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Four-Minute Agni’s Philosophy Demo Took A Year To Make

You may remember that impressive Agni's Philosophy tech demo , which was created using Square Enix's new Luminous Studio engine and designed to give us a peek at the next generation.

But did you realize that putting such a demo together took a solid year of work? According to Kotaku translating a recent Game Watch report, Square Enix spent six months planning the demo and another six months developing it, which translates to 365 days for 4 minutes…and that's nutty.

Currently, the Luminous Studio engine is slated to support next-gen game consoles and PCs, along with smartphones and various Internet apps. Square Enix has said what we see in Agni's Philosophy is indicative of the kind of technological leap we'll see when the new generation of hardware rolls around. So essentially, Final Fantasy XV might look just like that…but if it plays like Lightning Returns , we're not sure the long-time fans will care.

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11 years ago

Dumbasses, they could have been working on Versus instead. That demo was decent eyecandy but not worth that much time and effort.

11 years ago

I agree, I want versus so bad, I have no idea why they wasted time on the demo. Oh I know, so their stocks would go up because shareholders would see they were ready for next gen.

I hate the corporate side of this industry. There is no stinkin good reason for why they haven't shown us anything from versus in the last couple years. If its not done yet fine, but as far as I'm concerned there is no reason it shouldn't have been out by now instead of focusing on FF13 and its abysmal spin offs.

11 years ago

I find it utterly ironic that the series which defined substance over style (large worlds and strategic combat with simple graphics) has fallen prey to emphasizing flashiness over substance.

Ironic and tragic.

11 years ago

Personally, I'd rather have the new tech that was highlighted with that demo, than a new Final Fantasy entry at this point.

11 years ago

Well world, the reason its style over substance now is because that sells more. SE has gone a more corporate route and its insanely obvious. Everything they say, from wanting to annualize, to pumping out DLC, twisting the RPG genre so it is hardly an RPG anymore shows they are heading towards a more profit based strategy without any regards to their former fans.

11 years ago

SE is slow no doubt after hearing Nomura say KH collection has been in development for year showed just how slow. Im wondering when they will show a trailer for Lightning Returns. I can't wait to see Final Fantasy XV.

11 years ago

This is the type of behavior I'd expect from someone with deep roots on the PC side of gaming but why on earth would SE do something like this? Don't they realize by now that gamers expect quality gameplay, not cutting edge graphics.

11 years ago

Considering only a few handful of people is involved in this demo, the length of development time is not that suprising. And it's not a total waste of time. It did gave us something to look forward to for the next gen game graphics.

But the team behind XIII-2, definitely wasted time and money that should have been used for Versus.

11 years ago

Even so, a handful of coders doing that hard work could have helped a game along quite a bit instead.

11 years ago

Well even with the help of this team, Versus will still be delayed, because the focus now is on Lightning Returns. So we might as well appreciate what the few coders has done so that we can look forward on the future of next gen graphics of Final Fantasy with a glimmer of awe and hope. But if the future games did turn out bad, it's not the Graphics Department fault because from what I've seen from the demo they did a pretty good job.

Last edited by homura on 11/29/2012 3:52:42 AM

11 years ago

I almost forgot that video, sorry but if isn't playable a demo on this days doesn't mean much to me.

11 years ago

I'm just shocked they spent time on anything of quality.

11 years ago

Time and resources that should have been giving to Versus.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I can imagine a future where there is a game as beautiful as the demo…and plays like final fantasy 13! Sad

Last edited by karneli lll on 11/28/2012 8:39:33 PM

11 years ago

I'd imagine many studios are coming to grips with the level of processing for the coming gen. I'm sure the team that worked on this demo gained a huge amount of knowledge about what the coming gen has in store for us and how to better approach the first wave of software when that time comes.

I think people freaking out about the 1 year thing just needs to chill and realize that a company regularly fragments company personal into discrete teams to fulfill various company objectives. Investing into R&D for the coming gen is not a waste or misdirection of priorities.

11 years ago

is that all?
would of expected more, i mean epic have been working on their demos for way longer!
the fire knight demo for instance, and while it looked good it was nothing compared to $Es!
if that is what next gen has in stall for us than hot dam hurry the f*ck up and get here already!!!!!
and if thats what launch titles look like, i dont care if the systems are 2K im getting one the day 1!

11 years ago

What I don't understand at all is why $E even bothered wasting any money, time, & resources to make their "Luminous Studio engine, let alone a 1=year-in-the making video" for it????

Especially since they've just recently boasted publicly about using Epic's "Unreal engine" for future games.

Unless SE, only as a publisher, is going to try pushing all their outside developers into use the "Unreal engine".

But even that scenario still wouldn't make any sense to me.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/29/2012 3:10:12 AM

11 years ago

So this is what SE considers time well spent, this explains everything.

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