP. That's how my girlfriend got into video games and how she got her friends into video games. Not to be sexist but i think LBP is the perfect female game.

11 years ago

Gotta agree, definitely good practice for your fingers with the DS controller.

11 years ago

My mom adores Flower. She's only played it a few times, but loves it every time she plays it and she normally can't handle games. Back when I was a kid we played NFL Blitz and Twisted Metal 2. She liked those, but she loves Flower. My dad really dug TM2 as well way back when.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

CoD… draws the frat crowds. Heh.

Platformers are pretty good because they're universal and are basically the way in which a lot of people first experienced gaming. Arcade/kart racers should work too.

My sister adored Heavy Rain and Catherine. Neither turned her into a gamer, but she refused to put down the controller when playing both.

11 years ago

I find a lot of games that are heavily story driven can draw in non gamers. Games that give you a particularly good reason to continue on draws them in like a moth to a flame. When I met my girlfriend, Catherine had just come out, and she pointed to the game cover and shouted out "WHAT'S THAT"? So I showed her, and she got addicted fast. She would call me and instead of saying "Let's hang out" she would say "Let's play Catherine together"!

She is still particular about the games she likes, but it was a gateway to other things. As mentioned, she loves LBP, which I think is another game that is completely accessible, but also has a bit of a story to follow to drive that urge to continue on.

She doesn't like to play alone though, and so we usually just play co-op together. Games like Dungeon Siege 3, Dungeon Defender, LBP Karting, and Resident Evil 6 where we work together are more her style of game.

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 12/21/2012 1:53:23 AM

11 years ago

i wouldent go with journey, well unless you want to put people to sleep!
heavy rain or the unfinished swan would be much better choices.
maybe something like portal 2 would be good too, hysterical, charming, great story, and really does not require that much experience to play most of the puzzles are quite simple.
one thing i was a bit disappointed about, the puzzles were so clever and inventive in portal.
you finally figure it out and say oh thats so cool, i never would of thought of that!
portal 2 is quite the opposite, you figure it out straight away and say god that was obvious they should of done this, or that, or that would of been more creative.

11 years ago

Mario Kart is what gets me and my non-gamer cousin going whenever we get to hang out.

11 years ago

Journey is good, but I've found some non-gamers get a bit lost in it sometimes, and Flower is still my #1 game for non-gamers who are female or comfortable in their masculinity ;).

11 years ago

i would say Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead. i think people like me that really like drama/thriller tv show would really get into those games. plus there both pretty simple to play. no complex controls or anything to learn they could just pick up and understand what to do.

11 years ago

Ok I gotta be careful with preaching about coop in every bloody topic here or I will be known as that single minded idiot who only talk about one thing, but seriously:
A coop game is *excellent* for for non-gamers to join, simply cause then you can "take one for the team" and assist your buddy like no other game can.

I'd also avoid 1st person games if possible, that's too hard to control for a non-gamer.

11 years ago

I am a big fan of the Pixel Junk games (especially Eden) for when I want a causal but challenging experience.

11 years ago

They probably wouldn't give a damn about console games but they sure would love them some iPhone and Android games.

11 years ago

Rayman:Origins. Best platformer game of the last decade in my opinion. Difficulty ramps up smoothly all the way up until the last level. The level challenges are actually really difficult and fun. Then there is the hilarious animation and art style that you can't help but love.

Other than that I have gotten people playing Journey, and Flower and believe it or not Dead Nation. I think people just like killing zombies.

11 years ago

Yes Rayman Origins is really good. I agree – best "classic" platformer last decade.

11 years ago

Mario. Or phone games like angry birds, fruit ninja, temple run, etc.

Mario was my first game and I'd recommend it for any first timer, super Mario world was my first but I've Learned its actually too hard for kids nowadays, so probably 64, or galaxy.

11 years ago

I got my non-gaming sister into video games by having her play SOCOM and COD. Shooters are all she plays, but she is borrowing my Dante's Inferno, so hopefully I can get her into my favorite genre. My other non-gaming sister is starting to play things like Heavy Rain and Assassin's Creed 3. But she mostly plays 2d platformers and fighting games. It's a slow process, but hopefully one day they'll be as hardcore as me.

11 years ago

DJ Hero 2 or some type of puzzle game on the ds. Another choice could be pacman championship edition. Choosing a phone game would be too easy.

The crazy thing is I would like to reccommend stuff like walking dead, journey, heavy rain, Catherine, or LA Noire, but I don't think they would get into it. I see the gameplay being too difficult even on easy mode (for them not for me). They will need someone to hold their hand or they will lose sense of direction. Finally, they might lose interest too quit.

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