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First Far Cry 3 DLC Announced For PS3

Ooh, gotta love PS3-exclusive content, even if it's only a temporary exclusive.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , the first expansion pack for Far Cry 3 will launch exclusively for Sony's console in January 2013.

Dubbed High Tides, this new content will deliver two new co-op chapters to the already robust adventure: Jailbreak and Redemption will pick up where the first six chapters left off and according to developer Massive Entertainment, these will show off "the gang's final moments" and should boast "tougher fights." We don't yet have a price or exact date but for now, it's just nice to know that PS3 owners get the nod. Ubisoft is good at doing that, though, as Assassin's Creed fans will tell you.

And if you haven't tried Far Cry 3 yet, you really should. For further convincing, hit the link above and check out our epic review.

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

In just less than a month, it'll be January…

11 years ago

Hehe – wonder how many x360 fans are right now frowning over "Sony and their deep pockets and corrupt business practises, and Ubisoft receiving a truckload of Japanese Yen" or something. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/5/2012 1:50:42 AM

11 years ago

I thought that was two truckloads!

11 years ago

Ah yeah, two loads. Of course.
Then add some industry sabotage accusations and a couple of random conspiracy theories, and we should be covered. Gotta love the fanboys. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/5/2012 7:42:35 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

MS paid Ubisoft to not have exclusive DLC first this time just so Xbox fans would have something to gripe about.

11 years ago

Meh. I'd much rather single player DLC.

11 years ago

gotta love it how when M$ announces exclusive DLC its sad M$ having to spend money on exclusive DLC because they have no games, but when $ony waste their money on this BS its a good thing.
oh the good old hypocrisy of the internet, how i missed you!

11 years ago

I disagree with multiplatform exclusive DLC. However, it is nice to be on the right side of the fence for once. Playing through the campaign and I will then give COOP a go once completed.

I have been playing FC3 for 5 hours now and it's one the best FPS I have played. The tension is real and the island itself has life. Komodo Dragons attacked me like they would in the real world. I killed 2 and skinned them. I heard more hissing and there were 4 stalking me. Killed one more and was bitten. My vision went blurry and I ran out of ammo and died!

There is really difficult stealth with a rock throwing technique as well. However dogs have thwarted all my stealth attempts so far. I have to figure out how deal with the dogs.

It was so funny when I came upon my first cave! It sure looked imposing so I walked in and my flashlight turned on. Even with the flashlight I was actually scared. I creeped in and got the contents of the first box I saw and ran out expecting to be mauled by some horrible animal! I gained some nerve and went back and got the rest of the goodies from this one cave. I have already seen 4 others during firefights.

The animals add massive dread to this game! You cannot walk anywhere without worrying about running into some kind of animal. I mean, I am not being attacked like my Seraphim in Sacred 2, so it's not one animal after another. I was able to go about my business without being attacked. But you have to be vigilant. I saw some sharks as well and killed one while on shore. I then slipped and fell in the water and was able to get out before the other 2 sharks came after me. One tried to get me while I was on shore with one foot in the water!

Driving and hit and runs are very satisfying. This game just reeks of high production values. The start to the game was very intense and reminded me of playing out a Hostel movie. Graphics, models, animation, atmosphere, sound, control and story are all perfect so far.

Wow, not sure what my GOTY is right now but this is close. It's between Borderlands 2 and FC3. Cannot wait to play some more, well done Ubisoft Montreal! My prediction is that this will end up being my GOTY 2012.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 12/5/2012 8:48:16 AM

11 years ago

I've heard great things about this game, I'm sure I'll pick it up. But it just came out yesterday (in the US) and they've already sent out a "Thanks for spending $60, get ready to spend $10 more." announcement?

Things like that make me immediately think "Well, guess I'll just wait for the complete edition."

11 years ago

Why not just give 360 and PS3 gamers different DLC, then light them build hype amongst each other for a few months before then swapping those releases so each console that missed out gets the other DLC next?

11 years ago

To expensive to make different DLC for each console. More money made making one and selling it to 3 different groups of gamers. Trust me they deserve the money! I would have paid $100 for this game, easy.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 12/5/2012 1:55:10 PM

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