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Buy DMC From Capcom, Wear Dante’s Pendant Proudly

Devil May Cry has always had its fair share of style.

That style is part of what made the franchise so popular in the first place. And although developer Ninja Theory has altered the look, the atmosphere and presentation will still be a major part of the overall experience.

And if you're a super big fan of Dante, you'll probably want his pendant. You've seen him wearing it in trailers, haven't you? Although you won't be able to slay massive demons because you're not part-supernatural yourself, you can still dress like a demon slayer. Just purchase the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot at the Capcom Store and you'll receive this pendant entirely free of charge. It's not a bad piece to add to your collection, at any rate.

DMC slashes onto store shelves on January 15, 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and on January 25 for the PC.

Related Game(s): DMC

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11 years ago

Too OTT for me. Would work if anybody had the balls to cosplay as new Dante.

11 years ago

Hmm, pendant or DLC?

11 years ago

I would get it if it was available in EU

11 years ago

Still not enough for me to purchase or support a title that I feel has taken a step back from the franchise, but you almost had me. You almost had me.

11 years ago

ironic, sell to the devil to get part of the devil.
hopefully this ends up on ebay soon, and not at the usual ebay inflated ridiculous price!
cant believe whats happened to ebay, it use to be so cheap but now its 30%+ more expensive than retail!
needed to get a replacement SSD for my laptop for instance, ebay wanted 180 for it went and bought the exact same thing from a computer shop for 118!
gone are the days where ebay use to be cheap!

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