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What Video Game Genre Do You Most Despise, And Why?

We all have likes and dislikes. And many of us have a genre of gaming that we just loathe .

There are three genres I've never particularly enjoyed but of those three, there is one I absolutely despise in every way, shape and form. And the strange part is that by all rights, I should adore it.

I don't particularly like fighting games, although I have gotten into a few Mortal Kombat , Soul Calibur , and Dead or Alive installments in the past. I really don't do flight-based games, either. But if there's one genre I absolutely cannot abide, it's Real-Time Strategy (RTS). It doesn't make too much sense, especially considering that my favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics , which is also strategy. However, the difference between turn-based and real-time when it comes to strategy is just so massively gigantic in my eyes…

To me, strategy is about taking as much time as I need to plan the next move; to execute a perfectly devised plan in my own time. I hate clocks in games, anyway, but to be constantly urged forward by an incessantly ticking unseen clock drives me absolutely bonkers . Command & Conquer made me want to throw stuff. It really did. And I'm the most patient human alive; I love all sorts of games that put a premium on thought and patience. But for some reason, having time continuously moving while I'm trying to plan stuff pisses me off . Admittedly, it is weird. I really should love those games. At first glance, they should be right up my alley.

But I hate 'em. So what about you?

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11 years ago

I think sports games are the ones I dislike most. I don't loathe them but I'm not a fan of real life sports… Only game I've played and liked was Fight Night Round 2 or 3

It was that or Strategy and Tetris saved it.

11 years ago

Mike Tyson's Punch Out was the greatest sports title of all time.

11 years ago

I preferred the arcade version of Punch Out which came out before Mike Tyson's version.

11 years ago

I loved boxing, I was a big Mike fan. I know people don't like to say they were cuz he went nuts but I was a fan.

11 years ago

Oh I was too, like a lot of people. I have his entire career on dvd. Along with a few others boxers.

11 years ago

MMA is not the same man.

11 years ago

Totally agree, sports games are the worst.

Olympics games, and MOST OF ALL……. Golf games.

Like wtf. My idea of a good time, sit down, relax, pick up my ps3 controller, and play some golf. (Sarcasm)

11 years ago

I love hockey and soccer, but I agree for the most part. Hate playing fifa and NHL games. However, the show games for baseball are extremely well done.

11 years ago

I have gained much respect for fighting games over the years as it requires the person to understand the moves to truly utilize the game whether its mma or street fighter

I'm losing respect for fps just because of companies like activision constantly feeding on it with no improvement, I just hope dice doesn't let ea turn them stale

11 years ago

That's the reason why I like RTS games actually. It feels stressful to make decisions on the fly, but that level of stress brings me into the game more. I feel like I'm actually commanding these forces that need orders in a timely manner, otherwise they'll be decimated by the enemy. It really gets the heart pumping, which attaches me more to the outcome of the battle. I can see why some people might not like that particular feeling though 😉

I don't think I really have a genre that I loathe, as I appreciate quality in any genre, but some overdone genres are starting to wear thin on me and bore me a bit.

11 years ago

I love RTS. To me they are a lot like a fighting game. The real time component generates a sense of pressure, psychological tactics, and the fostering of real time micro management skills. In my time with them I've learned there's infinite strategies to be formed and the intricate execution of those plans demands a precise sound mind, and keeping your cool under pressure.

I simply can't play that genre competively anymore because my life just can't allow for it with how many obligations I have. My days playing them though were infinitely enjoyable. I would watch and study replays. I learned the many attributes of armor, weapon, speed types, all of the keystrokes etc. Watched replays even from tournament greats… all I can say is.. mad skillz my friends.. mad skillz. Some of those guys out there are unbelievable. They have my highest degree of gamer respect in that department. Apparently Korea still holds massive Starcraft tournaments even today. They're like a big deal over there too.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/12/2012 11:15:22 PM

11 years ago

oh, and I can't think of a genre I hate or despise. I have preferences of course. But none of them stir feelings of hatred.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
11 years ago

I tend to dislike sports games because I'm not into most sports. But I'm a boxer and wouldn't you know it, there are no good boxing games at all.

I also dislike RTS, but mostly because fighting tends to be incredibly simplistic compared to TBS. They usually focus more on resource hoarding and multitasking/GUI skills than anything resembling battle tactics.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Fight Night Champion

11 years ago

As a JRPG lover I must express my distate of SJRPGs like Disgaia, even if I like the characters and stuff it's like I have to be able to conquer Rome circa 1AD just to get past a couple peon battles and onto the next tiny section of story, which isn't much but possesses mind-numbing combinations of possible things to do with all the crap I've assembled.

Too many possibilities; feels like otherwise great games are wrecked by the strategy part. I really wanted to like Arc the Lad series and Disgaia.

11 years ago

I like sjrpg's pretty well. During the PSX era I got pretty deep into Vagrant Story, I think that counts?, but some other game detracted me.
Also, I've been wanting to get around to FF Tactics. I have buddies who enjoyed it pretty well. The last one I got into, and this was a while ago, was the Advance Wars games on GBA. They were fun, pretty simple but fun, fun and turn based. I think they were rated pretty dang well for their time too.

