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Don’t Like Bioshock Infinite’s Cover Art? Pick Another One!

Despite Ken Levine's explanation , many fans aren't too happy with the box art for Bioshock Infinite .

Ah, but a reversible cover makes everything better, especially if you vastly prefer the alternate artwork. As announced over at Irrational's website , the hotly anticipated title will come with an option…picture one or picture two?

You can vote for one of six covers and you better do it fast, because Levine says that print deadlines are coming up fast. And if you're still not happy with whatever the majority chooses, you're not totally out of luck, as the developer will create "a whole mess" of extra alternate covers, which will be available to download and print out. These will show up at a later date, but isn't that nice of them?

Bioshock Infinite will be ready to go on March 26, 2013.

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago

All of them are awesome looking but despite what it was being told on The Last of Us cover, I'd rather pick the ones with Elizabeth…

I'm between designs 1, 2, 3 and 5…

11 years ago

Props to those who suggested this in yesterday's story. 😀

11 years ago

I liked #1 & #4, but went with #1.

11 years ago

#4 is winning… :/

Bioshock 1 and 2 had most elements: Big Daddy, Little Sisters, water and darkness. The things missing are Splicers and Plasmids.

On #4 we only get Songbird, the vast sky and the floating city but one special thing is missing: Elizabeth.

11 years ago

I have to vote for 6, it's the most in keeping with the theme and feel of a unique game. It doesn't become a parody of itself.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I choose that one too

11 years ago

I had no issues with the art that brought the uproar. Makes no difference to me anyway as I'll be getting the digital version so I'll never see the cover art in the first place.

But I voted for #3 in any case.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 12/12/2012 11:47:25 PM

11 years ago

While a person certainly could print out some decent ones (I've created game boxes this way) they could probably make extra money if they just offered each of those for sale off their website after the game releases. Lots of people are very passionate about their game boxes and art.

11 years ago

This was a great idea. Numbers two and four were pretty cool but six is the one thy really caught my eye.

11 years ago

It's between 4 and 6 for me, but had to go with #4.

11 years ago

#1: Too plain with only Elizabeth on it.

#2: Doesn't really show much as well aside from a kid picking up the hat for the big dude which doesn't really feel like Bioshock.

#3: Looks like a Hollywood action movie which isn't exactly a bad thing, with a bad-ass Booker holding that shotgun and Elizabeth at the back but this is Bioshock…………

#4: A very awesome one with the Songbird but would have been better in 3D.

#5: Same opinion as #3 but to me it's worse.

#6: Voted for this one because I think it shows that Elizabeth and Songbird shares a bond between them which ironically is also the thing that's endangering Elizabeth. And beside, for a Bioshock title, this one fits best.

11 years ago

That is SERIOUS dedication to fans!

Ken Levine and his fellow folk at Irrational are all truly intelligent and creative people. Sticking to their creative decisions while offering an alternative in some shape or form to those who do not like Irrational's original designs or decisions.

A tip of the hat to you, Mr Levine.

11 years ago

sweet, but that does not solve the problem does it?
the problem was people are concerned people are A not going to buy this because it portrays the game as something its not, or B people will buy it but than take it back because it portrays the game as something its not.
so this does not really solve anything.

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