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Tomb Raider Guide To Survival: Making Camp Is Essential

The Tomb Raider reboot isn't all about Lara running around in circles and beating on bad guys.

The newer, more vulnerable Lara will also have to survive, so you can apparently expect some edge-of-your-seat survival elements in the gameplay. For a better look at those mechanics, check out the new Guide to Survival video.

This introduces us to Base Camps, which the heroine will utilize to apply skill points and upgrade her skills and equipment. So essentially, after a long day of barely surviving, you can rest up and reflect on what you've learned, thereby making you more effective for the next day's trials and tribulations. It'd be a mistake to put "survival" in the title of this game but it's nice to have something new; an aspect of adventuring that had previously been absent in the franchise.

Related Game(s): Tomb Raider

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11 years ago

Man, this game is looking sooooo good.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Looks promising but i like my tombraider to have less humans more killer animals, boobytraps & poxy hard puzzels eg. tombraider & tombraider 2
Hopefully this game has the right balance!!

11 years ago

It really is lookin good. I hope the camp isn't an annoying aspect like it was in Red Dead Redemption though.

11 years ago

What I`m interested in is the FAST TRAVEL option…Does this means this that the world is big?

11 years ago

What I wanna know is, who is the enemy this time?

11 years ago

really starting to get worried about the puzzles in the game.
IGN has had quite a bit of new footage of late, and they have been showing off some tombs and they look REALLY basic!
climb up this to drop a bowl containing rocks down, than use the rising water to bring the bricks into reach and carry them over to the newly created stream stap on some dynamite so you can blow up a wall.
come on tomb raider has ALWAYS been WAY more open, complex, creative, and just more bigger in scale than that!
the more and more i see of this, the more and more i get worried the developers toned down the survival horror dark theme of the game and turned it into more of a mindless shooter!
the first time they showed the game it was so dark and creepy, almost had a occult vibe to it with all the tribe markings in the cave.
i really hope those moments of history and a really dark twisted tone are scattered throughout the whole game, and not just at the beginning.

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