… that's just great to know Temjin =p

11 years ago

You might be thinking of Vandal Hearts.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

What the hell is a SJRPG

11 years ago

Strategy Japanese Role Playing Game. Think of a JRPG played on a very complex chess board.

11 years ago

hhmmm. nope, not Vandal Hearts. It's Vagrant Story. It's more of a dungeon crawl, I guess, with a heavy emphasis on turn-based play strategy. It almost reminds me of like a turn-based Demon's Souls, or something. I can't think of anything else out there like Vagrant Story. I sort of think of it has a sjrpg-kinda sorta

11 years ago

There's really no one genre that I dislike, but in the past year or so, FPS games have really gotten on my nerves as they won't stop coming out with more and more of them. Farcry 3 and Borderlands 2 being huge exceptions. Don't play fighting games anymore due to boredom with that genre, sad because that used to be near the top of genres I played. Lately, it's been strategy games like Civ 5 and Shogun 2 that have taken all my time, so I've avoided all the other genres for the most part, just for a break and to let them become a little more fresh when I return to them.

11 years ago

I dislike FPS games, well not loathe though, because I suck at most FPS games plus the fad.

11 years ago

I don't despise any games.
But sports, RTS, turned-based, side-scrollers & most top-down games just aren't for me.

Ravi Shankar, R.I.P.

Ravi Shankar & Anoushka Shankar Live: Raag Khamaj (1997)

11 years ago

Oh, I DO hate games where they're way too super-fast paced, or one's where you're just about timed on every damned thing in the game.

I like to take my own sweet carefree time while playing & soak in everything the game has to offer, including the scenery.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/13/2012 12:29:46 PM

11 years ago

Turn based RPG's.

There is a reason why this style of games has gone the way of the dinosaurs.

11 years ago

But that reason is obviously not their quality or status in the hearts of gamers.

11 years ago

And what might that reason be…?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

That's not funny.

11 years ago

I think its just the lack of rpg innovation these days. Most devs play it safe by making some thing of a hybrid generics like Dragon Age. I mean Valkyria Chronicles almost got it right as compared to the big name FFXIII.

11 years ago

World – Of course. My comment does not reflect the quality of the stories or the characters. I was ready to make the plunge into White Knight Chronicles until I saw that it was turn based.

Yukian – For me it's simple. I do not like the feeling of not being in control of the actual combat. Telling my character what to do only to watch it on screen is boring to me. I also do not care for the whole turn mechanic either as waiting ruins the immersion for me. My comparison to the dinosaur was referencing the fact that I am not alone.

Ben – It wasn't intended to be funny, and I knew my response wouldn't be a popular one. I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else, but sometimes ones opinion can do that. 🙂

Vitron – Speaking of mechanics and hybrids, I don't see why these turn based RPG developers couldn't keep the core of their game the same but offer an option for folks who like more of a hands on approach. The same could have done with Skyrim for example.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 12/13/2012 12:35:37 PM

11 years ago

It's fine in that it's a genre you despise, Max, but it's not an overly antiquated mechanic. Certainly no more than platforming or fps or any kind of adventure 3rd person outlook. See also side scrollers like Mario.

The issue is how to developers perfect a particular genre and innovate that makes it fresh. There are lots of turn based titles that can continue to grow. Remember how innovative FFXII battle system was on PS2? It's beyond me why we haven't built off that… It really comes down to developer innovation for me. Valkyria Chronicles was fantastic fun, for example, and I think you'll see some similarities in Ni No Kuni to FFXII's innovation. This is a great direction for the future of turn based.

Anyways, my point is, it's fine if it's just you not liking a genre, but everything else you said is just… well, it's just incorrect, and I'm surprised to hear you're ok with being so wrong about something.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/13/2012 4:27:02 PM

11 years ago

Max, I respect your opinion but I do not share it.

That's like saying that I don't like 3rd person shooters 'cause I see the character and I don't feel immersed enough. But to each their own. 🙂

And I like your idea of having the option of real time and turn based but that's a pipe dream… no developer would give so much time and effort to make 2 different games on one disc.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

The closest genre I would say in my opinion that comes close to "despise" would be Fighting games. I don't despise them, I just suck at them, granted I don't try to become better at Fighting games, but I hate getting my *** whooped. I've played many fighting games and my most favorite being Mortal Kombat. If I ever play a fighting game it's usually with a friend sitting next to me. I've been online in Mortal Kombat, never will you see me there again.

I don't discriminate, I play everything.

11 years ago

I feel the same way.

11 years ago

I cannot stand racing games; doubly so for racing simulations. I fully accept that games like GT do what they're designed to do extremely well, but since I personally dislike driving and think that nascar (Ive lived in the south for most of my life, so that's my primary experience with auto racing) is one of the biggest wastes of time ever created, those types of games will never be fun for me.

