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A Diplomatic Tretton Wishes Nintendo Has Success With Wii U

SCEA boss Jack Tretton has never been a big mud-slinger. And that's one of the reasons the guy is so likable.

During the most recent PlayStation Blogcast (during which they cited the recently announced 70 million PS3s sold stat ), Tretton spoke about Nintendo and their new console, the Wii U, which just launched.

He said that "Nintendo has a great heritage in the business" and that a "rising tide lifts all boats" so in short, he really hopes for nothing but the best for the legendary company. He did toss in a minor dig by saying Nintendo "surprised a lot of people with the success of the Wii" but you know, that's perfectly accurate. A lot of individuals, from gamers to journalists to analysts, were pretty shocked at the initial success of Nintendo's last system. It seems unlikely they'll repeat that exact same success with the Wii U but who knows? Bad idea to count out Nintendo.

I wish I could be more excited about my once-favorite video game company. But as often as I try to summon the ol' excitement…I just can't do it. And trust me, I've really tried.

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11 years ago

We need more businesspeople like him in today's corporations.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Awesome Avatar!!!

11 years ago

You need someone to teach you how to properly size a jpeg. She's hot but its overkill meng.

11 years ago

I'll admit, that scare me for a sec.

11 years ago

I thought it was an add lol

11 years ago

Really? Last night I've been trying to change my display pic but I kept getting the "internal 500 server error" or something (maybe not the exact words, but an error like that nonetheless).

So I stopped bothering to change my avatar, and after reading all the articles, I didn't return to the site until now.

I apologize for everything!

Last edited by Victor321 on 11/19/2012 9:33:49 AM

11 years ago

I'm really skeptical of the Wii U being able to hook as many people as it did with original gimmick but there's no shortage of press surrounding the release. Whatever us hardcore folks say it is being billed as the first console of this next generation. There was even a headline story in my local paper.

I've been playing The Last Story for the past couple of weeks and I have to say all my plans to check out the other JRPGs and the Zelda games are scrubbed, I just hate playing on it. It sucks in every possible way, even the shooters are no good since the cursor isn't where you point the gun.

I sort of hope it croaks so Ninty can become like Sega and just make iconic software on other systems and maybe open a slot for some new hardware.

11 years ago

And most of Sega's software sucks now. Nintendo pushes their hardware. Best for all of us that they succeed so we can continue seeing healthy competition and ingenuity within the industry.

11 years ago

They can push it all they want, it will still be behind the times and lacking substance in favor of gimmicks, mascots, and superfluous features.

11 years ago

They offer something different than Sony and I'm still happy with this gens graphics. What you call a gimmick I call fun and variety. Get the besy of both worlds. So too each his own. Just find it silly when people wish for pain upon a company for their own self interest.

11 years ago

I thought you could play TLS with a gamecube control?

Last edited by Pandacastro on 11/19/2012 1:01:23 AM

11 years ago

I don't wish them any pain, just a natural progression away from sucking.

11 years ago

Jawknee: I'd have to say that I mostly disagree with you about Sega's software this generation. Valkyria Chronicles and the Yakuza games were my personal favorites of this generation. Plus Virtua Fighter, while not exactly innovative in recent years, is still my personal favorite 3d fighter.

Plus, they published a vast number of games, including a number of good to great games on the DS and PSP, so it's really hard to hate them, as inconsistent as they can be at times.

Granted, if you are primarily a Sonic fan, or are expecting a new Shenmue, then you are out of luck, but otherwise, I think that the company has a lot to offer…

Last edited by ddsfan2 on 11/20/2012 1:25:00 AM

11 years ago

This thing is freakin awesome. AC3 is killer, Nintendoland is good family fun, the new Super Mario Bros looks great in HD and I broke my boycott of COD and bought Blops2 for it. XD

I wanted a shooter for it and Toys R Us had buy one get one 40% off so I said screw it. The colors are nice and vivid, and there are a ton of control options in the Wii U version. You can use the gamepad, pro controller and even the Wiimote and Nunchuck. Which ever you prefer. All are awesome. Best purchase I've made all year. All of these games I listed are fully playable on the gamepad too. No lag. Also you don't have to quit the game to use the Internet browser via the gamepad. AWESOME!

11 years ago

ZombiU is so good! Jawknee whats your network id?

11 years ago

I was tempted but I decided against it at the last minute. At some point I'll get.

My network ID is Jawknee.

11 years ago

Thanks… Kind of weird but you have to add me too i dont think it sends a request. Add SayWord. 🙂

11 years ago

That's how it was with their friends codes too I think. At least they scrapped that worthless system.

11 years ago

I think you need to set up your Miiverse before I can send you a message. It says it can't find you.

11 years ago

Wish I had cash for it. You two have fun :.

