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Square Enix’s Big Online Store Sale, Nab Some Great Titles

Don't say Square Enix never did anything for you.

The publisher is hosting a pretty big online sale : Just about everything they've got is 50% off until January 2, 2013 and they're even offering free shipping within the lower 48 states. Not bad, right?

This means you could grab everything from Chrono Trigger DS ($9.99) to Nier ($9.99) to Dead Island ($13.99) and a whole lot in between. Square Enix has been the whipping boy for die-hard role-playing fans this generation but the truth is, their name is on quite a few really excellent titles. Nier , for example, is one of the more overlooked games of the generation, and well worth playing. Plus, you can get the recently released Hitman: Absolution for only $39.99 and that's a damn good deal, too.

Make sure to check the online store for exact dates, prices and shipping information. Guaranteed you can probably find something you want.

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11 years ago

Nier? I heard from a friend that the company that made it loved trolling people with bad games. The sad thing is, their last troll was creating an incredible game and then being absorbed by another company and not being able to make games anymore. 10$ huh. I should buy this for myself because i have been wanting to try it.

11 years ago

Nier is a very capable game but also very different. It's like an action JRPG that's hack n slash/combo based that doubles as a classic arcade shooter and triples as a puzzling platformer. All while using very experimental storytelling techniques that border on fringe.

Hard to go wrong for that price though, just don't play it for the visuals.

11 years ago

Is it weird I really liked the visuals? Not technically but artistically something about them I just liked.

NIER is one of my favourite RPGs on consoles right now. The story was just so cool. 10 bucks is a steal.

11 years ago

A buddy of mine was telling me that if i loved Dishonored (Which i did) i would probably enjoy Deus Ex. Seeing that it is only 14.99 is there really any reason not to get it?

11 years ago


11 years ago

Deano, get Deus Ex, i got it from amazon for 11.24 and it became one of my favorite games ever, the choices you have to complete every mission is amazing, so i think you would love the game if you loved Dishonored.

11 years ago

on the PSN or its actual disc ?

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