11 years ago

I guess the sub-genre of WRPGs. I just find some incredibly boring, from the "realistic" stories to the characters and some of the gameplay. But mostly because it takes away from the sub-genre and style I prefer in RPGs as devs now think that people only prefer open-world, real-time, freedom over linear, story-focused, turn based RPGs with great characters.

11 years ago

I hate games that require frame-perfect timing and pixel-perfect jumps to get through a level. Usually these are hardcore platformers or other hardcore games that are said to take "skill" to beat; if doing a level 1000 times so that you figure out the right millisecond to push the jump button constitutes skill, then I want to suck.
(see Super Meat Boy)

11 years ago

Facebook Games. They are the bane of every real game ever made, and they are all damn near equally terrible. They all have the same cute small person slightly anime/cartoony style and none of them have a purpose other than to get you to buy (with real money) something to make your player look cuter

11 years ago

Sports and RTS.

My exception to sports games are Wii titles and Golf. I'm not kidding.

11 years ago

I hate RTS too, it creates an obsessive compulsive affliction in me. But at least you can respect the gamers who like those series because they like something that isn't mainstream and takes a lot of thought.

FPS pisses me off lately for not taking many risks. Bioshock is sweet, Singularity was a very good attempt, but so many are so similar. It's like yeah Mario and Sonic were both platformers but they were different games. Get what I'm sayin?

11 years ago

FPS is so redundant now I agree. I played Halo 4 through recently, and while it was nice (I think Reach was better as a game) it just felt SO familiar. I think it's even a little more CoD'ish in mission design (not a good thing). I also don't really get how critics vary so much in their opinions concerning what makes a great FPS. Gamespot, for example, and maybe they were different reviewers, gave Halo 4 like a 9.0 and KZ3 a 7.5.
I loaded up KZ3, post Halo 4, and it felt as if either one could've come before or after the next. Both have impressive visuals in their own ways, (I think KZ3 when it's at it's best is better visually by a lot) but to think one is some how merely a "good" game and the other is a "superb" game is just beyond me. They're so very similar in quality and offering, yet respected so very differently. I know you, World, don't care much for FPS shooting gallery types, but I do think KZ3 doesn't get the respect it should, which is something I think has a whole lot to do with it being a genre that's widely popular but exclusive to PS3. Anyway, Rage is probably the last shooter I've played that felt more involved than the average shooter. Then again, it isn't JUST a shooter. Putting in the same class as CoD or KZ just feels wrong to me. It's a hybrid action game with a heavy emphasis on shooting and driving.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/13/2012 12:18:10 PM

11 years ago

Wait. I suck. Gamespot gave KZ3 an 8.5 not a 7.5

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Real time strategy games annoy the ever-loving p*ss out of me. Starcraft and Galactic Civilisations 2 are the only ones I've dabbled in (at the suggestion of a friend), and I quickly grew to despise them. I really can't say why.
First person anything. Maybe not loathe, but simply find it impossible to love them.
Sports games. Bleh.
Fighters. They just get too boring and repetitive after a while.

11 years ago

FPS!! i used to like em alot back in the goldenye days but there over abundance an out of control popularity killed them for me. to the person who said they don't like turned based rpgs on this website of all things lol, that's like sticking your face in acid. you got guts!! lol

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Sport Games! Mainly because I don't like the sports.

11 years ago

Nearly all browser games and every FPS where the story isn't as good as the gameplay elements(except for arcade-style shooters like Serious Sam). Seriously, very lacking stories are the reason I hardly ever play FPS anymore(of course, there are exceptions like BioShock). I couldn't care less for online multiplayer. To me, multiplayer is playing with good friends in the same room. I'm not even 20 yet and that point of view seems weird to a lot of people.

11 years ago

dont despise any genre, but ive never been a fan of RTS games.
just bore the hell out of me, and feels really kinda cheap.
that and real time RPGs like the old digemon or pokemon games.
its like you fire an attack and it misses, how was that calculated?
did i miss because of a mistake i made, or because i dont have enough states, or just because the game likes cheating?
dont really see the point of them because the whole point of games is for you to play the game.
not you press a button and watch everything play out and have no control over it.

11 years ago

I guess I generally speaking don't like games that are too technical. It's not why I game.

Simulators for example, or the fighter games where I have to learn a zillion different combinations and timings… I get frustrated before I'm even done with the tutorial.

But when it comes to game mechanics I really, really despise QTEs. Typically there's something real interesting going on on the screen during them, and I miss it all cause I have to pay attention to the bloody button symbols that pops up. Man there is no end to how much I hate that sh*t.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/13/2012 7:18:53 AM

11 years ago

I'm an anti-QTE man myself. I agree wholeheartedly.

11 years ago

Most first person shooters. Besides Bioshock other first person shooters i cant stand. Also turn-based strategy games i tried with XCOM: Enemy Unknown but i just couldnt get into it. They bore me too. Plus JRPGs no offence JRPGs fans but they are too kiddy to me.

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