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Pay Homage To An Icon: Nintendo Power Bows Out Gracefully

Yes, I know we exclusively cover the PlayStation platform.

But this is historical and after all, as gamers, we should all pay homage to that which helped build this industry. Nintendo is a pioneer and innovator and as kids, we all knew – and adored – the name.

Now, one of the very first print magazines covering video games is disappearing and for many, that's sad. However, iconic mag Nintendo Power won't go out without one final bow to the good ol' days: As revealed at Kotaku , the final issue of Nintendo Power emulates the clay-themed design shown on the cover of the very first issue, which debuted back in 1988. The 2012 issue also focuses on the legendary Italian plumber, as it'll boast a 20-page spread featuring Super Mario Bros. U for the recently released Wii U.

Nintendo Power is just another in a long string of print magazines to fail recently; PSM3, Xbox World, PlayStation: The Official Magazine and GamePro are all going the way of the dodo. Such is the way of the digital world, unfortunately.

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11 years ago

Sad times indeed.

11 years ago

I really wish I owned the original first copy and now this new one. Together they tell an awesome story.

11 years ago

Yeah… true. 25 years of publication, and we can continue still to anticipate the release of Super Mario 2. XD

11 years ago

The transition from newspapers to online is one thing — I think, for example, is a much easier, more user-friendly way to get the news than the physical paper (plus you don't get ink-stains ALL OVER your hands.)

I'm going to miss magazines something fierce, though. We're seeing some much better, magazine-style reporting these days that takes advantage of tablets, has very slick layouts, in-depth reporting and analysis, etc. But their is simply no substitute for getting that full-color, glossy magazine in the mail chock-full of incredible writing and art. Actually holding that physical tome in your hands, the smell of the paper, earmarking and otherwise marking up your copy in personal ways… I'll miss that experience dearly. Shoot, I already do.

11 years ago

I love new tech, but it's thing's like the demise of this & "Digital only" that also brings out the worst side of new tech too.

(At least for me)

11 years ago

I wanted all the video game magazines back in the day but they costed too much, so I ended up buying popular science.

11 years ago

RIP PlayStation: The Official Magazine

Remember when demo discs came with the magazines? I think I still have all of mine somewhere…

11 years ago

Yup, I still have mine although they're not all complete, as I only have 12 of them, numbers #18 through #29.

And I also have a lot of the games & demos disc sets from when I was a member of the Playstation Underground CD Magazine too.

11 years ago

The demo disks were -THE- reason I got them. The disks stopped coming… then I stopped buying.

11 years ago

Sad, I use to have that issue. I was a Nintendo junky back in the day. Times are a changin'.

11 years ago

I miss Gamefan.

11 years ago

Physical games are right behind 'em

I grew up with Nintendo Power.

I remember bringing a pile of early issues with me while I went on a week long vacation. Or an issue or two for the school bus ride. Good stuff.

11 years ago

I never had Nintendo Power, but I had several issues of the Official US Playstation Magazine, back from the early days of the PS2. I was sad to hear when they stopped, I believe in 2006. I get Game Informer digitally now, but it's not the same as holding the physical paper in your hands. It's a sad day indeed for video games and for print.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Sad, Kinda want to buy the last edition just to say I have it. Magazines are nice for the art and classy feel. The internet is now the overall best for news and information. I guess times change.

11 years ago

Nintendo Power is what really got me hooked on RPG's as they were giving away Dragon Warrior to new subscribers when I joined. They will always have my gratitude and thanks for that. One of the most premier gaming magazines of it's time, and the one mag all of us at school looked forward to passing around class every month. They will be missed.

11 years ago

Future Publishing is cancelling everything lately, it's frickin' ridiculous. In this case I partly blame Nintendo too though. They have plenty of resources to keep the mag going, they just don't want to. They'd rather spend money making useless stuff like Nintendo Land or Wii Fit U.

I'm also sad to see Playstation The Official Magazine go, I've reading it since it was called PSM. Wish they could've found a way to keep it going.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 12/1/2012 6:32:14 AM

11 years ago

I remember the old days waiting on my Nintendo Power magazine ! Wow time has flown by !

11 years ago

All this push for digital copies of physical items is doing is making people lazier, it's actually pretty damn sad… I will discontinue getting/reading/subscribing to what ever before I go over to digital only, I like the tactile feel of a physical item. Besides, I can't exactly carry my PC to the toilet with me…

11 years ago

Well, I guess it's back to just getting Game Informer in the mail for me. This is Unfortunate news indeed 🙁

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