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Far Cry 3 Likely Won’t Be The Last Entry In The Franchise

Far Cry 3 should end up being one of the biggest games of 2012. So maybe Ubisoft has already counted on that, and are therefore prepared to keep the series going.

That probably wouldn't surprise anyone. And when Far Cry 3 executive producer Dan Hay was asked by IMGMR if this would be the last installment in the award-winning franchise, his reply was as follows:

"I won't answer that question, but what you can say is that you saw me smile. "

So I guess we're allowed to positively interpret that statement, which means fans will already be thinking about the fourth iteration, even when the third isn't quite on store shelves just yet (it launches next week on December 4). But such discussion could be interesting: Would you want to see a sequel or a prequel? And would you want the structure to remain mostly the same; i.e., an open-world first-person shooter? That would be the best bet, yes? Go with what's workin'.

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11 years ago

I'd hope they would keep doing a different character and place each time, but as the new generation is upon us the gameplay could continue to advance as it has been doing.

Haven't done an editorial in so long this makes me want to ask people just how friggin BIG they want their open world games in the next gen.

11 years ago

I thought it was released today. Or is that just in Aus

11 years ago

I wasnt planning on picking up another title until Ascension, but every Far Cry trailer and article that i watch and read gets me more and more interested. The re-spawning of the enemies in 2 was a game breaker for me ,but this problem has been addressed allowing you to gain control of outposts once you clear the enemies. This could be a day one for me, SHOULD I DARE SLAP DOWN $60 EARLY AND PRE ORDER !!!!!!!!!???????

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Or wait till December and maybe buy it for a cheaper price?

11 years ago

installing it now, oohhhh nice kitty good kitty!
just a few more minutes and i can start shooting tigers in the face with RPGs!
SEE, that is what GTAV needs some crazy zany sh*t that made the series so awesome!
thats what made JC2 so awesome, and thats what makes FC3 so awesome!

as for a sequel, or prequel, who cares?
as long as its far cry 3, but with the weapon, buddy, fire and health damage system of FC2 than thats all it needs!

11 years ago

So jealous! What system are you playing it on? This will be my last new game I buy for a while. Cannot wait for Tuesday!

11 years ago

PC, gotta play it on PC its so beautiful!
i was actually quite disappointed how poor the console versions looked.
it released 3 days early on 360 a friend of mine had it so he brought it over and we played it for a bit and i was really worried the PC version would look the same.
luckily it does not though, it looks stunning!
actually reminds me allot of the crysis 2 aftermath mod.

11 years ago

That's cool and to be expected. Nothing can compare to the PC no doubt. I remember when Crysis and FEAR came out it was all about video cards and running at the max settings. I am getting FC3 for the PS3 just because I am Sony only and don't play PC games anymore. Just love keeping my gaming all in one arena and raising my account level. Hope you enjoy it as I am thinking this will be a GOTY candidate for sure.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 11/30/2012 10:25:21 AM

11 years ago

defiantly my GOTY!
all i can say is get the weapon and vile belt as soon as you can, just go on a hunting and killing spree before you do any missions it makes them SO much easier!
O, and make sure you manually save the game every time you create a new item, because you loose some of them when you die.
for instance i had created the belt to let you carry 3 weapons, than went hunting for some other material and got killed.
once i restarted i was back to the 1 weapon belt.
if you manually save then die you dont loose your gear.

11 years ago

Cool beans if they continue this franchise.

And they had better continue it, as FC2 was one of the best games out that year that I had the extreme pleasure to play(except those damned constantly re-spawning enemies).

And the trophy I got for traveling every square inch of the map(58 hours worth of game-time), was the one I'm still most proud of in that game.

11 years ago

Judging from the reviews FC3 has received so far this should be blatantly obvious… Can't wait!

11 years ago

I agree! People we have a winner!

11 years ago

It's pretty fun from what I've played so far. Opens with a bang. If the rest of the game is like that, then it's going to be a fun ride.

11 years ago

Lucky dog! LOL! I wish I was playing this right now!

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