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Activision Now The Only Game Publisher On The NASDAQ-100

Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts are the two biggest video game publishers in the world. But as of now, only one makes the grade to be part of the NASDAQ-100 list.

Both Activision and EA were on the list of the largest domestic and international non-financial companies at the start of this year, but EA's shares began their decline almost immediately. From a high of $21 to a low of about $11 this past summer, shareholders haven't been too happy. The only good news is that the price has rebounded to about $15 since then.

But this still means that in the recent NASDAQ-100 relisting , Activision is the only remaining game publisher in the elite group. Other significant companies that slipped out of the top 100 are Netflix and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Perhaps it's no surprise to see Activision still doing well worldwide, as the recent Call of Duty: Black Ops II was yet another billion-dollar blockbuster and offering an online Call of Duty iteration in China has helped as well. Skylanders Giants is another money-maker for the company. Those freakin' toys are everywhere.

For EA, they can look forward to the likes of Dead Space 3 in February, among others. Obviously, Medal of Honor: Warfighter didn't really help their cause… Perhaps Battlefield 4 is more necessary than ever.

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11 years ago

I'll go the positive route this time, I congratulate Activision on doing something new and innovative involving children with Skylanders. I'm glad that sort of thing worked out.

EA has been making some bad choices lately and rushing things so it's no wonder they slipped.

11 years ago


People can hate on Activision all they like, but with COD outselling everything for the past several years, they are due respect from a business side of things.

11 years ago

I used to like EA more than Activision, but that was at the beginning of this generation. Everything EA puts out feels rushed and like it lacks some sort of either polish or soul to it.

I think Activision has the money to polish things more because they have the piggy bank that is blizzard.

But EA has really just gone down hill as of late in my opinion. I wont buy anything new from them at full price no way, not anymore.

11 years ago

At least EA has numerous franchises on consoles though. I'm with ya on the full price thing.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/17/2012 11:50:13 AM

11 years ago

i wouldent call blizzard a piggy bank.
yea there games sell ridiculously well, but there also one of THE worst studios when it comes to development times.
not to mention their biggest money maker, WOW is not doing so well.
thanks to the up cry of other MMOs, guild wars 2 is freaking astonishing!!!!!!
they bring in allot of bucks, but they also gotta be the most expensive company antivisions running.

11 years ago

I was saying that WoW subscriptions are probably giving activision a bit more money to play with but yes in general I haven't been impressed with Blizzard lately.

Diablo 3 wasn't for me, at the sad part is a 20 dollar indy game called Torchlight 2 smokes it in terms of content and replayablility.

You are right GW2 is amazing. I have been playing that game since it launched and while I only go back for the events now it was a wicked right for the first 2 months.

11 years ago

a bit yeah, but a fraction of what they were a few years ago.
its amazing how much the popularity of WOW has dropped over the past few years!
im just saying im not so sure the money blizzard is bringing in is that great compared to what there spending.

11 years ago

I can't think of any other big selling games from Activision so I think it's amazing how CoD alone can keep Activision pumped with cash.

11 years ago

and its not looking much better for EA in the future.
army of two the devils cartel looks sh*t!
dead space 3 looks the same as above, sh*t!
battlefield 4 theres no guarantee that will be out next year, and if it is theres allot of pissed off people about it being released so soon so that might even backfire.
theres not 1 game that they have announced that makes me say yes i need to have that!
or even worse not 1 game that i can really see selling extremely well.
ok obviously besides the sports games.
they REALLY need the next gen of consoles to swoop in and save them so they can get a slew of new IPs going and hopefully this time, dont turn them into totally new games by the third iteration!
exactly the reason why your in the spot you are now!

makes me wonder how antivision will go next year though.
the sales for BO2 have been allot less steady than what MW3 was making it look like its popularity is starting to wane.
what happens next year if MW4, or whatever the next COD is, releases and ends up selling only 6M units?
still a great number, but pathetic for a COD title!
id be nice to see a new guitar hero next year, but that looks unlikely.
starting to really miss the franchise!

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