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Hey Sony, PlayStation Move Still Needs A Big-Time Killer App

The PlayStation Move hasn't suffered terrible sales. Quite the contrary, in fact.

And yet, if it really wants to make any more significant strides, it's going to require a AAA elite killer app, which it has not yet received. For a while, many thought that title could be Sorcery , but while solid and entertaining, it didn't really qualify. It was simply too short and nowhere near involved enough for the hardcore.

Sony said when they launched the Move that they wished to cater to hardcore gamers, that they desired to deliver top-notch experiences the long-time veterans would enjoy. However, I still only want to play the Sports Champions games and that's about it. Personally, I think there's a very small percentage of hardcore gamers who have any interest in using the Move for a AAA production like Uncharted 4 or something. There's a limitation to the motion-sensing technology, and one notices that upon playing just about anything with Move (or Kinect).

So not only does Move need an attention-generating killer app, that game also needs to make the avid gamer stand up and take notice. Move works well with some shooters but other than that, my Move controllers mostly just gather dust. I think what all Move owners want is something unique and special; not merely a slightly better experience than what they'd get on other platforms. I just have no idea what sort of game would allow the Move to shine in the eyes of the hardcore…

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11 years ago

until dawn and wonderbook.
did u play sorcery?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I reviewed it and there's a link to it in the article, so…yeah.

11 years ago

If it was backwards compatible with all the games. Then it would have plenty of killer apps. I still don't want to own that thing.

11 years ago

I would change my mind though if SQ enix released a LE for the move with LR FF13. Besides that there are some good bundles/prices to get a move.

11 years ago

I'm not into motion gaming myself but Move is definitely the best in terms of shooters and in that regard I think they're supporting it just fine. Bioshock Infinite will be Move compatible and the developers seem to think it adds a lot to the game…

11 years ago

Resident evil 4 MOVE compatible would have increased sales heavily. Why release the RE discography (RE6 box set) with a HD upgrade for RE4 but then not even bother to have it function with your motion sensing peripheral?
-I personally hope someone at Capcom loses thier job over that one.
My friends and I were excited to play RE4 with our MOVE controllers but no we are stuck playing medium quality titles like: Cabella's Big Game Rhino Hunter 2nd edition Wild Turkey Catcher.

Last edited by Amnesiac on 12/2/2012 11:58:48 PM

11 years ago

You just read my mind. RE4 was one of the few really great experiences I had with the Wii, so when I heard it was coming to PS3 I thought it would be move comparable for sure. That was a big disappointment.

11 years ago

Nothing can save it, it was a waste of time for Sony.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Is it just me or have you been a little more negative than usual? Them winter months can get to you. I know what MN is like this time of year, don't take it out on the move.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Based on the numbers alone, I don't think Sony is viewing Move as a waste of time. It feels like more of a waste of time from a gamer perspective, honestly.

11 years ago

Hehe yeah Ben's right, it was a waste of *our* time. 🙂

11 years ago

I don't normally flat out wish for things to fail, but I'm getting a little worried about Sony buying into motion control too heavily next gen. So I'm with you World, the Move needs to die.

11 years ago

Well am I wrong? It was probably a big investment and there are no must-play games for it.

11 years ago

That's a very good point, dmiitrie. We don't want the Move sales numbers to give Sony any bright ideas when it comes to the PS4.

But surely they too must see that the enthusiasm around Move is pretty limited, to put it mildly.

11 years ago

Well in honest regard, I think Move was a bad idea for Sony, since Nintendo started the whole thing with the Zapper.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 12/3/2012 3:52:54 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

The move could use a cheap Zombie slaughter app. Everyone likes killin Zombies thse days. Wouldn't that make a great stress release at the end of a hard day? Something with decent physics and a violent but pulping fun nature to it.

11 years ago

It wouldn't even have to be cheap, it could be good, Move had potential and it got shovelware. A great zombie game that uses precision well could have helped.

11 years ago

I even think you're too positive when saying Move worked well with some shooters, Ben, unless you actually think it added anything of value to Killzone 3. It was *horrible* in RE5, I never bothered trying Move in Resistance 3 but I can't imagine I missed anything.

They need killer games made specifically for Move. They can tack on Move support on other games as much as they like (fine by me) but *don't* let Move dictate anything in those games. Not map layout, not control schemes, no nothing. Cause regular controllers and Move is not compatible. Their properties are too different.

