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Swedish Dev Says Mirror’s Edge 2 Is In Production At DICE

We've been hoping to hear about a Mirror's Edge sequel for years. And for the longest time, EA and DICE would only say that it's "possible."

Well, maybe it's more than possible now; maybe they're actually working on it. According to a former EA employee and current Swedish designer, it's "general knowledge" that DICE is indeed working on Mirror's Edge 2 . This better be true, damnit.

This from a Tweet by Ben Cousins, who writes:

"It is general knowledge in the Stockholm dev scene that Mirror's Edge 2 is in production at DICE."

This was in response to an OXM article in which EA Games vice president Patrick Soderlund made it plain that games other than Battlefield are in development at DICE. EA doesn't want to limit or pigeonhole the talented studio, which is probably the right idea:

"The minute we start saying 'you're going to make a Battlefield game for the rest of your life', they're going to go some place else. So for them to make great Battlefield games there need to be other things for them to do as well. That's why we have people who move around quite a bit. And then obviously we have a boatload of people that just want to make Battlefield because they love it."

So if Cousins is right and DICE really is cranking away on Mirror's Edge 2 , there should be a lot of excited fans out there. After all, couldn't we use just a little break from the blockbuster shooters…?

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11 years ago

Be a great launch title for consoles.

I wonder how the people at Treyarch, Sledgehammer, and Infinity Ward feel when Activision says "You're going to make CoD for the rest of your life."

11 years ago

Treyarch and friends: Okay, Activision. WE'RE DONE! We can't stand to make ANOTHER one of these games. We really REALLY want to do something different.

Activision: *Places black suitcase on table opens it and slides it across the table in front of Treyarch and friends revealing a trove of diamonds and Obama dollar bills* "We hope you reconsider this decision."

Treyarch and friends: "dang it, I hate when they do that. Okay.. one more time. You got that? ONE MORE TIME"

Activision: *smiles*

11 years ago

Fire in the hole!

11 years ago


11 years ago


If they're real smart, they'll triple-down on those diamonds & totally pass on his soon become almost worthless, dollars.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

In Sweden right now. You know for a small county the Swedes really know how to dish out some big hitters. I've got BF3 and Minecraft on the the PC and there both Swedish. Kind of surprised to see Norway letting Swedes take the upper hand at something.

11 years ago

lol@the last sentence.

I guess I should say thanks… I think. 🙂

/Beamy, Norway

11 years ago

I don't know if you're thinking of Switzerland? because Sweden isn't that small. Check it out compared to all the other European countries.

11 years ago

This is the greatest (speculative) news I've heard this gen.

Hands down there's not another game I'm more excited about. Not saying the first Mirrors Edge was the greatest game of all time or even this gen, but I've been wanting a sequel ever since that first time I played.

I hope this is true.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I don't really see why we should put any stock into what the corporates say. I mean, DICE hasn't done anything BUT Battlefield for 4 years (unless you count the development of Frostbite 2) and I'm sure that the team WANTS to look into doing different things, but this is EA. The company that seems to have canned the continuation of Dante's Commedia. The company that has annualised Need For Speed and forced Criterion to abandon Burnout. The company that homogenised Medal of Honor, that neutered Bioware.

Okay, I'm overreacting. I want this to be true and EA did prove themselves as being open to new ideas earlier in the generation, so I hope to see another proliferation of freshness from them with the inception of the next gen and hopefully a successor, if not necessarily a sequel, to Mirror's Edge is included in that.

11 years ago

Please let this be true. Please!

11 years ago

I do hope this is true, as the first one was just a breath of fresh air at the time.

11 years ago

i so hope it is!
but if your going to do a sequel, they REALLY need to open the game up!
one thing that REALLY pisses me off about allot of games these days, especially mirrors edge, is they force you to do something than make it impossible to do so.
faith is weak, she has NO armour, she cant defend herself well, she cant take many bullets, you just run for your life!
thats the game!
so they lock you in a basement, one thin line running past 100 cop cars with 500 cops shooting at you.
no you cant go around them, you cant go above them, you have to go right past them.
yup thats common sense, 500 cops want to shoot me so ill run straight in front of them!
some levels were so much fun because of that, they were actually quite open and let you use your brain for a change!
other levels were frustrating as hell though, forcing you to go where you really cant.

11 years ago

Shut up and take my money!!

To-do pre-orders:
Ni No Kuni –special edition ordered–
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
The Last Guardian
Mirror's Edge 2

Don't care about nothing else.

11 years ago

I've given up on the Last Guardian. Its just not going to happen. But Mirror's Edge 2. -Droooooool- yes please! That still stands as my favorite game this generation! No other title (even the triple As) have made me go and the end of the game "Wow. That was awesome"

I've heard some whining about people not liking the fact that there aren't any guns really in the game and Faith is so weak and unbulletproof. But these are what make the game awesome! Real people aren't Bulletproof and it is only realistic that Faith has these restrictions. If guns were more available then it would be more like a brutal shooter and that is not what made this game Brilliant! It was the adrenaline rush you got after surviving a level! You made it past all those cops without dying! And she was not about killing people she was just a messenger. I felt the game was flawless and it really took my breath away. The sense of accomplishment was huge when I finished it.

I can't wait for the next one! It had better be for this gen.

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