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Treyarch To BOII Prestige Glitchers: “Enjoy It While It Lasts”

Treyarch's Security Enforcement Policy for Call of Duty: Black Ops II is in place for a very good reason, and they're not taking any sh** .

Which is why they'll be coming down hard on glitchers as well. It seems the Black Ops II community is annoyed: Some have found a Prestige glitch that lets players instantly rank up to Lv. 55; apparently, this involves watching a particular video on the in-built CoD TV option. It might be nifty and all sorts of amusing for cheaters, but Treyarch isn't amused in the slightest. The studio recently recently Tweeted :

"Noticed a few 'level 10' guys ruining the party for everyone. Enjoy your new rank while it lasts. Solution (and demotions) incoming."

They added that for the "short term," Edited Films and Emblems will be unavailable, presumably so they can try to fix the issue. It's no fun playing with people who cheat but then again, if it's that easy to cheat your way to a Prestige rank, would you really be able to resist? Wouldn't you want to do it just once ? Okay, I probably wouldn't but I imagine many would.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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11 years ago

Outstanding. I am glad to see Treyarch cracking down on the cheaters.

Play the game and enjoy it and if takes all year for you to reach Level 10 Prestige, so what! It's not like you get a special prize for getting done the fastest.

11 years ago

I never really understood the point of cheating to prestige. Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't receive anything too special for doing so..

11 years ago

I am on 2nd Prestige and all I have gotten is a create class slot and a permanent unlock token each time.

Oh, you get a fancy logo next to your name too.

So yeah, nothing really special.

11 years ago

Damn, wish they started banning people along time ago, got hacked in MW1, had to create another account just to play MP again. Hate going into matches and some people just fly high and keep spraying people. Isn't it just fun to play normal and not cheat like it's a big deal, stupid people these days.

11 years ago

Where's the fun in that? Isn't the fun working your way up, that way when you finally prestige there's a sense of accomplishment.

At least that's what it's like for me, if I got to level 55 right away I'd be bored with the game in an hour.

11 years ago

Hey, if their prestige 10 then they succeed at life. Therefore they have plenty of women, money, fit bodies, and a luxury life. Because its all gained in Call of Duty right?

11 years ago

Besides a shinny Gold PSN Trophy, is there any real use to prestige?

I haven't into COD multiplayer since a MW1 and don't really know

11 years ago

It seems some A-holes just enjoy ruining life for others, even in video games.

Sooo….when the ban-hammer comes a-knocking at their consoles, I hope they enjoy the consequences as much as they enjoyed being an A-hole.

11 years ago

That's great, I am almost there at level 51. It's a long road for me though. I am using a shotgun, with long barrel and quick draw. It's been working pretty good so far.

11 years ago

cant blame a dog for chewing on a bone hes not suppose to.
they put the problem out there, its their job to fix it!
i always said internet coming to consoles would be the death of the medium, and sadly i was right.
i miss the good old days where you could pick up any game on release and it would run smooth as butter!
now days day 1 theres already 2GB patches!
almost every game has a game breaking glitch, and AC3 well the less said about that the better.

11 years ago

Not that people who have no lives have any effort reaching that level 😛

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