I thought the future looked *so* bright with Sports Champions, I really did.
Why can't they make some serious sports games? It gotta be possible to make one killer golf game, for example. The thing practically begs for it to be made.
Personally I'd love a table tennis tournament, and that frisbee game in Sports Champions had such great mechanics!

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/3/2012 1:37:52 AM

11 years ago

Umm, like the Tiger Woods games with Move compatibility?

11 years ago

No, that sucked. I got that game. It was a regular controller game with Move support tacked on, and it showed.

I'm thinking something that actually works well. Many of the games in the mentioned Sports Champions illustrated how intuitive the mechanics *can* be. But Move is so fundamentally different from a regular controller that the game needs to be designed for it.

(EDIT: I see in your comment below you like the Move support in Tiger Woods. So please note, no disrespect from me for you being of a different opinion. But as for my coop buddies and I, we pretty unison threw Move away and returned to the regular controller in our golf matches. It simply were too cumbersome using the Move controller, imo)

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/3/2012 4:12:18 AM

11 years ago

Am I playing different games then everyone else? Tiger woods was fun with the Move, and I never had problems with the controllers. Using the Nav controller and the Move is the only way I play the twist the controller, the club face opens or closes….the path of the swing….I've never had a problem with it…but then again, I didn't ever buy a Tiger Woods before because I hated how the games played on a regular controller, so maybe that's why..although I think on woods 2011 I know what you mean about it being tacked on…until you got into the actual game play, setting up the controllers was a biofuel a pain, but once you were on the tee box, I found that all went away…

Last edited by CH1N00K on 12/3/2012 3:58:20 AM

11 years ago

And that's supposed to say "a bit of a"..not biofuel…damned auto correct….

But on that note, I'm just going to throw this out there…the playstation Move is more accurate then an apple product by a long shot…lol

Last edited by CH1N00K on 12/3/2012 4:02:09 AM

11 years ago

But I also think that a lot of games that are already out would be a blast to play through again with the move my mind anyways. As long as the buttons are mapped out properly. Resident Evil was a prime example of how not to map the controls, but most other games I've played have done pretty well.

I think the thing for me is though, is that, I was getting tired of shooters…so for me playing with the Move is a new way to enjoy a game that I otherwise probably wouldn't buy…and as I play these games I start thinking of the potential of what other games would be fun with the move…that being said, I will probably not buy wonders book, or sorcery. Even though those games are going to show of some cool capabilities of what the move can do, they aren't targeted towards me and I don't think I would enjoy them…although I'm more interested in bioshock infinite now that I've found out that it may be move compatible….

Last edited by CH1N00K on 12/3/2012 4:13:50 AM

11 years ago

You know, I think it's really cool that you've found good use of your Move controllers, CH1N00K, and I most certainly do not want to be the one to put a damper on that enthusiasm. If the games work for you, they work for you and noone should tell you otherwise.

In my case I think this might have something to do with expectations. When we first heard about Move I was thinking that this had the potential of being something with the precision and speed of a mouse. That finally we got a mouse equivalent over in the console world. *That's* how high my initial hopes were. And from then on it's been one slippery downhill slope of disappointments and broken illusions.

So all in all, this whole Move story has made me feel much like how we feel when we've been out shopping and returning home with something that we realize we don't really need. You know that regret? That's Move in a nutshell for me.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/3/2012 7:49:03 AM

11 years ago

Maybe that's it…I didn't buy it as a mouse replacement, because I don't do a lot of PC gaming…I bought it with the expectation that it was better then any other motion controller, which it is..when I initially got it, it was going more so I could play some casual games with the fiancé, aka..the shoot..but I found that if a game has move compatibility, I'll use it instead of the dual shock controller…

11 years ago

Beamboom, do they have a Ping-pong game for the Move?, that would be something great to have.

11 years ago

Alexander, yup there's table tennis in the first Sports Champions. I actually tried playing it again just a couple of weeks ago but somehow my Move stick don't work anymore, I can't get past the calibration screen.

But from what I remember table tennis in that game were not 100%. I guess table tennis is just too fast a game to be optimal for Move. I'd love to give it another try though.

11 years ago

The problem is most games don't even use it right to its potential. The Wii was able to do it as a standard way to play their games, so why can't this supposedly "more" accurate and precise piece of tech can't? This thing feels horrible with shooters imo, and a lot of games I tried has considerable lag. Sports Champion is the only game I felt had a "solid" feel to the motion gameplay.b

11 years ago

I've found most shooters with the Move were actually better, and I've never had a problem with lag…what games did you play?

