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God Of War: Ascension Multiplayer Beta Available January 8

March is jam-packed with big-name titles and perhaps the biggest of them all for PlayStation 3 fans is God of War: Ascension .

It's also the first GoW entry to boast a full online multiplayer option, so developer Sony Santa Monica is going to hold a beta test. If you'd like to participate, it would help if you were a PlayStation Plus member, as you'll get the first crack at the test. Plus peeps always get cool bonuses!

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , the multiplayer beta will be available to Plus subscribers on January 8. We'll be able to sample the previously unseen Favor of the Gods Mode, which is essentially Team Favor of the Gods without the "team" part. Using the Spear of Olympus, you can rack up points via bonus kills and skilled executions. The map is known as the Desert of Lost Souls and in addition, we'll even be able to play through a tutorial level "that includes battle allegiances with both Zeus and Ares." Sounds like a blast!

God of War: Ascension is slated for March 12 and it'll be available exclusively for the PS3.

Related Game(s): God of War: Ascension

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11 years ago

I feel like this is a mp title. In the past all we seen was epic footage of an epic scale campaign. Now week in and week out it's mp, mp, mp… It really worries me. If they put the amount of effort into the SP that they are pushing the mp, it should turn out fine. I just hope that's actually happening, because I'm starting to get the feeling it's a prequel for a reason. They didn't have to do much brainstorming during development. The story was in place and it would be the easiest way to put out a game with an epic scale, awesome combat and intriguing story, and be able to focus on mp.

I sincerely hope that's not the case. I'd hate to see mp, hinder a GoW game. Show me some SP action and that'll probably change my thoughts.

Still super excited for it though. I can't imagine the game not being good!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/13/2012 12:10:33 PM

11 years ago

Oh I agree I even forgot what the story is about MP this MP this other blah blah blah MP!, you know is okay to have MP but why they are focusing so damn much on talking about that! when Uncharted 2 got MP they rarely did mention of it…and it was awesome!.

I fear this GoW gonna be one of the worst ever.

11 years ago

Yea Im not expecting it to live up to any of the 3 console titles. If it were a proper sequel then sure, those expectations should be there. But this is just an excitement to get to play a game from a franchise I love. Just hope its not underwhelming, and I'll be happy!

But still, it needs to be epic regardless! 😉

11 years ago

This prequel was just an excuse to make GoW Online.

I'm not really interested unless I got to make my own warrior from scratch with a character creator.

11 years ago

I kinda feel the same. I dont really think Sony Santa Monica would actually use this game as a way to get mp into the game. But the amount of info on the mp compared to the lack of info for the SP, really makes you wonder what the intent was.

Now either way the mp does look good. The problem is they are making it the focal point, and that's just not what GoW is, was or ever should be!

I'm not sure about creating from scratch, but if they are going to implement mp they sure as hell better do something like that because if you're gonna do it, do it right!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/13/2012 1:33:43 PM

11 years ago

thats where your wrong.
the changes they have made to the campaign is just ridiculous!
everythings been fine tuned or changed, the combat and animation system for instance is so much more detailed now and it feels SO much more fast paced!
everyone loves DMC because of its fast paced combat, yet this feels like DMC on acid!
so much faster, and theres nice little touches like with your blades there actually on fire so as you pound enemies your surroundings catch alight dealing extra damage and turning everything to ash.
i wasent a big fan of GOW3, in fact its one of THE most disappointing games EVER made!
it betrayed everything the series was about, fast paced epic combat, fluid motion, impossible boss battles, massive scale puzzles, brutal difficulty and oh so many death traps.
3 threw all that out of the window.
acension brings them back, this is the perfect example of how a sequel should be done!
everything is carried over, taken apart and polished to a inch of its life, than put back together.
its different yet familiar at the same time!

11 years ago

Does seem like this game was an excuse to make God of War online. Very little has been said of the single player story. Might be a wait-and-see purchase. Especially with all the games coming out in the first half of 2013.

Btw does anyone know where this game falls in timeline of the other 2 prequels? Is it supposed to be after them but before GoW 1?

11 years ago

the official timeline of god of war goes as follows:

God Of War: Ascension
God Of War: Chains Of Olympus
God Of War
God Of War: Betrayal
God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta
God Of War II
God Of War III

11 years ago

Thank you!

11 years ago

i just played through god of war chains of olympus and ghost of sparta on the hd collection that a buddy borrowed to me. (+1 for physical media) i played CoO years ago and never played GoS so it was fun to run through them. i feel they were fairly easy compared to the numbered games. i almost want to go through 3 again since it has been a while since i played it.

i think this is a beta that i will try out. i am curious to see what happens in this one. at the same time all the god of war games have this weird feeling of playing the same game over and over.

11 years ago

I think it's good that they don't give us any more info on the SP story. I want everything to be a surprising as possible and the MP looks bad ass anyway.


11 years ago

not first crack its been available for people who completed the challenge of the gods for weeks now!
im still a bit on the fence with the MP though.
it looks very creative and i have to doff the cap to them for coming up with something so creative.
everyones been how are you going to adopt MP to GOW, and they have done something no one would of expected it looks really cool!
that said though is it really going to catch on?
im afraid this is going to be like every ps3 exclusives MP.
brilliantly made, well balanced, but people just wont play it.
is it really worth the devs going through the trouble and time creating this?
i hope so, but i doubt it will be this is not going to be very popular by the looks of it.

GOW always has and always will be a story driven experience, and oh my god are we in for a treat with that!
after playing the demo they showed at E3 everyone at my local eb store cant stop talking about it, i got stuck there for a hour today going on about how smooth the combat feels and how much faster paced it is.
its funny, this feels EXACTLY like how GOW3 should of!
GOW3 was so heffed up with the boss battles, titans, the massive scale and ridiculous gore!
it forgot about what made the series so freaking awesome!
the combat, the hardcore puzzles, the constant death traps!
ascension brings that back, they have gone through the combat and animation system with a fine tooth comb changing and improving almost EVERYTHING!
this is EXACTLY what a sequel should be!
familiar, yet everything has been broken down and improved or changed.
its not a new IP, totally GOW just turned up to 20011!

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