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Upcoming Wendy Braun Interview: Got Anything You’d Like To Ask?

If you've played games in the Mass Effect franchise, you've heard Wendy Braun's voice; she plays Gianna Parasini.

And considering that Mass Effect 3: Omega has just recently become available, now's a good time to talk to the diverse actress. We'll obviously have a few questions of our own concerning her work on the award-winning game franchise and voice acting in general, but we always attempt to involve the readers in such matters. Hence, if you've got a question for Wendy, pop it into the Comments below.

Braun enjoyed herself playing the "sexy, snarky undercover agent" in ME, saying the role "has been so much fun to play." As for other work, Braun's first film credit was in "The Big Lebowski" and she is being featured in the new book, "The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time." She's also part of Rainn Wilson's popular web series, "The Flipside," and she currently has over 50 film and TV acting credits, which includes guest-starring roles on "The Mentalist," "Criminal Minds," and "Bones." She has also made a big splash in the voiceover industry, recording over 1,000 spots in all, working for everyone from Dell to Nordstrom to Safeway.

To learn more, visit her site .

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11 years ago

Actually, IMDB says she was "uncredited" in Big Lebowski 😉

11 years ago

I don't remember any Gianna Parasini sorry.

11 years ago

Gianna Parasini was a side character, with a cool side quest peripherally involved in the main plot of ME1. For 360 and PC gamers, when playing ME2 with an ME1 import save, Gianna would appear again with a new quest. She sadly didn't appear whatsoever in ME3 🙁

11 years ago

Thanks, because I was with world on this one. I never actually played the first one so I guess I missed out on her character.

11 years ago

lol, I'm glad it's just because I play Playstation 3 and it's not some big thing I somehow missed.

11 years ago

I was sad that that quest (and a few others) weren't available in the PS3 version of ME2. I wonder if they'll be available in the ME Trilogy (doubt it).

11 years ago

There's some contact numbers on her talent site 🙂

11 years ago

"Miss Braun, what is it like to bask in the awesome righteousness of The Dude?"

11 years ago

What I'd like to know about voiceovers in general, is if they typically get much background material for preparations prior to the recording session. Like, are they presented with their characters backgrund/profile, and the scenes they record the voice for? Anything visual to guide them?

Also, during recording, do they have anything visual to guide them? Or are the scenes (lip sync and animations) lated built around their performance?

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/29/2012 4:05:34 AM

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
11 years ago

I have a few questions,

1) What was her motivation to do voice acting for ME?

2) Does she enjoy playing video games herself?

3) If she does enjoy games, what is her favorite genre and series?

4) If she could pick any game series to star in what would be her first choice?


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