11 years ago

Quoting, "Sports Champion is the only game I felt had a "solid" feel to the motion gameplay", this is perfectly summed up how I feel too.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Sony's London Studio is supposed to be working on something big for Move (something not Wonderbook), but other than that, I just think that there isn't enough interest in the device, considering that it is basically a WiiMote on better hardware. Something like a dedicated version of The Elder Scrolls could be downright magnificent, but it isn't going to happen, unfortunately.

I just don't think it will get a killer app, and that makes me a little bit sad.

11 years ago

im still sitting here hoping rain, until dawn, pretty much everything they announced at gamescom, will fill that slot.
especially until dawn, i mean yea it looks like a silly cheesy b grade slasher film, but who cares?
im really hoping maybe next gen we get allot more developers taking inspiration from this, and even alan wake.
a psychological thriller like that with move support could be really amazing!
maybe thats the next game david cage should make, and team up with the folks at remedy.

really surprised $ony has not tried to bring out something like ninja gaiden for the move, that would be the perfect fit for it!
maybe something to slot their SM team on once ascension is out.
id love to see their japan studio work on a tenchu styled hardcore stealth ninja game too.
oh and of course bring back ape escape!!!!!
im pretending that crappy move mini game compilation never happened………

this is the perfect example of whats wrong with $ony though.
they ALWAYS put out amazing tech into the market, but never really have the manpower to bring it to fruition.
i mean they own by far the most studios in the industry, so how many core move games have we had?
$ony always talks the talk but never walks the walk.
if they acted HALF as often as they flapped their gums we would be drowning in core move titles by now!
they always say move is not only for kids games, yet the best its ever received is a cameo appearance in mediocre games like KZ3.
it needs games it can call its own, something to call it to power!
amazingly considering the manpower $ony has, no one has done that yet.
sad because it really is amazing tech that can have oh so much done with it!
ah f*ck it, just throw a bunch of cash at ubisoft and get them to port over the red steel series and bring us red steel 3!

Last edited by ___________ on 12/3/2012 3:01:20 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Remake star wars jedi outkast & jedi academy
Those games would be spectacular with extremely well designed move controns ie. nav controller forward motion with L1 held down for force push,back motion with L1 for force pull,L2 for force grip (The tighter you squeeze the trigger the quicker the kill!
Tps or fps?why not both….The wand is of course the lightsaber,hold o to deflect laser bolts and block & parry other lazerswords,x is force jump,square is reload or throw lightsaber when held down..triangle cycles lightsaber fighting style or weapon(guns)firing modes,i could go & on but yeah if done right a star wars game could be perfect for move!!

Last edited by Lord carlos on 12/3/2012 3:25:06 AM

11 years ago

Yes, I agree that the move needs some more quality games for it. I'm not a huge fan of the the Wii motes or the Wii in general, and when the Move launched on the PS3, I was a little skeptical, but I still gave it a shot anyways. I don't know about the rest of you, but I actually enjoy the games I played. The only reason I bought Tiger Woods, was to play it with the controller, and I have a blast with it. It's the only reason I own a golf game as I don't really care for them. Resistance 3 was a great game, but I had a blast playing through the campaign with the sharpshooter, Killzone 3 was a joke with the regular controller, but with the sharpshooter it was a blast. Cabela's most dangerous hunts are mediocre games that come with there own guns, that don't really work all that well, but with the accuracy of the Move, the game became more difficult and fun to play. Not to mention that the shooting galleries is like duck hunter on crack…Even Socom 4 was a better game thanks to the Move, but I also think that KZ3 and Socom suffered because they were designed for the move…fun with Move, but with a regular controller, they were kind of lame…

I have a few games that I keep going back to, to play with the move. I even tried a few rounds of MAG the other night, and was having fun with it. Heavy Rain was a different experience with the move, although I was disappointed on how RE5 controls were, but I found the controls in general with that game were screwed up across the board.

I know I'm probably not the majority vote here, but I do still use my move controllers on a regular basis, and always have a couple sharpshooters all charged up for some Buck-hunter style action, if a friend drops by.