11 years ago

I totally forgot it was out O_O lol been in my hole playing DoA 5 and Bordelands 2 like an addict XD XD

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

…I really can't see playing ACIII on the Wii…or BlOps2…

11 years ago

I'm getting one for Christmas! So many people get worked up that Nintendo isn't more like Sony or Microsoft. While they definitely make some frustrating decisions — Not going HD with the Wii was a HUGE mistake — on the whole I think it's cool that they're doing their own thing. Nintendo games feel so different from anything else out there (usually for the better!) and they are so approachable and easy to pick up that even someone like my girlfriend, who has never been into games at all, can pick up a controller and have a good time. I for one am happy Nintendo gives us a way to enjoy games together 🙂

11 years ago

I try not to actively wish ill on others, but I have to admit a small amount of bitterness towards Nintendo, even 15ish years after the fact. Good for those who like it, and I have to admit that it's healthy that they now have 3rd party support, but I just don't see the appeal.

11 years ago

Totally agree, I still don't trust Nintendo 3rd-party wise.

Some loved the Nintendo 64, but it was/is my least favorite system that I've ever owned, with virtually no RPGs (j or w), SHMUPs, strategy games, visual novels, brawlers, fighters, 2d platformers, paltry showing of survival horror, or virtually any genre where the SNES excelled.

Outside of games in Nintendo's comfort zone, 3d platformers, racing games, and fps, there was practically nothing on the system. Not to mention the incredibly long droughts between releases and the high cost of games.

I almost completely lost interest in console gaming until I started playing the competitors systems. Hell, I probably would have preferred the PC-FX over it – probably one of the most specialized systems ever released, but strong in genres that had no presence on the N64 at all.

That said, the WiiU looks promising, I just don't know if it will deliver as well as their competitors.

11 years ago

All i can say about the Wii u is, good luck. With the choking rate of the same crap over and over again i don't see them becoming the reigning kings. I played the wii u a few times and the new marios bros U is EXCATLY the same as the 3ds version, the wii version, and even the ds version. I won't ever forget though that the nintendo 64 and gamecube had some of the greatest games i will ever play.

I tried to get into the wii but the lack of everything made me slowly become bitter towards them and just when i thought they made a comeback, metroid other M sucked. I don't like how they release the same mario game every 2 weeks and call it 'new' and i don't like the direction they keep putting samus in either. Don't challenge sony and microsoft for the hardcore because most of them aren't biting. I mean that in the nicest way. Stick to what you know and release the same game every 2 weeks. People seem to love that about you.

In all honesty though, i hope they fare ok and continue making their fans happy. The ones that stayed anyway.

11 years ago

There is 2 things I hate about Nintendo. ONE, their obsession with a certain red Italian plumber (What happened to Zelda? Correct me if Im wrong but I think there was only 2 acceptable Zelda games and a plethora of Mario games on the Wii) and TWO, Pokemon! (Im still waiting for a Pokemon game that is similar to its handheld brethren, screw Pokemon Stadium!!)

11 years ago

Mario games take less time to develop than Zelda games. If you count the handhelds there were a total of 4 new Zelda games this gen. 2 on the DSi and two on the Wii. They're currently working on two brand new ones, one for the 3DS and another for Wii U. Also I've read a Majora's Mask remake for 3DS is in the works and a possible remake of a Link to the Past.

I agree though, there needs to be more Zelda games for the Wii U. At least 4 before the consoles cycle is up.

11 years ago

Nintendo will be fine but the WiiU will not sell as much as the Wii did. However, I hear the NSMBU is more like Super Mario World which is an extremely great thing. I played SMWorld to death!

With the release of the WiiU I find myself feeling nostalgic and excited. I have owned every Nintendo system but will not be buying the WiiU….yet. I mean I was very angry with Nintendo after the Wii. The WiiU is what the Wii should have been. Right now the WiiU2 should be the system that was released on 11/18/12. It should be a powerhouse that all Sony and Microsoft fans can only hope will be eclipsed by the PS4/X720 but with no guarantee. Oh well, I have hated on Nintendo but find myself changing my mind and hope they do well with the WiiU but not to well as I want the PS4 to dominate the next gen. Really would like to try the NSMBU now! LOL

11 years ago

N64 was the best game system I have ever played. I truly hope nintendo does well.

11 years ago

I adored the first PlayStation, but almost every game that came out for N64 felt like a f***ing EVENT. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Wave Race, Shadows of the Empire… regardless of anyone's feelings about Nintendo now, there's no question they were masters of the craft back in the day.

11 years ago

I think he respects the other horses in the race and this is the way it should be. You always want to be better than the rest in business, but when they branch off into something new, you want them to have some measure of success. The WiiU may bring about some new tech option for future Sony products. You never know. I think it was just a classy move (or Move?).

11 years ago

Got a Wii U on launch date, and I must say, the new controller feels surprisingly natural in my oversized male hands.

Are there problems? Well, yes. Just as we all had problems with the PS3 back when it launched.
The biggest issue I've had with the Wii U thus far was the inability to connect to the internet. After fiddling with the connection settings, I found out that Nintendo wasn't handling the automatic network detection properly, and setting up the DNS and gateway manually fixed the problems instantly.

Honestly, the Wii U has a lot of potential, both as a hardcore gaming console, as well as a fun family and entertainment device.
Although the GamePad is hardly a gimmick on its' own, I guess we'll all just have to wait and see how stupid the developers are this time around, and if they ruin yet another potential innovation in gaming.

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