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In Which Game World Would You Live?

Immersion is key for most all video games.

That much is obvious. But of all the fantastical imaginary worlds with which you've interacted over the years, which would you choose to be your home? If that was actually possible, I mean?

At first, I thought I'd go for Final Fantasy VII or something like that but to be perfectly honest, the idea of living in a universe where so many unseen forces – like magic – hold sway sorta intimidates me. If you really think about it, I believe a lot of people would find the idea off-putting. Of course, if you were all sorts of capable (like Cloud), then maybe that'd be perfect for you. But I'm sort of thinking along the lines of being a normal dude, just like I am now, living in one of the fantasy worlds of a game. This isn't, "Which hero would you want to be?"

And if that's the case, I think I'll take early 16th century Italy, which we see so beautifully portrayed in three Assassin's Creed titles, the ones featuring protagonist Ezio Auditore. I am a huge fan of history and Ubisoft recreated that ancient era so unbelievably well that I was always enthralled. Not only is the city unassailably gorgeous and downright irresistible, you'd also be living during a very exciting time. You would be privy to amazing advancements and radical new theories in both the arts and sciences and for good measure, there'd be all sorts of political intrigue and rebellion and what have you. Not a single second of that life would be boring to me.

So what about you? In which video game world would you like to exist?

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11 years ago

I am thinking possibly Skyrim. But I have no idea why.

11 years ago

Same here.

No other game has made me wish I lived in it.

11 years ago


11 years ago

It's a bit chilly in Skyrim, if I was in Tamriel I'd be in the area covered in Oblivion.

11 years ago

Going for a tan World?

11 years ago

My tan is long gone, I live in Minnesota, (the other Skyrim) 🙂

11 years ago

Haha. 😀

11 years ago

Which worlds have indoor plumbing?

11 years ago

Duke Nukem.

11 years ago

Omg! That's one world where I would want to be in. 😛

11 years ago

I choose either Monkey Island or The Neverhood for obviously humorous reasons.

11 years ago

The Fallout universe man, I'd be out there scrappin' in the wastes. I love 50's retro, abandoned buildings, and societal ruins so it's a natural fit.

My best friend is a doomsday prepper; sometimes we kick around ideas of what we'd do after the apocalypse.

11 years ago

I talk all sorts of apocalypse things with my friends. Safe to say I have a plan for most of them unless its a meteor coming straight for my face. To that I just say Hakuna Matata.

11 years ago

i am torn between 3 choices. I would choose Catherine because i like the bar in the game,and the apartment he has. and plus i wanna live as a sheep in my dreams. i would also like to try out the Hong Kong in SLeeping Dogs, because no walk to work would ever be boring even if i werent the one fighting. the most intriguing one for me would be the world of El Shaddai. I would love to live in pre-JC where man knows and fears God more so than we do today. plus back in the game there is no Satan only Lucifel(lucifer before his betrayal). like you ben part of me likes history, but the curiosity of life just before the New Testament is such an interesting time. to live in a land based soley on faith and not everyone is on board would be very interesting. plus, if you follow the levels of the game, every fallen Angel has followers. in a sinful kind of way it would be cool to be one of those led astray, if only to explore what the universe is made of.

11 years ago

Hm… it'd have to be Tamriel. In a day and age where jobs like chopping wood or slaying dragons play 1,234,657th-fiddle to stuff like telemarketing (psh!), I find myself lost.

On a serious note, I have always been drawn to fantasy worlds. Making a living as a sword-for-hire that also sells wood and game? OH YEAH! Not sure where in Tamriel, though. My first choice would probably have to be Skyrim considering I actually enjoy cold.

11 years ago

Rapture…before the insane mutations of course, but living in a world where anyone can be pretty much anything they want and to be able to further scientific research without hindrance sounds awesome

11 years ago

I would like that too, and I'm great at not needing to go outdoors but my claustrophobia might act up beneath the ocean.

11 years ago

Skyrim, Fallout, many of the Final Fantasy world, plus many others. Fallout would be an especially cool place to live, to wander the wastes rediscovering ruins of cities and what awaits in them, think of all the things you could stumble upon. No rules, no nations, just you and the wasteland.

I like worlds where anyone can become powerful, from the lowly peasant, to the prince of a nation. Anyone can learn the skills to become someone.

11 years ago

Monster girl quest.

11 years ago

This is always a fun question to answer. I'd live in the world of final fantasy 10. I like the idea of helping rebuild a nation. Where your really truly free, and the skys literally the limit. Other than that id have to choose demons souls. It would be interesting to see how many people would give their souls away for power, and the ones that would not.

11 years ago

I'll live out my remaining days in Vice City (until I get chainsawed by Tommy, of course).

11 years ago

Oh what the hell, I gotta do this before Highlander can… IdolM@ster

11 years ago

lol, I'll be there too, just keep clear of Chihaya….