That being said, I would like to see a solid, immersive game that does take full advantage of the Move controller. A couple ideas? Bushido blade…POV view, sword fighting where critical strikes make the difference. Or add move compatibility to the fallout series or Borderlands. Cleaning out the Dunwich building, or some dark cavern with a crappy flashlight with the sharpshooter would be a blast, but add in some quick draw battles like what Red Dead had. Who wouldn't want to throw down in a gun battle with someone?(make sure you wear you're wrist

I don't know, maybe I'm too optimistic, but I hope Sony does keep building off the Move, I'd like to see more of what it could do…

11 years ago

Is it because of the sharpshooter that the move worked well for those game? My experience in Killzone 3, Resistance, and Socom is not what I would like to call enjoyable. If yeah, then I may have to invest in the sharpshooter accessory.

11 years ago

Daus, I got a smaller version of the sharpshooter, SMG style (heck I got a pistol shaped one too, purchased in one of my many desperate attempts to get something out of this all), and I think I can safely say that it will not make that much of a difference for you.

I think with Move we got a case of either you like it, or simply you don't.

11 years ago

For me the sharpshooter definitely added to it for shooters, I have the pistols, and I've tried the smg style shooters as well, but I've found that the sharpshooter attachment is by far the best design of anything I've tried so far…I think it has something to do with the feel of the rifle butt pressed against the shoulder, giving it more of a feel of an assault rifle…..

Of course I've also discovered that for me it doesn't feel comfortable for me to play the move sitting down…I actually have to be standing in front of the TV, I think more because it adds a bit more 'natural' feel to it when you manoeuvre…I actually kind of laughed at myself the other night, I was playing one of the Cabela's campaigns and I was at a level where there were hyena's attacking me from all sides. Part way through the battle I realized that whenever I was getting attacked I was actually side stepping and back stepping to try and avoid getting bit…

But I don't know what to tell you, I've enjoyed the Move so far, I'd hate to tell you to run out and buy the attachment and it simply being that that style of gaming isn't your thing. It's not going to be as good as playing with a mouse like what Beam was hoping for, but I think of all the motion controller's on the market, it's the best of them, and the sharpshooter adds to it. I've tried playing resistance with just the Move controller and it just felt awkward. I think if you're interested in shooters, then you do need a good gun attachment to go with it, and like I've said, of all the ones I've tried, the Sharpshooter seems to work the best..

Last edited by CH1N00K on 12/3/2012 12:08:51 PM

11 years ago

I have sold my move controllers because i never used em, sports champions was fun for some time, but that was it!

11 years ago

A full blown Dead Space Extraction like game and House Of The Dead.

11 years ago

I enjoy the move and have played many games with it. I really enjoyed Sorcery, still have to finish it though. I have always been looking for that killer Tennis game though. Unfortunately it looks like it won't be possible on the first generation Move. Everything I read says the camera cannot keep up with the quick movements needed. I had high hopes for Sports Champions 2 Tennis and that failed due to the same camera tracking problems. Until they are able to get a Camera/Technology to track fast movements it will be mediocre at best for fast paced games.

Otherwise, using it for shooters, Sorcery or Archery it does very well. I would have to say it does a better job than Nintendo's remote.

11 years ago

I think the purpose of Move is to offer a unique way to interface with the games we already love and not a means of itself to create a AAA experience.
Motion controls are what they are. Controls. They've been added to AAA games like Heavy Rain, Killzone and more. The response from the hardcore has already been made. It's there as an offered appendage to those who care to control via Move based motion.

11 years ago

I think it limited Killzone 3 as the game was pared down from KZ2 to fit the Move style of play.

11 years ago

Unfortunately I agree, KZ3 gameplay suffered huge because of the Move, not that it didn't work well with it, it's just it was kind of lame without it…Which is odd, because Resistance 3 in my opinion didn't suffer at all, it was fun to play with either a DS3 controller or the Move…I'm not sure why Guerilla felt the need to scale back on the game for the Move.

11 years ago

I'll always prefer to play games with a controller like the dualshock 3 over any kind of motion nonsense whether it's the Wii remote, Move or Kinect.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 12/3/2012 1:26:44 PM

11 years ago

does gran turismo 5 have move support? i doubt it but would love that i know forza has kinect interactivity
anyway some others i would say if the contract between microsoft and activision is done how about seeing what activision says for making call of duty move compatible? or how about twisted metal… i mean theirs many games that can get a patch made for move support but its like noone cares and would rather have a new game released

11 years ago

Yes, GT5 has some Move Wheel support, although I am told that the paddles don't appear to work with GT5.

Last edited by MasterGT on 12/7/2012 3:56:44 PM

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