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Relive The Greatness Of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Tomorrow

Although it wasn't my personal favorite, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was undoubtedly the most accomplished of the three classic PS2 entries.

With RPG-like elements (i.e., if you worked out, you'd get all muscular, and practicing shooting with specific guns made you more accurate), an appropriately huge world featuring both cities and outlying suburbs, and a solid story, San Andreas is a definite must-play for all hardcore gamers.

But if you missed out or you'd simply love to play it again, you can always download it when it hits the PlayStation Network tomorrow. We figured this was coming, as the ESRB rated the game back in October; now, as announced over at the PlayStation Blog , that it'll be available as of December 11. They didn't provide us with a price, but it'll probably be $10, as other games have been. Speaking of which, GTAIII is already downloadable, and we're all assuming Vice City (my favorite) will show up soon, too. And that, of course, will be highly recommended.

Yes, it's true that GTAV will be very different, as GTAIV was. So if you want that arcade-y, over-the-top insanity, you probably have to stick to the old-school GTA adventures.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

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11 years ago

On what do you base the assumption that GTA5 will be so very different, Ben? Only the fact that GTA4 was?
What I get from the trailers we've seen so far is GTA going back to the roots. I think it looks almost like a GTA:SA 2!

11 years ago

I don't think it will be *very* different other than the fact, better graphics (better chance than 4), more open world, more things to do and set in the same environment as SA.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 12/10/2012 1:15:09 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

There was no gameplay in that trailer, Beamboom. The very same type of trailer could've been made for GTAIV.

No, they're not going back to rag-doll physics and totally unrealistic everything. That much I can guarantee.

11 years ago

I know there wasn't much gameplay video there, but that's not my point either.

I don't really care what kind of physics they use or other technicalities, it's more the overall atmosphere and craziness I have in mind.
There's something about the sunniness, beaches and general scenery that just *so* reminded me of SA, and even VC.

I think it looks very classic GTA. GTA4 was like a contemporary drama. From the looks of it I think (or at least hope) GTA5 will be a return to a more lighthearted story, over the top events and more colourful characters.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/10/2012 2:25:02 PM

11 years ago

beams right 4 had such a serious melodramatic story and feel to it, this feels allot more like the GTA we know and love.
back to the satire and making fun of society, the things R* north is so famous for!
they have always stuck up a mirror to society, and made fun of it, controversy for the sake of it.
4 dident, this looks allot more like that.

11 years ago

Definitely grabbing this gem. Hate to say it but I never completed the game. Got so side tracked it was ridiculous

11 years ago

I remember it was a pain for me when I was trying to collect the last few oysters.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Hopefully works well with the PSVita.

11 years ago

? how will it work with the Vita?

11 years ago

I think since it's originally a PS2 title and on PSN it should work on the Vita, that's my guess.

11 years ago

GTA3 doesn't work on the Vita does it? or have I been missing a trick since it came out on the PSN?

11 years ago

It's my understanding that the Vita only plays PS1 classics, not PS2. Unless there's some hack I don't know about. Also, there's no L2 or R2 buttons.

11 years ago

If it would, it might be just the reason I needed to buy a Vita.

11 years ago

Ben, any word on the EU getting this Weds?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You should check the Euro PlayStation Blog to see what's what.

11 years ago

I have and there is nothing there.

The American PSN blog seems to give people a lil more insight in to what is coming up than the EU blog.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I don't know but I have to assume it will.

11 years ago

VC was meant to be coming out before SA, but I think again there's a licensing issue with a song or something.

edit: actually I think it might be a Micheal Jackson song that is the problem.

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 12/10/2012 1:34:24 PM

11 years ago

yeah i want vice city too!

11 years ago

Yeah VC was a better game. Especially music wise, and setting wise.

11 years ago

GTA: SA is only one of two PS2 games that I didn't sell in order to buy a PS3, so I'll definitely be buying this (I don't have a BC PS3 or a working PS2).

11 years ago

San Andreas is the BEST GTA experience so far. But since its not in HD i gotta pass since i still got a PS2 and the GTA Trilogy

11 years ago

typical $ony, US gets the news and a date.
EU?………. *crickets*.
its amazing and pathetic the amount of content available on the US PSN store not available anywhere else!
as if getting ripped through the a$$ price wise is not bad enough!
why does $ony hate everyone outside america?
i dont see nintendo, microsoft, apple, samsung,ect, ect playing favorites.
fine, f*ck you too $ony!

another thing i cant understand is R*s refusal to remake the console versions.
we will do a HD remake for GTA3 for mobiles, we will do a HD remake for VC for mobiles, and they have always been open to GTASA HD for mobiles.
so why are they so hell bent on saying no to it for consoles?
because there concerned it will hurt sales of 4, its DLC, and 5?
come on dont be stupid, a HD remake would HELP the sales for those games not hurt it!
id give anything to be able to play vice city in proper HD, oh hell remake it in the RAGE engine and give it graphics like GTAIV!
if theres ONE game out there that deserves that treatment its vice city!

Last edited by ___________ on 12/11/2012 3:48:59 AM

11 years ago

A warning for those of you who haven't played this game:


From my personal experience, it was 3 months of my life very well invested, there are so many things to do, finding everything and doing evertything, watching cutscenes, etc.

Best GTA in my opinion of the whole franchise, no other GTA has managed to come anywhere close to this gem.

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