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PSXE Poll Update: Far Cry 3 Game Of The Year 2012? …Maybe

It's the last major release of 2012 and for many shooter fans, it's one of the most anticipated titles of the year.

Early review scores are already extremely positive and we figured Far Cry 3 would be a legitimate contender for Game of the Year. But did the readers agree with that premise…?

Well…sorta. The community was split on the issue, as many said the game looks great and should have a good chance of challenging for 2012's elite crown, while many others just aren't convinced. The series has garnered plenty of critical acclaim over the years; the original was quite the phenomenon on PC, remember? Here's hoping the third installment is everything it has been hyped to be; you can expect our review this week and chances are, you'll want to add this bad boy to your holiday wish list.

This week, looking forward, we've got an interesting question: Naughty Dog is currently working on The Last Of Us , which admittedly looks amazing . But you have to expect Uncharted 4 at some point and there's a chance it'll be a PS4 title. On top of which, it's a well-established, award-winning franchise while The Last Of Us is one of those risky new IPs. Which upcoming Naughty Dog project are you most excited about…?

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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11 years ago

Uncharted 4…but only barely. But I will definitely be getting both on day 1.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Are new games announced on VGA's? Or it's just awards?

11 years ago

It's not outside the realm of possibility. More likely you'll just see new footage of upcoming games.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/3/2012 12:12:20 AM

11 years ago

Would be a perfect time to announce a game as the whole gamimg world would be watching no matter how prestigious or not this award show is. I believe The Last of Us was revealed at the VGAs last year.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Okay, hopefully something is new is announced.

I like the commercial Samuel Jackson made on the Xbox 360 stream. It was funny and im glad he's hosting the VGA's. Not that I care… Even though I hated his character in Lakeview Terrace.

11 years ago

Definitely TLU. Uncharted 4 is guaranteed great but 3 took some unfortunate turns in my opinion. That makes 4 less interesting.

11 years ago

There was a lot that came out in 3 that I was upset about, Drake isn't who I thought he was for instance. But that didn't hinder the experience and 4 is absolutely the game I rather have.

11 years ago

I actually liked the personal story, but the basis of the adventure is a hodge-podge of history that would better suit a Dan Brown novel and it sort of took wayyy too many opportunities to send you into unnecessary locations. I liked how Uncharted 2 spent time in each area, bringing it to life.

In 3 it felt kind of like when Peter Griffin fights the chicken and they somehow wind up fighting through 30 increasingly insane backdrops stacked against one another.

But I love the advancements in physics and gameplay.

11 years ago

I also preferred 2 over 3.
2 had that ability to "pull at your heart-strings". The story and atmosphere really drew me in.
3 was technically more accomplished, but a bit, and I stress bit, as World says "of a hodge-podge"

11 years ago

I like the personal story to. But I thought it was more interesting as you follow the Drakes Fortunes story. But this mixed it up and is still interesting, I just wonder if this was always the plan, or if they mixed it up to throw us off?

I actually didn't feel that way about 3 at all. But I prefer the games in order. 1 over 2, 2 over 3, so I see where you're coming from. But 3 probably could have benefited from being longer, but all the same, all those locations did in fact mean something to the story. So "hodge-podge"… No. The story took you to those places at the right times, maybe just not long enough. It was methodical, and it really worked for me.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/3/2012 10:39:22 AM

11 years ago

I meant in historical terms, where the other games at least played inside reality even with the supernatural elements the idea that you can link infamous orgies (Hellfire clubs) with secret societies over the ages that all conspire to keep a couple things hidden is just silly.

11 years ago

No doubt Uncharted 4 would be a hit, but I'm definitely more excited for The New IP.

11 years ago

maybe you should of asked the far cry 3 goty question a week after it had come out… seeing as its not out for you guys yet? i voted a maybe, but that was on the day that i got it, i was underwhelmed and a little disappointed. after a weekend of playing it i would of voted a very loud yes, i do believe its goty material.

the game is superb!

11 years ago

While I respect Uncharted, I've never been as enamoured by it as most people here have. The Last of Us looks like it could be something really special though. I'm definitely looking forward to that one more.

