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Tomb Raider Quest About 15 Hours, No Need For Health Packs

Any new pertinent information we can find concerning the very promising Tomb Raider reboot is worth our attention.

The latest crop of intriguing details includes some good-to-know facts.

For instance, Crystal Dynamics global brand director Karl Stewart has said the campaign will take you about 12-15 hours "depending on your play style," and that estimate should make people happy. That's a very respectable length for an action/adventure title these days, unless you're based in an open-world structure (like Assassin's Creed III ). We also learn that Lara can't swim, which basically just means that if she falls into the water, she's done for. That's kinda old-school but whatever. Last but certainly not least is the ditching of a definite old-fashioned mechanic – health packs – in favor of a regenerative health system. That doesn't bother me a bit, really.

It'll also be interesting to see what sort of story twists the developers have planned for us. After all, they say they "love twists," so we're hoping for some plot surprises!

Related Game(s): Tomb Raider

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11 years ago

I'm really excited for this game, I still remember playing Tomb Raider on the Playstation when I was young. I'd stay up all night and pass out with the controller in hand. This one looks great.

Last edited by Hoagie324 on 11/25/2012 10:24:49 PM

11 years ago

It'll be a little weird without the classic health pack. Im hoping TR will be a goty material the series needed a reboot.

11 years ago

I'm kind of surprised that they're not letting Laura swim.

Come on now, she's always been an athletic woman, so why not???

That's so 1990

11 years ago

I really liked how resistance one did health packs.

But this game looks pretty good either way.

11 years ago

I can't say I'm disappointed about the health packs. I'm playing some ps2 classics and honest to god it is a pain in the ass looking for health I'm looking at you god of war, just refill the health bar after every fight so I'm not spending 20 or so minutes looking for health.

Last edited by oONewcloudOo on 11/25/2012 11:56:12 PM

11 years ago

It's a pain now because we've gotten used to regenerating health, but if you think of it carefully it's just another layer of gameplay that became automated. I'm not sure that's always a good thing even if it does make the game easier.

11 years ago

There are definitely genres were regenerating wouldn't work like stealth and horror games but in action like uncharted in keeps the action going.

11 years ago

I would want health packs for this, tomb raider has always has quite a few puzzles more than other games, so you're expected to find or solve stuff

If you can find the puzzle pieces you can find a health pack

11 years ago

What self-respecting archaeologist can't swim?
I hope she doesn't drown in two feet of water…
They try to make this game so its somewhat believable and rooted in real life then pull some cockamamie maneuver to make a work of fiction.
why even bother?

11 years ago

I'm guessing she isn't an archeologist yet.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Yes, but will there be dinosaurs?

11 years ago

I'm gonna bet no.

11 years ago

That sounds like a tasty campaign. Started to get revved about this reboot. I understand that people want their health to regenerate these days for the sake of ease but I think it adds a sensible yet minor mechanic that makes your character seem more like a normal person than a person with Wolverine's healing abilities.

I guess I can get over it; if this girl can't even swim yet then they must be taking Lara's story forward from zero, like she was a total wuss at one time. Fine by me, I love survival stories.

11 years ago

Don't mind the health packs being removed, but the lack of swimming says that a good portion of old school lara has been removed and it's a tacky game that has characters dieing because they can't swim.

Companies have managed to make swimming excellent these days, so this sounds like lazy, weak tea.

11 years ago

WHAT??! Lara can`t swim??? BLASPHEMY!!!

11 years ago

crap, crap, and tripple crap!
oh come on whats the point of having a lara croft game without a water level?
thats like a car without a engine!
water levels have become synonymous to TR games, why remove them?
so i guess we wont be spear heading any sharks then.
gotta love it how they modernize the game, oh everyone has regen health so we have to follow suit.
but then there staying oldschool with the swimming.
sigh, why cant we swap that?
length is disappointing too especially because there ALWAYS inflated!
ive never finished a game in a developers time frame, normally 2 or so hours less.
still my most anticipated title of next year, well one of them, but this dampens the experience a little.
oh well i guess i should of expected it, especially the regenerative health thing.
wish the good old days of steroids and painkillers would come back!

11 years ago

This sounds really good, my only gripe however is with the fact that Lara can't swim.
Reminds me of the first Assassin's Creed, with the insta-death in the water :/

A bit of a pain, but I'm still pre-ordering 🙂

11 years ago

Not being able to swim huh, maybe she has aquaphobia.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

Huh. Another video game character who's gotten a blood transfusion from Wolverine.

Not so sure I like that call in this context. Everything I've seen about the game so far has Lara in a desperate struggle against a hostile environment, having few resources at her disposal. To me, that sort of atmosphere would be better served by a health mechanic where you actually had to worry about getting hurt.

That's perhaps the only thing I don't like about the mechanics of Uncharted. Drake's everyman vibe is undercut by this mutant healing factor he possesses. In order to build difficulty, then, the designers end up throwing a ludicrous number of enemies his way. Drake looks, talks, and acts like a scrappy and resourceful adventurer, but in practice he's a one-man army. I would rather Drake have to face fewer enemies and have to deal with the consequences of getting wounded… I think that would be better than the super-soldier that he is right now.

And I expect to see something similar happen with Lara now that she has a healing factor. It's not a dealbreaker for me by any stretch, but I am a bit disappointed.

11 years ago

Well she is invincible throughout the whole game that is until she touches a body of water then instant death.

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