For the record, I've played every Halo to date and I fully intend to play Halo 4 . I expect it to be fantastic.
I have also played and enjoyed every Gears of War , and I have 15 other Xbox 360 games in my collection as well. I've got maybe 70 PS3 titles but that's because- 1. I work for a PlayStation-centric website and I get a lot of PS3 review copies, some of which I keep, and 2. There are simply waaaaaay more worthwhile exclusive titles on the PS3. And for the latter reason, the 360 mostly just gathers dust these days.
However, there is one game I'll go back to and play. There's one game that will force me to keep my Xbox 360 and amazingly enough, it's because this title allows me to relive the glory days of the PS1, when the JRPG ruled. The game, of course, is Lost Odyssey , which featured a true turn-based mechanic ('gasp'), a pretty decent story, strong characters, beautifully drawn environments, and perhaps strangely, some of the finest writing of the generation. I'm not talking about the actual script; I'm talking about the wonderfully penned dream sequences that were essentially short stories. A professional did those, I'm fairly certain.
At any rate, I definitely want to go back and play it again, and I can't say that about any other 360 game. Hell, I'm willing to keep the 360 plugged in and ready to go until I have time to play Lost Odyssey again. If you were a hardcore JRPG fan in the PS1 days like me and you haven't played the game in question, buy a 360. No, I'm not kidding. You can thank me later.
This game is the only reason that I will own a 360 some day, but that day has not yet come.
I don't know if it's worth the price of a new system, but Lost Odyssey is definitely the reason to keep a 360 around.
" buy a 360. No, I'm not kidding. You can thank me later."
This website has been compromised lol
I was thinking the same thing.
The part you'll thank him for is Lost Odysee, so it's less about Xbox and more about where turn based JRPGs could have gone this generation but instead lie untapped inside this one worthy game.
There's a good point though… if 360 makes stellar jRPG's, maybe that is the console of choice with the 720 for jRPG fans…
Except no, because XBOX has had nothing in that genre since.
Yes! This is the only game I have been envious about pretty much for most of the 360's lifespan. Mind you I actually find the dream sequences to be the biggest downfall of the game. If I wanted to read, I would read a book. It's just a miss use of the medium in my opinion, I felt the same way with Nier when you enter that forest and I still love that game too.
The story itself, I found a bit cheesy at times. But it was still fun, how can you not laugh when you first see Jansen as such a womanizer. But it was a fun game, and you really got the sense that you were going on an adventure, traveling the world on a quest, which is essential for an RPG and why I enjoy playing them, as I feel RPG's can present it far better than films.
I do like my 360, but I hated Lost Odyssey. Didn't get too far in it. I love halo 4 and Forza games, but my ps3 has had atleast 50 times the amount of use.
Yes, that game is a master piece, it's this generation true Final Fantasy and it could not be any other way with Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy creator) and Uematsu (Final Fantasy music composer) behind it.
Too bad Mistwalker's third JRPG, Cry On, got cancelled because the first two didn't sell enough. You can't blame Microsoft for not trying. There isn't a mass market for JRPG's anymore. It's a shame.
I noticed on Black Friday and Cyber monday I got tons of texts to get Forza Horizon for $15. There must have been massive overstock of unbought copies that still got counted in MS's sales numbers.
Yes, I am envious of this game. However it goes to show you how Microsoft has failed epically! They had a substantial lead and head of steam but they have stopped adding coal to the fire in regards to new content/exclusives. There should be more than 4 games a non-X360 gamer should be envious about. At this point I would love to play Halo, Gears of War 2 and 3 and Lost Odyssey. That is it.
It's no wonder how Sony caught up in sales. Sony does it right with always pushing the creative process forward. Coming out with fantastic exclusives with new game play ideas. If Microsoft stays on this Kinect tangent with the X720 and Sony also comes out with their PS4 Holiday 2013 this next gen will be all Sony's for the taking.
As cool as LO is I don't think I'd own a 360 for a dead ip that SHOULD'VE become a series.
Ultimately, Halo is my biggest reason to stay near MS and their Xbox stuff. I like Gears well enough, I just have a hard time staying excited to play it. It's existence is more of an added perk but not a reason in and of itself.
Key 360 games/series I own are anything Halo, NG, DOA, LO, ME, AC1-3, Gears.
And when I list NG and DOA I'm referring to games past. Itagaki stuff basically. Team Ninja has since migrated to PS3 for me 😉
I am sorry, but I just can't get into turn based gameplay.
If games such Lost Odyssey would have offered the OPTION to play in real time, they might still be around.
Just a thought.
I want to play this game, but i don't want to give MS money. I gave them 350$ for an elite and only to have it break on me 3 weeks later. Never again.
I hope you sent it in to get fixed. Don't let them get off easy
A friend of mine had Lost Odyssey and it was actually a good game. I wouldn't buy the system to play it again, but it is a really good game.
I won't lie, about this anyway. I really wanted to play Lost Odyssey. When I think of this game and MS I think, you bastards, but I slowly got over it. I'd still like to play it though.
Don't you mean the BrickBox PleaseFixMe? 😛
But I kind of blame this game for the death of JRPGs.
Everyone thought it would sell on 360 so they ignored PS3 and put a big gamble on the last great turn based game on consoles.
It didn't sell well. Japan and the rest of the world decided that it meant no one wanted these big budget turn based games.
If the game had released on PS3 instead I think it would have blown up and have been something huge.
I own the game, it's fin and all, but I never could finish it, it just gets way too bland.
I don't blame this game, I blame Japanese developers for the death of the JRPG. They wanted so badly to appeal to Western gamers, so they created games only for the 360 platform. Release after release proved fatal because Xbox's target audience is a shooter based, younger generation; nothing holds their attention longer than 20-30 minutes.
They made countless games for the system, one after another: Eternal Sonata (later came to PS3), Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery (real title), Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean: The last Hope (later came to PS3), and The Last Remnant (on PC too). The PS3 only received multi-platform titles but not until waiting 2-3 years.
Japanese developers already had a huge fanbase from the PS1 and PS2, so I don't understand why they started freaking out – or who told them they need to change – in order to keep/grab new fans. That's my main question, "Who told you guys to change everything that made you great, who, WHO!?"
Anyway, Lost Odyssey is an amazing RPG in my eyes and I wish I had finished it (a friend borrowed my 360 when I was near the end of the game – 3 to 5 hrs left – and his place was broken into, along with my system).
p.s. White Knight Chronicles was the only PS3 exclusive RPG, and sadly, most of us bought it, because we finally had something ;). Too bad it destroyed the long-lasting hope beating from our hearts.