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Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Finds Its Way To PS3 In “Early 2013”

Well, it's not an exact date but it's something. It's hope.

Bethesda has yet to deliver any extra content for the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , but that doesn't mean it won't ever happen. It has just felt that way.

The publisher has confirmed that the Dragonborn expansion will launch for the Xbox 360 tomorrow, and it'll come to the PS3 and PC in "early 2013." PS3 owners never saw the first two pieces of DLC – Dawnguard and Hearthfire – but now they're getting Dragonborn, so at least they're not entirely out in the cold. The only question that remains is obvious- Will Bethesda ever deliver Dawnguard and Hearthfire…? Maybe not. But we should appreciate whatever we get at this point, right?

Bethesda has repeatedly said they intend to keep working with Sony so PS3 Skyrim fans can enjoy more DLC. Maybe it's finally starting to happen.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
11 years ago

About damn time. I have been looking for a reason to boot up Skyrim again.

11 years ago

If Bugthesda can't give the PS3 players Dawnguard and Hearthfire too, then they should not be let off the hook by any means.

Otherwise they're just continuing to cheat PS3 fans out of their rightful play-time.

11 years ago

IMHO, Dawnguard was NOT worth $20 by any stretch of the imagination, and Hearthfire looked so idiotic I didn't even consider it. Dragonborn, though, has definitely got my attention. When I'm slumming it on the xbox side of the tracks this week I'll be sure to check it out and report back 🙂

11 years ago

Whats kind of funny is that dawnguard was short, and kind of meh. The third person view for the vampire lord was buggy as hell. Then heartfire was mainly adopting kids and getting new houses. I would say the fans wouldn't be missing out on to much. Also, i bought skyrim for my computer for 10$ on black friday, and i corrupted the save file when i summoned 200 vamps and 100 werewolves. It was an epic fight with a sad conclusion. Ironicly, i've only played skyrim with cheats and mods. The actual game sucks, even on pc. Crashes, glitches and even game breaking save corruption. The edwards and jacobs weren't the first time the game broke on me. Anyway theres my 99 cents. Take it if you will, its free after all

11 years ago

Dude, I think all your mods f*cked up your game that's all.

11 years ago

I don't think the weapon color changing mods can do that. The cheats are mainly summoning and flying. Flying around skyrim in third person is hilarious. But yeah, no, i don't download the special mods like new maps of whatever. Sad thing is, the nude mod is the most popular one. Seriously, why is the nude mod the most popular mod? Anyway, i made the ebony greatsword blue and silver. It looks badass.

11 years ago

Actually, even without mods it's still buggy as hell and gets really unstable after some time. There are some mods that are pretty much required if you don't want to eventually have to abandon your character due to save game corruption.

11 years ago

That's sad that it's all buggy on PC, the game is fine on PS3 unless you make a magic-heavy character.

11 years ago

But will it work if you already have a crippling slowdown?

11 years ago

I still can't believe it when I hear people claim they are good developers. Most developers will have issues with DLC but 99% of the time it is the complaint that Sony's restrictions and slow QA department are what they are clamoring about. They(other devs) rarely ever say they can't bring it to the system. Why? Simple, they are actual professionals unlike Bethesda. I will still be waiting to buy Skyrim when they release a version with the DLC on it, and if they don't then that is fine, that just means I will pass on this one. I have more patience and respect for SE then I do Bethesda.

11 years ago

Or thing I've learned about Bethesda this generation, wait for the GOTY edition, by then the bugs are worked out enough to be make the game playable, and you usually get the extra dlc for free….

11 years ago

this is becoming a joke really.
sorry bugthesda, but suffice to say youve really hurt your reputation here!
if they release ALL the DLC for other systems and quickety split than maybe they can regain some fans, but otherwise there going to be paying for this down the line.

11 years ago

I am at the point with this game and all of its issues (Bethesda), who cares anymore?

11 years ago

I've lost all interest in this game, which makes me sad. I was looking forward to playing it, but if they can't do it right then Bethesda won't get my money.

11 years ago

Pff 2013? yeah didn't they say 2012 for the last two? We're be pissing in the wind if we think we will get it, we didn't get the first two so we won't get this one either. There will no doubt be "unexpected issues whilst coding" The release dates on the original game were the same, so they obviously know how to do it they just aren't bothering.

11 years ago

we'll be*

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