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PSXE Poll Update: PlayStation All-Stars Breeds Indifference

As it turns out, the game is pretty damn fun .

However, in the closest poll we've seen in a long time, the readers appear split on the prospect of buying and playing the recently released party brawler, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale .

While the majority said they had no interest at all, all the categories were quite close in terms of overall votes, so it's difficult to come up with a definitive answer. There's no doubt that such a game caters to a specific demographic, even though it's clearly attempting to garner any hardcore PlayStation aficionado. This is a true-blue fighting game; it ain't Smash Bros. and it doesn't really try to be. So not everyone will be on board but at the same time, many are already starting to understand the addictive allure of this surprisingly in-depth title. You should give it a chance, too.

This week, with the last big release of 2012 just around the corner, we want to know: Do you think Far Cry 3 has a chance at earning Game of the Year honors? Do you believe Ubisoft's latest will be that good? Let's not forget that its predecessor received widespread critical acclaim and we're hearing nothing but good things about the sequel…

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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11 years ago

I think Far Cry has a shot but AC3 and Dishonored might be hard to budge.

11 years ago

I think the lack of comments on this story is very much indicative of indifference, that much is clear.

I personally think it is nice for people who are fans of Smash Bros, but want it with Sony first party characters. I personally have no interest in either series, (Smash Bros or PlayStation All-Stars that is) but more power to having more choices…

Last edited by ddsfan2 on 11/26/2012 1:06:09 AM

11 years ago

You didn't read the review did ya? Most reviews make it plain as day that it's not like Smash Bros.

11 years ago

I spent most of my Thanksgiving break playing this game…needless to say IMO it's a surprisingly deep fighting game that is NOTHING like Super Smash.

I think SuperBot did an extraordinary job with this game considering they could have just put those characters in the game and put it out for some quick cash….thank GOD they didn't.

11 years ago

Very fun competitive game. I have enjoyed it more than smash bros. I love the technical side of the game. It is a better brawler than smash and it is very addicting. This game, street fighter x tekken, mortal kombat, and blazblue are my go to brawlers. Oh yea, also mvc3. I think fighters are better on portables.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Doa isn't on the vita maybe :

11 years ago

I want to pick this up. Just busy with other games right now. Plus my pockets are empty at the moment. Blew most of what I saved on the Vita and Wii U this year.

11 years ago

not exactly surprising.
playstations the last place you go for a crappy kids game!

i hope FC3 does get GOTY!
it certainly should, its been getting glowing reviews!
and its the first game this year, pretty pathetic considering it will be the last game of the year, that says f*ck it just let your hair down and have fun!
i just wish ubisoft did not remove all the features that made FC2 so great!
gotta come up with a term for that, maybe sequel syndrome?

11 years ago

It is better then most "crappy" wii games.

kay Oss
kay Oss
11 years ago

Crappy kid games?? have you seen the Wii?? have you heard of the Wii? Have you noticed the game library for the Wii? Its the same crap over and over and over again… Mario this Mario that, how many iteration of Mario can you milk from a franchise?

11 years ago

As many as they want since its one of the best selling franchises in gaming history. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

11 years ago

sigh, yous STILL dont get the point!
the wii is SUPPOSE to get crappy kids games, its nintendo for christs sake!
you would expect them to release crappy kids games, ITS THEIR JOB, ITS HOW THEY GOT INTO THE INDUSTRY!
jesus tap dancing chirst, i know you people are thick, but THAT thick!?

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