11 years ago

Being the Uncharted fan boy I am, easily Uncharted 4. 😉

The Last of Us looks awesome and I'm sure it'll end up being one of my all time favorites, but no game has even came close to blowing me away and giving me the satisfaction that any Uncharted game has. I find it hard to think it'll ever happen. Uncharted is exactly what I like in games.

11 years ago

From what I have seen of the Last of Us it is not anything new. It's just that wasteland which has covered the this gen's games but with the Uncharted 3 mechanics. As I have mentioned before, I am sure it will be a great game, Naughty Dog just excel at anything they release. But I am sick of post-apoclyptic settings this gen – So it just doesn't capture me.

As for GotY, Well I am sick of Farcry for pretty much the same reason, open world FPS's. We've been bombarded with them as if they're the new equivalent of an RPG… Well I for one still regard 'The Last Story' as GotY, it brought an exciting and fresh new battle system, which I would love to see in a new game. Brilliant characters and setting. The story was compelling enough to see what happened, overall it was just a great game – Shame it was limited to the Wii.

11 years ago

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it's going to play like Uncharted at all. What I've heard so far adds up to a much more open experience concerning freedom to approach situation, survival, and landscape. Uncharted is almost totally linear, I don't see that in TLU so far.

11 years ago

allot of people are still burned by the repetitiveness and annoyance of FC2, so im not surprised to see some skepticism out there.
diffidently deserves GOTY though, very few games manage to be both technically amazing AND fun at the same time!
most of the time you have to pick one or the other.
GTAIV a technical masterpiece, but as fun to play as cricket in the sweltering heat!
JC2 one of the funnest smile inducing games out there, but its cheesy as hell and not very well made.
FC3 does it all, fun, mindless action, plenty of humor, some really trippy scenes, and yet very well made, high production values and great writing.
its as if just cause 2 and GTAIV had a baby together.
not only does it do everything perfectly thats made even more amazing by how much it does!
its the complete opposite of GT5, it includes every leaf under the sun and actually pulls everything off really well!
especially the upgrades system, i really thought id see myself blasting through the missions but im more obsessed with unlocking all the gear first.

i dont really care about either to be honest.
uncharteds too much of a michael bay film, all flash and no substance so to speak.
as for the last of us gameplay wise looks exactly the same as uncharted, pop and shoot.
the rest, well they havent shown anything else off so its hard to say.
id be much more interested to see them do something a little different, something without guns and big petrol tanks exploding!
we have enough developers trying to be hollywood!

11 years ago

yeah, the story alone is fantastic, let alone everything else you get in the single player game with FC3. i think America will be very happy to play this come Tuesday.

11 years ago

Some of us already have it 🙂 But yeah, it's one of the best released this year. So far at least from what I have played.

11 years ago

Cant wait for Far Cry 3 its GOTY in my book. there hasn't been much out this year worth full price maybe its just me though.

As for this weeks poll I am more interested in The Last Of Us. i'll take a new IP over a milked series like Uncharted. Umcharted should have stoped on Uncharted 2

11 years ago

Why should it have stopped? Uncharted 3 was highly regarded as one of this generations best!

11 years ago

this game in consols looks very bad…a lot of screen tearing…and trepidation,ya but in a good pc is amazing…

11 years ago

UNCHARTED Fan boy>>>CrusaderForever<<<UNCHARTED Fan boy

I for one need Uncharted 4 to be a launch title for the PS4! This is an absolute must! TLOU is going to be truly epic and I cannot wait to buy it come June D1P. However, Uncharted is like an old friend and I really care for all the characters. I really like the Uncharted story and character interactions. IMHO they're the best in gaming period.

11 years ago

100% agree!

11 years ago

Far Cry 3 was off my radar (eventhough I do like FPS) because I wasn't a big fan of 2. However, 3 looks phenomenal and it's getting great reviews. I definitely want to play it at some point and while I'm not sure it'll top the likes of AC 3, Halo 4, Journey, The Walking Dead or Borderlands 2, I still think it deserves to be in the discussion for GOTY.

As for the current poll, I love all the Uncharteds and I can't wait for 4. On the other hand, The Last of Us looks excellent and is a brand new IP. I'm not more excited for one over the other, each will get a day one buy from me.

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