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Lightning Returns Reaches A Big Development Milestone

We know you want to keep tabs on the progress of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII . …come on, admit it.

Well, as cited by Nova Crystallis , Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase has offered a development update, and it seems the team has hit a pretty "big milestone."

Evidently, the first part of the game has been implemented "to some extent" and the team is currently collecting playtest feedback. Obviously, the idea of gathering such data is to make the game better and Kitase said they'll repeat this process several times so as to insure the "quality of the final product." As of September, the game was 30% complete so maybe we can say they've breached the 50% barrier now…? For more information on the upcoming title, feel free to check out our in-depth preview . Just resist the urge to throw rotten fruit in our direction after reading it…

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is due out some time next year.

Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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11 years ago

As much as I don't even remotely care about this game, a rumor on 4chan suggests we should be seeing Noctis and company at a conference in January.

I hope hope hope this is true.

11 years ago

Noctis? January?

For the love of all that is good, I really hope this is true….
If it is, I may just be able to forgive the existence of Lightning Returns…..maybe.

11 years ago

It sounded pretty legitimate. Square enix is preparing a special conference january 15-17th, and the rumor is that FFvs13 will get a release date and a full proper reveal trailer.

I want this game to come out. I don't care if I have to wait I just don't want it to become vaporware.

11 years ago

I swear it's like EVERY january they just have a 5 sentences max to say about the game.

11 years ago

yay? not really feeling this sorry

11 years ago

How about some fresh fruits? Hehe.

About Lightning Returns, no comment.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

Oh I thought the milestone is about how many gamers don't give a damn about this game.

11 years ago

Welcome everyone to this milestone on the race to the bottom.

11 years ago

well i give a damn, and a lot of people i know do… but then we have been playing the game series for years. things that the original developer did that another won't is most likely, could be a good thing have it shook up? we will see.

11 years ago

of course everyone cares!
the sooner they get this out the door, the sooner they can start talking about versus!
or even better a new kingdom hearts game thats NOT portable exclusive!
sigh, what is it with KH and portables?
been far too long since the series went home, and received the big grand budget it deserves!

11 years ago

I'm keeping this on the radar, we don't know how this is gonna turn out just yet.
Let's not forget that each FF series, be it a direct sequel or not, the gameplay differs.

11 years ago

ooops, sorry. i thought this was the Hitman thread, damn phone.

11 years ago

The game will probably turn out fine but man SE is so dumbfounded on their priorities this gen. They're actually really trying to pull off "yearly" successions with the FF franchise.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I love reading everything you write about Lightning Returns. It's so damn cynical 🙂

I wonder what they mean by a big milestone… the completion of alpha?

11 years ago

I really like Lightning so I am not going to jump on the hate wagon. I have to admit I was very disappointed they didn't start a new chapter. I am a FF fan now and will play every FF. I may go back and play some of the older FF's if I have the time. I will start FFXIII-2 later on this year, probably around June during the dead season. Who knows, Lightning may turn out to be a fantastic game like XIII was! (Runs and hides)

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 11/23/2012 9:05:50 AM

11 years ago

I agree. I will play every non-MMO FF game. But, even after XIII & XIII-2 im not thrilled for this game….but that's partially because I dont know where they are going with this story. End of XIII-2 left a lot to the imagination.

11 years ago

Biggest milestone to ever be achieved by SE?

Being on time with something.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Maybe if they incorporated a way to show my progress towards the Treasure Hunter trophy in the first one so I could see which item I'm missing I wouldn't think so little of this loose butthole nonsense.

11 years ago

I haven't even played the first FFXIII and honestly knowing that Lightning returns after she dies or whatever still doesn't appeal to me in the least. No one wanted her in the first place she can stay dead and they can let Noctis take center stage now.

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