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Final Fantasy Versus XIII May Receive A Brand New Title

It's probably a good idea, just because so many gamers are already associating the title Final Fantasy Versus XIII with vaporware. I do, for one.

As spotted by GameChup , Amazon Japan has recently altered the listing for Versus XIII to say "tentative" next to the original title.

That apparently wasn't there before, so this implies that Square Enix is considering a name change, right? You may recall that Final Fantasy Agito XIII for the PSP was eventually changed to Final Fantasy Type-0 , so it's not like the publisher has never changed names for announced titles. Some time ago, it was rumored that Versus XIII had actually become Final Fantasy XV , although that speculation was shot down a little later. Then there's always the possibility that the project has hit the skids and Square Enix has no idea what to do with it.

Considering what has happened to Final Fantasy this generation, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the latter explanation was the correct one.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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Remo Williams
Remo Williams
11 years ago

They have a strong business model. I have full confidence that they know what they're doing.

11 years ago

Then why are they hemorrhaging tens of millions of dollars?

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
11 years ago

Their money room is nearly full. No more storage space.

11 years ago

Full of IOUs from Microsoft

11 years ago

They have no business model. The company is secretly being ran by a kindergarten class, and I have no confidence that they know what they are doing.

(Although, I would probably have more confidence in a company ran by a kindergarten class, than I would in Squeenix)

11 years ago

They have a terrible business model. I have zero confidence that they know what they're doing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago


11 years ago

They have a moderate business model. I have luke-warm confidence that they know what they're doing.

11 years ago

They have a business model. I acknowledge that they may know what they're doing.

11 years ago

They have no business model. It's impossible for them to know what they're doing.

11 years ago

i just want everyone to know the god of war ascension demo is AWESOME, had to go pick it up and i am having that AWE feeling i had in GOW 3

11 years ago

They have terribly warm models at their confidence business that don't possibly know what they're doing.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/18/2012 1:16:51 PM

11 years ago

I can't see how one can still think this game is vaporware. Is it malice? Bitterness? I dunno. The game has been slated for a reveal next year, and, if I were to guess, it will be retitled as Final Fantasy XV. Possibly next-gen as well? I can only hope!

11 years ago

Why are you people talking business models?

Anyway, I think it might be a good idea to disassociate the game from the horribly fated "XIII" number anyway.

11 years ago

Just go with it!

11 years ago

I refuse

11 years ago

I have full confidence that World knows what he's refusing =p

11 years ago

Thank you Temjin I appreciate your support and I support your right to it.

11 years ago

Well it looks like………..Versus XIII may be gone………

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Smiles at the comment string.

This news doesn't surprise me in the least. That XIII is tainted and needs to go.

11 years ago

If it is not called Versus XIII they had better call it XV then, I don't want it to just be called Final Fantasy then have a subtitle, if they lose the numeral to Final Fantasy someone as stubborn as I would even admit to S-E losing all values, it's bad enough they got rid of the traditional logo with this Lightning Returns games.

I refuse to believe the project is cancelled not after all they have supposedly put into it over the years. I imagine we'll hear something in January but I have made previous estimates on news which have failed to deliver…

11 years ago

They have a weird business model. I have not known them long enough to have gained any confidence that they know what they are doing.

11 years ago

I've met their business model, and she knows EXACTLY what she's doing. Mmmmm.

11 years ago

As long as they release the game i don't mind if they change the name. Maybe they should change it to something that would be true like "Final Fantasy: Squares last chance"

11 years ago

They should seriously think about turning it into a role playing game and call it Final Fantasy Resuscitated.

11 years ago

Ohh! No he di'n't!

11 years ago

Knowing how many people can t wait to play that game , they certainly have some idea of what their doing .

11 years ago

Well if they do change the name, at least it means they're still working on it…I think

11 years ago

I dont care what they call it I just want the game to come out. It could be called, Final Fantasy dancing pixy men and if it is the same game that versus would have been I would buy it.

But most likely they are going to change the name based on statistics and a polling of different demographics to see what name is most appealing and "cool"

11 years ago

"13" is the unlucky number after all. If they made it the next numerical title , that would most likely pave the way to this game becoming multiplatform.

Tetsuya! Where you at on this?!

11 years ago

Now now have we already forgotten about 14? Or perhaps that's something we should forget about.

11 years ago

Final fantasy versus 13 is a PS3 exclusive, maybe by changing the name it will allow them to make it multiplat without getting the same backlash they received from PS3 fans the first time around. Who knows, but I don't panic when they change games up. They did it with final fantasy 7 and all it's spinoff games.

11 years ago

so technically speaking then the game is vaporware.
may finally release, but not under that name.
eh, i wouldent be surprised if it did end up being called FF15, and seeing all the effort $E has put into the angilis tech demo im starting to think that is the reason its been delayed and name changed.
they want to restyle the game in that engine.
lets hope the darker tone to it still remains.

11 years ago

Final Fantasy versus XIII is in the same boat as Trico – both PS3 exclusives – they both showed off gameplay when first announced, but since then, they have evaporated in the media and gamers' eyes. I will not say it'll never come out but I doubt it should take this long. At this point both games seem like tech demos.

I only know a few games that took 6+ years to develop and they were: Too Human and Duke Nukem Forever; no way in hell this Final Fantasy (insert number) will be that bad, but it may develop a generous amount of ill will and perhaps sprout hatred from fans of the company.

I pray they're not using the extra development time for multi-platform/next-gen purposes. Shame on you SquareEnix, shame on you all!

11 years ago

There are quite a few games that took longer than 6+ years, believe it or not…

11 years ago

Calling it Final Fantasy VX would be extremely ignorant considering the STORY that is contained in Versus XIII. The whole core plot is shared with all three XIII's AND Type-0!! If it gets renamed as Final Fantasy VX, then the biggest points of the damn game will be gone and it'll ruin the whole thing. To fully steer it away from the Final Fantasy XIII mess, they would have to change some of the CORE story elements in order to do so. If that's what everyone wants, then get ready to wait ANOTHER 7 years for it to finally come out…

11 years ago

There is a rather harsh joke in there somewhere…not VX, brother. It's XV.

I just want this wonderful looking project to finally show up. Literally not even concerned if it sucks. I just want to get my itchy-trigger-finger on it, sire!

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