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Mass Effect World. I can explore so much.

11 years ago

Not to mention all the blue Asari women you can handle.

11 years ago

Lordran anyone?

11 years ago

Monster Hunter, who wouldn't want to be a badass killing monsters and such.

11 years ago

Dood no one wants to be a pokemon master and spend all his life on a mighty quest for power? lol

11 years ago

I'm surprised that never came to mind for me. I used to be heavily into Pokemon when I was younger, and loved the games. That would also be one of my choices as well.

11 years ago

Wow, I'm shocked I havent seen this one yet, but I'd go with Resident Evil( pre RE4 )… Yes, my dream is to live in a world overun with zombies and where you can fix a big bite wound on your arm with some weeds!

11 years ago

funny you ask this ben. unbelievably i've actually spent more time thinking about this than i'd like to admit xD.

anyway my choice would be raccoon city in resident evil 2 And 3. an odd choice yes but it's kind of a dream of mine to experience a zombie apocalypse haha.

11 years ago

Based on time in game, I would have to say the worlf of WKC, but in a broader sense, I would point at Sword art online and a combination of the worlds of Aincrad and Alfheim. And before anyone says anything, I'm not choosing that to make Asuna mine. My wife enjoys RPGs too, and I think we'd make a great double team in either game world – as we have in WKC2.

11 years ago

Its a toss up for me between Secret of Mana world or Gotham city.
I'd of said Zelda (Hyrule) but that seems kinda dangerous unless you wear a green tunic and wield something other than the wooden sword.
Taking that old mans advice is sure to get you killed. "Its dangerous out there take this wooden spatula shaped like a sword"
yeah right..
I'd rather go it alone fashion me a board with a nail in it and kill me some tektites.

Last edited by Amnesiac on 11/27/2012 1:12:33 AM

11 years ago

Dead or alive beach volleyball… for the scenery of course…

11 years ago


11 years ago

Screw it. Dead or Alive Paradise. And I would record videos and screenshots of what I was doing to view later.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Tenuto Village. Just laying down on a grassy plain with smells of flowers in a moonlit night.

11 years ago

best response ever

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Wow, tough question.

My initial response is FF VII, but it's quite dystopian. FF IX had a really nice world, though.

In the end, I guess I'll go with…I dunno, f— it, too hard to choose.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I can't pick less than three.

The world of Deus Ex. Biomechanical augmentations can make you awesome? Yup.
Related: Rapture. A world where you basically have to do your absolute best if you want to survive and where your deserved rewards are not taken away to feed the needy. Uh… duh.
LittleBigPlanet. A world made of stickytape and string would just be one where nothing can even seem bad.

Honourable mentions go to Tamriel, RDR's Old West, the settings of Assassin's Creed, Valkyria Chronicles Gallia in peacetime and the post-apocalyptica of Enslaved. 😀

11 years ago

Honestly, Final Fantasy VIII. The atmosphere of the game and the towns to explore where most of the people are nice.

11 years ago

Like Underdog said, The girls of DOA Paradise, but in my world, it would be in a Farcry3, Just Cause 2, Dead Island all-nude setting……

….minus all the island crazies….or males, of course.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/27/2012 2:43:13 AM

11 years ago

definitely san andreas

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Alright, how many people here initially thought of FFVII? I know I did.
Maybe it depends on what stage the world is in. You wouldn't want to live in a FFVIII world if it were on the brink of "time compression" would you?

I might go for a FFX world. Good tech, plenty of magic, and all I have to do is survive the occasional Sin attack and I'm set!

Nice one Ben. How about a worst world to live in article? Maybe not live in Dante's Inferno?

11 years ago

My immediate answer would be the Fallout universe.

But now that I think about it, the post-apocalyptic would perhaps be a bit troublesome in the long run. The Mass Effect universe however, with the opportunity to go out and seek strange new worlds and civilizations, now that's where I'd want to live.

I see others mention Deus Ex, and that'd be a great place to be too, yeah. At least without the bosses 🙂

11 years ago

I know many have mentioned it already but I'd choose Final Fantasy VIII's world Centra. The art direction in FF8 was just stunning, I loved how sleek everything looked. I felt it was one of the better established Final Fantasy worlds as you really got the sense of regional difference within the world. The is huge difference between a town like Galbadia and Balamb Town and Timber which is situated in between them both feels like it takes both aspects. Then you have the hidden city of Esthar, riddled with technological wonder. Or if you want a more Peaceful town, there is Winhill.

Of course I would only like to live there beyond the conflict of the Lunar Cry and Ultimecia. But I feel it is just such a lovely world and really well formed by S-E.

11 years ago

I just want to live in the world of Yakuza.

11 years ago

Red Dead universe

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
11 years ago

The Star Wars universe during "The Old Republic" time.

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